5 research outputs found
Language management in literary events mediated by a Japanese native speakers : Analysis of the interaction in a shopping situation
Resumen tomado de la publicaciónEn esta era marcada por el auge de las Nuevas Tecnologías en la que las innovaciones se multiplican conforme se aceleran los cambios en la sociedad, y no pudiendo la educación quedarse al margen, ampliándose las funciones de los profesores, debiendo enfrentarse a nuevos problemas y obligaciones bajo la presión de una sociedad cada vez más insatisfecha con los resultados de su sistema educativo; las reformas educativas exigen un cambio en el quehacer diario del profesor, que debe adoptar roles de facilitador frente al de mero instructor, así como adquirir nuevos conocimientos que le posibiliten esta actuación. Se resumen algunos de los principales aspectos desarrollados e investigados en la tesis doctoral dedicada al estudio de las actitudes del profesorado hacia la informática en los centros de Primaria con Proyecto Atenea de la Región de Murcia.ES
An application of the perpendicular moisture index for the prediction of fire hazard
Various factors contribute to forest fire hazard, and among them vegetation moisture is the one that dictates susceptibility to fire ignition and propagation. The scientific community has developed a number of spectral indices based on remote sensing measurements in the optical domain for the assessment of vegetation equivalent water thickness (EWT), which is defined as the mass of liquid water per unit of leaf surface. However, fire models rely on the live fuel moisture content (LFMC) as a measure of vegetation moisture. LFMC is defined as the ratio of the mass of the liquid water in a fresh leaf over the mass of oven dry leaf, and spectral indices proposed so far fail in capturing LFMC variability. Recently, the perpendicular moisture index (PMI), based on MODIS, was pro-posed to overcome this limitation and provide a direct measure of LFMC. The aim of this research was to understand the potential and limitations of the PMI in predicting fire hazard, towards its ap-plication in a practical context. To this purpose, a data set of more than 7,700 fires recorded in Campania (13,595 km2), Italy, between 2000 and 2008 was compared with PMI derived from MODIS images. Results show that there is no relationship between PMI and fire size, whereas a linear correlation was found between the spectral index and fire rate of spread.Geoscience & Remote SensingCivil Engineering and Geoscience
Additional file 3: of Knowledge, attitudes and practices towards antibiotic use in upper respiratory tract infections among patients seeking primary health care in Singapore
Codebook for dataset supplied. The codebook for interpretation of Material B, the data provided. (XLSX 11 kb
Additional file 2: of Knowledge, attitudes and practices towards antibiotic use in upper respiratory tract infections among patients seeking primary health care in Singapore
Dataset Used. The dataset collected through the surveys. Includes the dataset used in the analysis. (XLSX 317 kb