5 research outputs found

    Table3_A metabolism-associated gene signature for prognosis prediction of hepatocellular carcinoma.XLSX

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the most frequently occurring type of cancer, is strongly associated with metabolic disorders. In this study, we aimed to characterize the metabolic features of HCC and normal tissue adjacent to the tumor (NAT). By using samples from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) liver cancer cohort and comparing 85 well-defined metabolic pathways obtained from the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG), 70 and 7 pathways were found to be significantly downregulated and upregulated, respectively, in HCC, revealing that tumor tissue lacks the ability to maintain normal metabolic levels. Through unsupervised hierarchical clustering of metabolic pathways, we found that metabolic heterogeneity correlated with prognosis in HCC samples. Thus, using the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) and filtering independent prognostic genes by the Cox proportional hazards model, a six-gene-based metabolic score model was constructed to enable HCC classification. This model showed that high expression of LDHA and CHAC2 was associated with an unfavorable prognosis but that high ADPGK, GOT2, MTHFS, and FTCD expression was associated with a favorable prognosis. Patients with higher metabolic scores had poor prognoses (p value = 2.19e-11, hazard ratio = 3.767, 95% CI = 2.555ā€“5.555). By associating the score level with clinical features and genomic alterations, it was found that NAT had the lowest metabolic score and HCC with tumor stage III/IV the highest. qRTā€’PCR results for HCC patients also revealed that tumor samples had higher score levels than NAT. Regarding genetic alterations, patients with higher metabolic scores had more TP53 gene mutations than those with lower metabolic scores (p value = 8.383e-05). Validation of this metabolic score model was performed using another two independent HCC cohorts from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) repository and other TCGA datasets and achieved good performance, suggesting that this model may be used as a reliable tool for predicting the prognosis of HCC patients.</p

    Additional file 5: of Microbes and associated soluble and volatile chemicals on periodically wet household surfaces

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    Figure S3. Barplot of the most abundant OTUs of bacteria on kitchen coupons and bathroom tiles. Relative abundance of the most abundant bacterial OTUs at the genus level (15 OTUs span across 13 genera), based on targeting DNA, across bathroom tiles (BT) and kitchen coupons (KC). Bathroom samples 1ā€“3 (BT.1ā€“BT.3) and kitchen coupons 1ā€“4 (KC.1ā€“KC.4) were collected during sampling 1, while bathroom samples 4ā€“6 (BT.4ā€“BT.6) and kitchen samples 5ā€“10 (KC.5ā€“KC.10) were collecting during sampling 2. (PDF 232Ā kb

    Herderā€™s Rezension meiner Schrift

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    Noraksts, GarlÄ«ba MerÄ·eļa rokraksts. PiezÄ«mes par MerÄ·eļa tulkojumu Humeā€™s und Rousseauā€™s Abhandlungen Ć¼ber den Urvertrag. Nebst einem Versuch Ć¼ber Leibeigenschaft den LieflƤndischen Erbherren gewidmet, Erster [und Zweiter Theil], Leipzig 1797. Beigās MerÄ·eļa piezÄ«me par Humeā€™s Essays [David Hume, Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary, Vol. 1-2, London 1758) un Rousseauā€™s Contract social [Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Du contrat social ou Principes du droit politique, Paris 1762]