5,260 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of two-phase cross flow in the gas diffusion layer microstructure of proton exchange membrane fuel cells

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    The cross flow in the under-land gas diffusion layer (GDL) between 2 adjacent channels plays an important role on water transport in proton exchange membrane fuel cell. A 3-dimensional (3D) two-phase model that is based on volume of fluid is developed to study the liquid water-air cross flow within the GDL between 2 adjacent channels. By considering the detailed GDL microstructures, various types of air-water cross flows are investigated by 3D numerical simulation. Liquid water at 4 locations is studied, including droplets at the GDL surface and liquid at the GDL-catalyst layer interface. It is found that the water droplet at the higher-pressure channel corner is easier to be removed by cross flow compared with droplets at other locations. Large pressure difference Δp facilitates the faster water removal from the higher-pressure channel. The contact angle of the GDL fiber is the key parameter that determines the cross flow of the droplet in the higher-pressure channel. It is observed that the droplet in the higher-pressure channel is difficult to flow through the hydrophobic GDL. Numerical simulations are also performed to investigate the water emerging process from different pores of the GDL bottom. It is found that the amount of liquid water removed by cross flow mainly depends on the pore's location, and the water under the land is removed entirely into the lower-pressure channel by cross flow

    A geometric flow on noncompact affine Riemannian manifolds

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    In this paper, we obtain the existence criteria for a geometic flow on noncompact affine Riemannian manifolds. Our results can be regarded as a real version of Lee-Tam [19]. As an application, we prove that a complete noncompact Hessian manifold with nonnegative Hessian sectional curvature and bounded geometry is diffeomorphic to Rn\mathbb{R}^n if its tangent bundle has maximal volume growth.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:math/0504422, arXiv:1708.00141 by other author

    Unambiguous Acquisition for Galileo E1 OS Signal Based on Delay-And-Multiply

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    Galileo E1 Open Service (OS) signal is transmitted with the modulation of Composite Binary Offset Carrier (CBOC). CBOC has a main drawback that is the autocorrelation function has multiple side-peaks, which will lead to ambiguous acquisition. The high rate of data bit and secondary code makes it very difficult to increase coherent integration time. This paper will propose a new scheme based on the delay-and-multiply concept. And also this scheme combines the data channel and pilot channel. Finally, the theoretical results will be given to prove that the new scheme will accomplish unambiguous acquisition and also eliminate the influence of bit transition
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