128 research outputs found

    Comparing clinical effects of marbofloxacin and gamithromycin in goat kids with pneumonia

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    The aim of this study was to compare the clinical efficacy of a single-dose of gamithromycin (GM) or marbofloxacin (MR) in kids with naturally occurring pneumonia. Thirty-six kids, aged 2–2.5 months, with body weight ranging from 12 kg to 18 kg were presented with clinical signs of pneumonia. The most prominent clinical findings were an increase in the respiratory rate, crackling lung sounds on auscultation, coughing, nasal discharge and an increased rectal temperature. Mannheimia haemolytica and Mycoplasma spp. colonies were isolated from microbiological examination of six transtracheal washes and lung tissues of one necropsied kid. The severity of pneumonia was evaluated by using cumulative clinical score (CCS). The CCS of the 36 kids used in the study were four and above. Kids were randomly divided into two equal groups; the GM group received a single subcutaneous dose of GM at a dosage of 6 mg/kg and the MR group received MR intramuscularly at a dosage of 8 mg/kg as a single-dose. No side effects related to the drugs were detected in either group. All 36 kids were clinically examined 3 weeks after the initiation of the treatment. Clinical signs in both groups were almost completely absent at the end of the study. A single administration of GM or MR was successfully used in the treatment of kids with pneumonia

    Effects of Enzyme-Producing Probiotic Bacteria Isolated from the Gastrointestinal Tract of Trout on the Growth Performance, Survival, and Digestive Enzyme Activity of Rainbow Trout Fry (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    In this study, we investigated the effects of enzyme-producing probiotic bacteria isolated from the gastrointestinal tract of rainbow trout on the growth performance, feed conversion ratio, and digestive enzyme activity, of fry (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Three isolates (G8/2013, T7/2013 and U5/2013) of candidate bacteria elicited the highest protease, lipase, and amylase activities, respectively. Isolates were identified as Aeromonas sp., Bacillus sp. and Citrobacter braakii by morphological, physiological, biochemical characterizations as well as 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. The fry basal diet was supplemented with probiotics at varying concentrations; G8 group, Aeromonas sp. 1.72 x 108 CFU/g; U5 group, Bacillus sp. 3.01 x 108 CFU/g; T7 group, C. braakii 2.96 x 108 CFU/g and a mixed group (same bacterial concentrations), and control group (no bacteria). The rainbow trout fry were fed ad libitum in triplicate treatments with supplemented and non-supplemented probiotic diets for 70-days. The total bacterial count in the intestine was significantly higher in the mixed group (30th and 50th days) and U5 group (50th and 70th days) compared with the control group. However, there was no significant difference in weight gain, specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR), nutrient digestibility, or digestive enzyme activity among the groups.

    An Evaluation of the Apical Seal in Oval-shaped Root Canals Prepared with Either Self-adjusting Files or ProTaper Files

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    Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the apical seal obtained with lateral compaction of gutta-percha in oval-shaped root canals prepared with either self-adjusting files or ProTaper rotary files. Materials and Methods: Twelve pairs of extracted mandibular premolars with oval-shaped root canals were randomly divided into two groups. The first group was biomechanically prepared with ProTaper files, while the self-adjusting file system was used in the second group. The roots were obturated using cold lateral compaction of gutta-percha. Apical microleakage was measured with the computerized fluid filtration method. The results were analyzed statistically using the Mann-Whitney U test. Results: All of the roots in both groups showed leakage. Group 1 demonstrated significantly less microleakage (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Instrumentation of oval-shaped canals using a self-adjusting file system with cold lateral compaction of gutta-percha demonstrated significantly greater apical microleakage when compared to ProTaper. The apical leakage with different obturation techniques, combined with self-adjusting files, should be evaluated in further studies

    Aktivna deformacija Zemljine površine utvrđena preciznim nivelmanskim premjerom u Afyon-Akşehir grabenu u Zapadnoj Anadoliji u Turskoj

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    In the actively deforming region of western Anatolia, crustal deformation is accommodated by destructive earthquakes and a variety of aseismic events. In this study, we investigated the 2016–2017 aseismic sequence located in the Bolvadin Fault, one of the segments of the Akşehir-Simav Fault System of western Anatolia by analysing surface deformation derived from detailed geological mapping. Our findings suggest that surface deformation in the Bolvadin Fault is accommodated by aseismic episodes. During the field studies in the Bolvadin area, progressive surface deformations, such as surface faults and earth fissures with a length of 800 meters to 3 kilometres and strike of N15°E to N70°E were mapped on a 1/5000 scale. Furthermore, a levelling network was established to calculate the vertical displacements and deformation rate along the surface deformations. Precision level measurements were undertaken in 2016 and 2017. On the routes to the NW of the Bolvadin settlement, a vertical deformation rate of 30 mm/yr was detected in the period of 2016–2017, and a large deformation rate of 40 mm/yr was detected in the same period.Aktivna deformacija Zemljine kore se u regiji Zapadne Anadolije kompenzira razornim potresima i drugim seizmičkim događajima. U ovom smo radu na temelju detaljnog geološkog kartiranja analizirali deformaciju površine kako bismo proučili niza seizmičkih događaja u razdoblju 2016.–2017. na lokaciji rasjeda Bolvadin, jednoga od segmenata rasjednoga sustava Akşehir-Simav u Zapadnoj Anadoliji. Naši rezultati ukazuju na to da se površinska deformacije kompenzira tijekom aseizmičkih epizoda. Tijekom terenskih istraživanja u području Bolvadin, progresivne su površinske deformacije, poput površinskih rasjeda ili pukotina duljina od 800 m do 3 km, pružanja N15°E do N70°E, kartirane u mjerilu 1:5 000. Nadalje, uspostavljena je nivelmanska mreža kako bi se izmjerila brzina pomaka i deformacija. Precizna nivelmanska mjerenja izvedena su 2016. i 2017. godine. Na pravcima usmjerenima SZ od naselja Bolvadin, ustanovljena je brzina vertikalne deformacije od 30 mm/god., a u istom je razdoblju izmjerena i velika brzina deformacije od 40 mm/god

    NeuroBench: Advancing Neuromorphic Computing through Collaborative, Fair and Representative Benchmarking

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    The field of neuromorphic computing holds great promise in terms of advancing computing efficiency and capabilities by following brain-inspired principles. However, the rich diversity of techniques employed in neuromorphic research has resulted in a lack of clear standards for benchmarking, hindering effective evaluation of the advantages and strengths of neuromorphic methods compared to traditional deep-learning-based methods. This paper presents a collaborative effort, bringing together members from academia and the industry, to define benchmarks for neuromorphic computing: NeuroBench. The goals of NeuroBench are to be a collaborative, fair, and representative benchmark suite developed by the community, for the community. In this paper, we discuss the challenges associated with benchmarking neuromorphic solutions, and outline the key features of NeuroBench. We believe that NeuroBench will be a significant step towards defining standards that can unify the goals of neuromorphic computing and drive its technological progress. Please visit neurobench.ai for the latest updates on the benchmark tasks and metrics

    NeuroBench:Advancing Neuromorphic Computing through Collaborative, Fair and Representative Benchmarking

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    The field of neuromorphic computing holds great promise in terms of advancing computing efficiency and capabilities by following brain-inspired principles. However, the rich diversity of techniques employed in neuromorphic research has resulted in a lack of clear standards for benchmarking, hindering effective evaluation of the advantages and strengths of neuromorphic methods compared to traditional deep-learning-based methods. This paper presents a collaborative effort, bringing together members from academia and the industry, to define benchmarks for neuromorphic computing: NeuroBench. The goals of NeuroBench are to be a collaborative, fair, and representative benchmark suite developed by the community, for the community. In this paper, we discuss the challenges associated with benchmarking neuromorphic solutions, and outline the key features of NeuroBench. We believe that NeuroBench will be a significant step towards defining standards that can unify the goals of neuromorphic computing and drive its technological progress. Please visit neurobench.ai for the latest updates on the benchmark tasks and metrics

    Bioinspired bactericidal surfaces with polymer nanocone arrays

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    Infections resulting from bacterial biofilm formation on the surface of medical devices are challenging to treat and can cause significant patient morbidity. Recently, it has become apparent that regulation of surface nanotopography can render surfaces bactericidal. In this study, poly(ethylene terephthalate) nanocone arrays are generated through a polystyrene nanosphere-mask colloidal lithographic process. It is shown that modification of the mask diameter leads to a direct modification of centre-to-centre spacing between nanocones. By altering the oxygen plasma etching time it is possible to modify the height, tip width and base diameter of the individual nanocone features. The bactericidal activity of the nanocone arrays was investigated against Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae. It is shown that surfaces with the most densely populated nanocone arrays (center-to-center spacing of 200 nm), higher aspect ratios (>3) and tip widths <20 nm kill the highest percentage of bacteria (∼30%)