10 research outputs found
A decision tree employed to characterize reading options.
<p>A decision tree employed to characterize reading options.</p
Proliferation of B cells from SLE patients and healthy controls following TLR and/or BCR ligation.
<p>Purified CD19<sup>+</sup> B cells from SLE patients (n = 18) and healthy controls (n = 14) were cultured for 72 h in medium alone or in the presence of CL097 (2.5 µg/ml), CpGODN2006 (1 µM), anti-Ig(2.5 µg/ml), CL097+anti-Ig, or CpGODN2006+anti-Ig. Cell proliferation was measured by thymidine incorporation. A. Thymidine incorporation by B cells from healthy controls (upper panel) and SLE patients (lower panel) in response to the various stimuli. B. Direct comparison of the proliferative response of SLE B cells (filled bars) with that of control B cells (open bars). Data are presented as mean ± SD. Statistical significance was tested by non-paired t test. *P<0.05, ***P<0.0001.</p
SIGIRR expression by B cells from SLE patients (n = 29) and healthy controls (n = 27).
<p>SIGIRR expression was analyzed by flow cytometry following staining with anti-CD19 and anti-SIGIRR antibodies. A. The staining profile of representative samples from SLE patients and healthy subjects, three for each. The numbers indicate the percentage of CD19<sup>+</sup>SIGIRR<sup>+</sup> cells. B. The expression levels of SIGIRR in SLE and control B cells as measured by rFI. The histograms on the right show SIGIRR expression (shaded area) on CD19<sup>+</sup> cells from a representative SLE patient and a representative healthy subject. The black line represents a control with FITC-labeled secondary antibody alone. The inserted numbers indicates MFI with anti-SIGIRR antibody (MFI-SIGIRR), MFI with secondary antibody alone (MFI-control), and the deduced rFI. The panel on the left shows the rFI value for each individual subjects. The horizontal bar denotes the mean. Statistical significance was tested by non-paired <i>t</i> test. *<i>P</i><0.05.</p
The percentage of expert participants endorsing each option for the various scenarios (%, n = 100).
<p>The percentage of expert participants endorsing each option for the various scenarios (%, n = 100).</p
Mean ratings of agreement with each point supporting either the psychological waste account or the endowment account (1 definitely disagree, 7 definitely agree).
<p>Mean ratings of agreement with each point supporting either the psychological waste account or the endowment account (1 definitely disagree, 7 definitely agree).</p
The percentage of participants who endorsed each option in the various scenarios (%, n = 123).
<p>The percentage of participants who endorsed each option in the various scenarios (%, n = 123).</p
Correlation of SIGIRR expression and clinical features.
<p>The correlation between the SIGIRR expression level in B cells and the clinical features of SLE patients, including SLEDAI score (A), disease duration (B), ESR value (C) and serum IgM (D) was analyzed by Pearson’s correlation test. The inserted numbers show the <i>p</i> and <i>r</i> values.</p
Clinical characteristics of SLE patients studied.
<p>Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (s.d.), unless stated.</p>*<p>anti-dsDNA reactivity was not determined for 3 patients in Set 2.</p
Mean ratings of willingness to provide a stranger with an offer in Study 2 (1 definitely willing to offer, 4 definitely unwilling to offer).
<p>Mean ratings of willingness to provide a stranger with an offer in Study 2 (1 definitely willing to offer, 4 definitely unwilling to offer).</p
Frequency of antibody secreting cells among SLE B cells following TLR and/or BCR ligation.
<p>CD19<sup>+</sup> B cells purified from SLE patients (n = 17) and healthy controls (n = 17) were cultured for 96 h in medium alone or in the presence of CL097 (2.5 µg/ml), CpGODN2006 (1 µM), anti-Ig(2.5 µg/ml), CL097+anti-Ig, or CpGODN2006+anti-Ig. The frequency of IgM- or IgG-secreting cells was analyzed by ELISPOT assay. A. The number of IgM- or IgG-secreting cells for each of 1.5×10<sup>4</sup> SLE or control B cells generated under the various conditions. B. Direct comparison of SLE B cells (filled bars) with control B cells (open bars) for their capacity to generate IgM- or IgG-secreting cells. Data are present as means ± SD. Statistical significance was tested by non-paired <i>t</i> test. *<i>P</i><0.05, ***<i>P</i><0.0001.</p