379,909 research outputs found

    Large Nonlocal Non-Gaussianity from a Curvaton Brane

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    We use a generalized delta N formalism to study the generation of the primordial curvature perturbation in the curvaton brane scenario inspired by stringy compactifications. We note that the non-Gaussian features, especially the trispectra, crucially depend on the decay mechanism in a general curvaton scenario. Specifically, we study the bispectra and trispectra of the curvaton brane model in detail to illustrate the importance of curvaton decay in generating nonlinear fluctuations. When the curvaton brane moves nonrelativistically during inflation, the shape of non-Gaussianity is local, but the corresponding size is different from that in the standard curvaton scenario. When the curvaton brane moves relativistically in inflationary stage, the shape of non-Gaussianity is of equilateral type.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figure

    Testing quantum gravity effects with latest CMB observations

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    Inspired by quantum gravitational physics, the approach of non-commutative (NC) phase space leads to a modified dispersion relation of gravitational waves. This feature, if applied to the very early universe, gives rise to a modified power spectrum of primordial tensor perturbations with a suppression of power on large scales. We confront this phenomenon with the BICEP2 and Planck experiments, and show that inflation with the modified dispersion relation can simultaneously fit the observations better than the standard inflationary paradigm. In particular, the numerical result implies that with the latest cosmological microwave background (CMB) observations, a quantum gravity modified power spectrum of primordial tensor modes is preferred at a statistical significance of more than 3Οƒ3\sigma compared with the minimal model. Our study indicates that the potential tension between the BICEP2 and Planck data may be resolved by quantum gravity effects.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, comments are welcom

    Underlay Cognitive Radio with Full or Partial Channel Quality Information

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    Underlay cognitive radios (UCRs) allow a secondary user to enter a primary user's spectrum through intelligent utilization of multiuser channel quality information (CQI) and sharing of codebook. The aim of this work is to study two-user Gaussian UCR systems by assuming the full or partial knowledge of multiuser CQI. Key contribution of this work is motivated by the fact that the full knowledge of multiuser CQI is not always available. We first establish a location-aided UCR model where the secondary user is assumed to have partial CQI about the secondary-transmitter to primary-receiver link as well as full CQI about the other links. Then, new UCR approaches are proposed and carefully analyzed in terms of the secondary user's achievable rate, denoted by C2C_2, the capacity penalty to primary user, denoted by Ξ”C1\Delta C_1, and capacity outage probability. Numerical examples are provided to visually compare the performance of UCRs with full knowledge of multiuser CQI and the proposed approaches with partial knowledge of multiuser CQI.Comment: 29 Pages, 8 figure
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