67,050 research outputs found
Global existence for a translating near-circular Hele-Shaw bubble with surface tension
This paper concerns global existence for arbitrary nonzero surface tension of
bubbles in a Hele-Shaw cell that translate in the presence of a pressure
gradient. When the cell width to bubble size is sufficiently large, we show
that a unique steady translating near-circular bubble symmetric about the
channel centerline exists, where the bubble translation speed in the laboratory
frame is found as part of the solution. We prove global existence for symmetric
sufficiently smooth initial conditions close to this shape and show that the
steady translating bubble solution is an attractor within this class of
disturbances. In the absence of side walls, we prove stability of the steady
translating circular bubble without restriction on symmetry of initial
conditions. These results hold for any nonzero surface tension despite the fact
that a local planar approximation near the front of the bubble would suggest
Saffman Taylor instability.
We exploit a boundary integral approach that is particularly suitable for
analysis of nonzero viscosity ratio between fluid inside and outside the
bubble. An important element of the proof was the introduction of a weighted
Sobolev norm that accounts for stabilization due to advection of disturbances
from the front to the back of the bubble
Perturbations of discrete lattices and almost periodic sets
A discrete set in the -dimensional Euclidian space is {\it almost
periodic}, if the measure with the unite masses at points of the set is almost
periodic in the weak sense. We propose to construct positive almost periodic
discrete sets as an almost periodic perturbation of a full rank discrete
lattice. Also we prove that each almost periodic discrete set on the real axes
is an almost periodic perturbation of some arithmetic progression.
Next, we consider signed almost periodic discrete sets, i.e., when the signed
measure with masses at points of a discrete set is almost periodic. We
construct a signed discrete set that is not almost periodic, while the
corresponding signed measure is almost periodic in the sense of distributions.
Also, we construct a signed almost periodic discrete set such that the measure
with masses +1 at all points of the set is not almost periodic.Comment: 6 page
Fractional charges and quantum phase transitions in imbalanced bilayer quantum Hall systems
We extend the Composite Boson theory to study slightly im-balanced bi-layer
Quantum Hall systems. In the global symmetry breaking excitonic
superfluid side, as the imbalance increases, the system supports continuously
changing fractional charges. In the translational symmetry breaking pseudo-spin
density wave (PSDW) side, there are two quantum phase transitions from the
commensurate PSDW to an in-commensurate PSDW and then to the excitonic
superfluid state. We compare our theory with experimental data and also the
previous microscopic calculations.Comment: 4+ pages, 2 figures. 1 table, Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.
Diplomacy of the project "Economic belt of the Great Silk Road" in modern foreign policy of China
The authors consider the Chinese policies of promoting the Silk Road Economic Belt project as a means of expansion of China’s influence on the global scale in general and as a means to find new markets for its goods. China’s strategies to implement its project are viewed
Entanglement and spin-squeezing in a network of distant optical lattice clocks
We propose an approach for collective enhancement of precision for remotely
located optical lattice clocks and a way of generation of the
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen state of remote clocks. Close to Heisenberg scaling of
the clock precision with the number of clocks M can be achieved even for an
optical channel connecting clocks with substantial losses. This scenario
utilizes a collective quantum nondemolition measurement on clocks with parallel
Bloch vectors for enhanced measurement precision. We provide an optimal network
solution for distant clocks as well as for clocks positioned in close proximity
of each other. In the second scenario, we employ collective dissipation to
drive two clocks with oppositely oriented Bloch vectors into a steady state
entanglement. The corresponding EPR entanglement provides enhanced time sharing
beyond the projection noise limit between the two quantum synchronized clocks
protected from eavesdropping, as well as allows better characterization of
systematic effects
Acoustic Attenuation by Two-dimensional Arrays of Rigid Cylinders
In this Letter, we present a theoretical analysis of the acoustic
transmission through two-dimensional arrays of straight rigid cylinders placed
parallelly in the air. Both periodic and completely random arrangements of the
cylinders are considered. The results for the sound attenuation through the
periodic arrays are shown to be in a remarkable agreement with the reported
experimental data. As the arrangement of the cylinders is randomized, the
transmission is significantly reduced for a wider range of frequencies. For the
periodic arrays, the acoustic band structures are computed by the plane-wave
expansion method and are also shown to agree with previous results.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Prospects for application of ultracold Sr molecules in precision measurements
Precision measurements with ultracold molecules require development of robust
and sensitive techniques to produce and interrogate the molecules. With this
goal, we theoretically analyze factors that affect frequency measurements
between rovibrational levels of the Sr molecule in the electronic ground
state. This measurement can be used to constrain the possible time variation of
the proton-electron mass ratio. Sr is expected to be a strong candidate for
achieving high precision due to the spinless nature and ease of cooling and
perturbation-free trapping of Sr \cite{Zelevinsky2008}. The analysis includes
calculations of two-photon transition dipole moments between deeply and weakly
bound vibrational levels, lifetimes of intermediate excited states, and Stark
shifts of the vibrational levels by the optical lattice field, including
possibilities of Stark-cancellation trapping.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure
Bayesian nonparametric tests via sliced inverse modeling
We study the problem of independence and conditional independence tests
between categorical covariates and a continuous response variable, which has an
immediate application in genetics. Instead of estimating the conditional
distribution of the response given values of covariates, we model the
conditional distribution of covariates given the discretized response (aka
"slices"). By assigning a prior probability to each possible discretization
scheme, we can compute efficiently a Bayes factor (BF)-statistic for the
independence (or conditional independence) test using a dynamic programming
algorithm. Asymptotic and finite-sample properties such as power and null
distribution of the BF statistic are studied, and a stepwise variable selection
method based on the BF statistic is further developed. We compare the BF
statistic with some existing classical methods and demonstrate its statistical
power through extensive simulation studies. We apply the proposed method to a
mouse genetics data set aiming to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and
obtain promising results.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figure
Comparison of the Efficiency of Budget Financing and the Social Security of a Region
The article deals with theoretical and economic aspects of the “security” category and draws a distinction between philosophical, sociological, and economic approaches to the concept of social security. From the perspective of a system approach, the authors define the place of the region’s social security in ensuring national security. The article describes the theoretical content of the «social security» category and provides the authors’ specification for such terms as «social risks,» «danger,» and «threat.» The authors offer methodological tools to evaluate the region’s social security based on a complex assessment of the region’s socioeconomic and budget-financing indicators to identify the risks (deviations) and factors of inefficient financing. The proposed methodological approach is based on identifying the dependencies between the social and financial security of the region. The following indicators reflecting the social security level in the territory of residence were selected as estimated indicators: the region’s consolidated budget income and expenses, gross domestic product growth rates, natural population growth ratio, unemployment level, the share of the population with income below the subsistence minimum. This approach was tested by the example of the Perm Territory and Sverdlovsk Region revealing the regularities as well as favorable and unfavorable periods for the region’s social security. The obtained estimated indicators are ranked depending on the growth (fall) time lag, resilience, and sensitivity to budget financing. The assessment results show that the Perm Territory has been entering a deep recession in terms of national security since 2012. Similar tendencies are demonstrated by the Sverdlovsk Region; however, in view of the apparent diversity and dominant influence of the Perm Territory and the Sverdlovsk Region on the socioeconomic development of the Privolzhsky and Ural Federal Districts, respectively, the provided comparison is of scientific and practical interest.The research has been supported by the Grant of the Russian Science Foundation (the Project № 14–18–00574 "Anticrisis Information Analysis System: Diagnostics of Regions, Threat Assessment, and Scenario Forecasting to Maintain and Strengthen the Economic Security and Welfare of Russia")
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