282 research outputs found

    Uniqueness theorems for meromorphic mappings sharing hyperplanes in general position

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    The purpose of this article is to study the uniqueness problem for meromorphic mappings from Cn\mathbb{C}^{n} into the complex projective space PN(C).\mathbb{P}^{N}(\mathbb{C}). By making using of the method of dealing with multiple values due to L. Yang and the technique of Dethloff-Quang-Tan respectively, we obtain two general uniqueness theorems which improve and extend some known results of meromorphic mappings sharing hyperplanes in general position.Comment: 10 page

    On meromorphic functions that share three values of finite weights

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    AbstractA uniqueness theorem for two distinct non-constant meromorphic functions that share three values of finite weights is proved, which generalizes two previous results by H.X. Yi, and X.M. Li and H.X. Yi. As applications of it, many known results by H.X. Yi and P. Li, etc. could be improved. Furthermore, with the concept of finite-weight sharing, extensions on Osgood–Yang's conjecture and Mues' conjecture, and a generalization of some prevenient results by M. Ozawa and H. Ueda, ect. could be obtained

    Ultra-thin Topological Insulator Bi2Se3 Nanoribbons Exfoliated by Atomic Force Microscopy

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    Ultra-thin topological insulator nanostructures, in which coupling between top and bottom surface states takes place, are of great intellectual and practical importance. Due to the weak Van der Waals interaction between adjacent quintuple layers (QLs), the layered bismuth selenide (Bi2Se3), a single Dirac-cone topological insulator with a large bulk gap, can be exfoliated down to a few QLs. In this paper, we report the first controlled mechanical exfoliation of Bi2Se3 nanoribbons (> 50 QLs) by an atomic force microscope (AFM) tip down to a single QL. Microwave impedance microscopy is employed to map out the local conductivity of such ultra-thin nanoribbons, showing drastic difference in sheet resistance between 1~2 QLs and 4~5 QLs. Transport measurement carried out on an exfoliated (\leq 5 QLs) Bi2Se3 device shows non-metallic temperature dependence of resistance, in sharp contrast to the metallic behavior seen in thick (> 50 QLs) ribbons. These AFM-exfoliated thin nanoribbons afford interesting candidates for studying the transition from quantum spin Hall surface to edge states

    Effect of ammonia on the immune response of mud crab (Scylla paramamosain) and its susceptibility to mud crab reovirus

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    Ammonia is one of the major environmental pollutants that affect the growth and physiological functions of organisms. In the present study, the effects of ammonia on the immune response and pathogen resistance of mud crab reovirus (MCRV) in mud crab were investigated. Mud crab were exposed to four different ammonia concentrations (0, 2.5, 5 and 10 mg L-1 ammonia-N) for 7 d. The result showed that aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity significantly increased after 5 and 10 mg L-1 ammonia exposure. The hepatopancreas superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and total antioxidative capacity (T-AOC) in ammonia-N group were significantly lower than those in the control group, while the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) were significantly higher than those in the control group. Significant reductions in total hemocyte counts (THC) were observed after ammonia exposure. After 7d ammonia exposure, mud crabs were injected 100 μL MCRV at 105 copies/g body weight. The mortality of mud crabs in ammonia-N group were significantly higher than those in the control group. All these results suggested that ammonia in water caused a depression in the immune response, and increased susceptibility to MCRV infection

    Committed Private Information Retrieval

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    A private information retrieval (PIR) scheme allows a client to retrieve a data item xix_i among nn items x1,x2,,xnx_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n from kk servers, without revealing what ii is even when t<kt < k servers collude and try to learn ii. Such a PIR scheme is said to be tt-private. A PIR scheme is vv-verifiable if the client can verify the correctness of the retrieved xix_i even when vkv \leq k servers collude and try to fool the client by sending manipulated data. Most of the previous works in the literature on PIR assumed that v<kv < k, leaving the case of all-colluding servers open. We propose a generic construction that combines a linear map commitment (LMC) and an arbitrary linear PIR scheme to produce a kk-verifiable PIR scheme, termed a committed PIR scheme. Such a scheme guarantees that even in the worst scenario, when all servers are under the control of an attacker, although the privacy is unavoidably lost, the client won't be fooled into accepting an incorrect xix_i. We demonstrate the practicality of our proposal by implementing the committed PIR schemes based on the Lai-Malavolta LMC and three well-known PIR schemes using the GMP library and blst, the current fastest C library for elliptic curve pairings.Comment: Accepted at ESORICS 202

    Analysis of EGFR signaling pathway in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells by quantitative phosphoproteomics

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is usually overexpressed in nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) and is associated with pathogenesis of NPC. However, the downstream signaling proteins of EGFR in NPC have not yet been completely understood at the system level. The aim of this study was identify novel downstream proteins of EGFR signaling pathway in NPC cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We analyzed EGFR-regulated phosphoproteome in NPC CNE2 cells using 2D-DIGE and mass spectrometry analysis after phosphoprotein enrichment. As a result, 33 nonredundant phosphoproteins including five known EGFR-regulated proteins and twenty-eight novel EGFR-regulated proteins in CNE2 were identified, three differential phosphoproteins were selectively validated, and two differential phosphoproteins (GSTP1 and GRB2) were showed interacted with phospho-EGFR. Bioinformatics analysis showed that 32 of 33 identified proteins contain phosphorylation modification sites, and 17 identified proteins are signaling proteins. GSTP1, one of the EGFR-regulated proteins, associated with chemoresistance was analyzed. The results showed that GSTP1 could contribute to paclitaxel resistance in EGF-stimulated CNE2 cells. Furthermore, an EGFR signaling network based on the identified EGFR-regulated phosphoproteins were constructed using Pathway Studio 5.0 software, which includes canonical and novel EGFR-regulated proteins and implicates the possible biological roles for those proteins.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The data not only can extend our knowledge of canonical EGFR signaling, but also will be useful to understand the molecular mechanisms of EGFR in NPC pathogenesis and search therapeutic targets for NPC.</p

    Prospektywne, trwające 6 miesięcy badanie poświęcone ocenie skuteczności i bezpieczeństwa stosowania walproinianu o przedłużonym uwalnianiu oraz jakości życia chorych na padaczkę stosujących ten lek

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    Celem tego prospektywnego, wieloośrodkowego badania, przeprowadzonego metodą otwartej próby, była ocena skuteczności i bezpieczeństwa stosowania walproinianu o przedłużonym uwalnianiu(ER, extender-release) oraz jego wpływu na jakość życia u chorych na padaczkę. Do badania włączono osoby z potwierdzonym rozpoznaniem padaczki. Uczestnikom przez 6 miesięcy podawano walproinian ER jako pierwszy lek w monoterapii lub w połączeniu z dotychczas stosowanym lekiem. Ocenę skuteczności i bezpieczeństwa leczenia przeprowadzono po 1 (V1), 3 (V3) i 6 miesiącach (V6) od rozpoczęcia badania. Do oceny jakości życia przed terapią i po 6 miesiącach leczenia użyto kwestionariusza QOLIE-31. W analizie uwzględniono 958 chorych na padaczkę. Wyjściowa częstość napadów padaczkowych wynosiła 8,56 na miesiąc. Średnia dawka podtrzymująca walproinianu ER wynosiła 750 mg na dobę. Liczba napadów padaczkowych w miesiącu, oszacowana podczas ostatniej wizyty, zmniejszyła się o 88,3% w stosunku do wartości wyjściowych. Nastąpiła poprawa jakości życia w zakresie następujących kategorii: &#8222;obawa przed napadami&#8221; (p = 0,000), &#8222;ogólna jakość życia&#8221; (p = 0,000), &#8222;funkcjonowanie społeczne&#8221; (p < 0,01) i &#8222;pytanie 31.&#8221; (ocena ogólnego stanu zdrowia) (p = 0,000). Odnotowano pogorszenie w zakresie aktywności życiowej (p = 0,000). We wczesnej fazie leczenia najczęstszymi działaniami niepożądanymi były suchość w jamie ustnej, zawroty głowy i jadłowstręt. Po 6 miesiącach pacjenci najczęściej skarżyli się na zwiększenie masy ciała, łysienie plackowate i drżenie. Wyniki badania dowodzą, że stosowanie walproinianu ER w monoterapii lub w terapii skojarzonej przez 6 miesięcy wiąże się z istotnie większym procentowym ograniczeniem częstości wszystkich rodzajów napadów w stosunku do wartości wyjściowych i z istotnie większym odsetkiem odpowiedzi na leczenie oraz odsetkiem chorych bez napadów. Ponadto terapia była dobrze tolerowana przez chorych i powodowała poprawę jakości życia. Polski Przegląd Neurologiczny 2010; 6 (4): 212&#8211;21

    Utility of histogram analysis of ADC maps for differentiating orbital tumors

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    PURPOSEWe aimed to evaluate the role of histogram analysis of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps for differentiating benign and malignant orbital tumors.METHODSFifty-two patients with orbital tumors were enrolled from March 2013 to November 2014. Pretreatment diffusion-weighted imaging was performed on a 3T magnetic resonance scanner with b factors of 0 and 800 s/mm2, and the corresponding ADC maps were generated. Whole-tumor regions of interest were drawn on all slices of the ADC maps to obtain histogram parameters, including ADCmean, ADCmedian, standard deviation (SD), skewness, kurtosis, quartile, ADC10, ADC25, ADC75, and ADC90. Histogram parameter differences between benign and malignant orbital tumors were compared. The diagnostic value of each significant parameter in predicting malignant tumors was established.RESULTSAge, ADCmean, ADCmedian, quartile, kurtosis, ADC10, ADC25, ADC75, and ADC90 parameters were significantly different between benign and malignant orbital tumor groups, while gender, location, SD, and skewness were not significantly different. The best diagnostic performance in predicting malignant orbital tumors was achieved at the threshold of ADC10=0.990 (AUC, 0.997; sensitivity, 96.2%; specificity, 100%).CONCLUSIONHistogram analysis of ADC maps holds promise for differentiating benign and malignant orbital tumors. ADC10 has the potential to be the most significant parameter for predicting malignant orbital tumors

    An Updated Search of Steady TeV γ\gamma-Ray Point Sources in Northern Hemisphere Using the Tibet Air Shower Array

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    Using the data taken from Tibet II High Density (HD) Array (1997 February-1999 September) and Tibet-III array (1999 November-2005 November), our previous northern sky survey for TeV γ\gamma-ray point sources has now been updated by a factor of 2.8 improved statistics. From 0.00.0^{\circ} to 60.060.0^{\circ} in declination (Dec) range, no new TeV γ\gamma-ray point sources with sufficiently high significance were identified while the well-known Crab Nebula and Mrk421 remain to be the brightest TeV γ\gamma-ray sources within the field of view of the Tibet air shower array. Based on the currently available data and at the 90% confidence level (C.L.), the flux upper limits for different power law index assumption are re-derived, which are approximately improved by 1.7 times as compared with our previous reported limits.Comment: This paper has been accepted by hepn

    Ambipolar Field Effect in Topological Insulator Nanoplates of (BixSb1-x)2Te3

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    Topological insulators represent a new state of quantum matter attractive to both fundamental physics and technological applications such as spintronics and quantum information processing. In a topological insulator, the bulk energy gap is traversed by spin-momentum locked surface states forming an odd number of surface bands that possesses unique electronic properties. However, transport measurements have often been dominated by residual bulk carriers from crystal defects or environmental doping which mask the topological surface contribution. Here we demonstrate (BixSb1-x)2Te3 as a tunable topological insulator system to manipulate bulk conductivity by varying the Bi/Sb composition ratio. (BixSb1-x)2Te3 ternary compounds are confirmed as topological insulators for the entire composition range by angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements and ab initio calculations. Additionally, we observe a clear ambipolar gating effect similar to that observed in graphene using nanoplates of (BixSb1-x)2Te3 in field-effect-transistor (FET) devices. The manipulation of carrier type and concentration in topological insulator nanostructures demonstrated in this study paves the way for implementation of topological insulators in nanoelectronics and spintronics.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure