46,959 research outputs found
Creep recovery and stress relaxation tests of 6061-0 aluminum
The investigation of creep recovery and stress relaxation in aluminum using a closed loop servo-hydraulic test system is described. The practicality of a computer controlled test system for constant plastic strain rate tension tests is demonstrated. The plastic strain rate and the magnitude of the initial strain are shown to have a noticeable effect on subsequent creep behavior of aluminum
Enhanced collectivity in neutron-deficient Sn isotopes in energy functional based collective Hamiltonian
The low-lying collective states in Sn isotopes are studied by a
five-dimensional collective Hamiltonian with parameters determined from the
triaxial relativistic mean-field calculations using the PC-PK1 energy density
functional. The systematics for both the excitation energies of states
and values are reproduced rather well, in particular,
the enhanced E2 transitions in the neutron-deficient Sn isotopes with N<66. We
show that the gradual degeneracy of neutron levels 1g7/2 and 2d5/2 around the
Fermi surface leads to the increase of level density and consequently the
enhanced paring correlations from N=66 to 58. It provokes a large quadrupole
shape fluctuation around the spherical shape, and leads to an enhanced
collectivity in the isotopes around N=58.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Physics Letters
Phases of the infinite U Hubbard model
We apply the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) to study the phase
diagram of the infinite U Hubbard model on 2-, 4-, and 6-leg ladders. Where the
results are largely insensitive to the ladder width, we consider the results
representative of the 2D square lattice model. We find a fully polarized
ferromagnetic Fermi liquid phase when n, the density of electrons per site, is
in the range 1>n>n_F ~ 4/5. For n=3/4 we find an unexpected commensurate
insulating "checkerboard" phase with coexisting bond density order with 4 sites
per unit cell and block spin antiferromagnetic order with 8 sites per unit
cell. For 3/4 > n, the wider ladders have unpolarized groundstates, which is
suggestive that the same is true in 2D
Testing the limits of contextual constraint: interactions with word frequency and parafoveal preview during fluent reading
Contextual constraint is a key factor affecting a word's fixation duration and its likelihood of being fixated during reading. Previous research has generally demonstrated additive effects of predictability and frequency in fixation times. Studies examining the role of parafoveal preview have shown that greater preview benefit is obtained from more predictable and higher frequency words versus less predictable and lower frequency words. In two experiments, we investigated effects of target word predictability, frequency, and parafoveal preview. A 3 (Predictability: low, medium, high) × 2 (Frequency: low, high) design was used with Preview (valid, invalid) manipulated between experiments. With valid previews, we found main effects of Predictability and Frequency in both fixation time and probability measures, including an interaction in early fixation measures. With invalid preview, we again found main effects of Predictability and Frequency in fixation times, but no evidence of an interaction. Fixation probability showed a weak Predictability effect and Predictability-Frequency interaction. Predictability interacted with Preview in early fixation time and probability measures. Our findings suggest that high levels of contextual constraint exert an early influence during lexical processing in reading. Results are discussed in terms of models of language processing and eye movement control
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A review of microgrid development in the United States – A decade of progress on policies, demonstrations, controls, and software tools
Microgrids have become increasingly popular in the United States. Supported by favorable federal and local policies, microgrid projects can provide greater energy stability and resilience within a project site or community. This paper reviews major federal, state, and utility-level policies driving microgrid development in the United States. Representative U.S. demonstration projects are selected and their technical characteristics and non-technical features are introduced. The paper discusses trends in the technology development of microgrid systems as well as microgrid control methods and interactions within the electricity market. Software tools for microgrid design, planning, and performance analysis are illustrated with each tool's core capability. Finally, the paper summarizes the successes and lessons learned during the recent expansion of the U.S. microgrid industry that may serve as a reference for other countries developing their own microgrid industries
Tensor coupling effects on spin symmetry in anti-Lambda spectrum of hypernuclei
The effects of -tensor coupling on the spin
symmetry of spectra in -nucleus systems have
been studied with the relativistic mean-field theory. Taking
C+ as an example, it is found that the tensor coupling
enlarges the spin-orbit splittings of by an order of magnitude
although its effects on the wave functions of are negligible.
Similar conclusions has been observed in -nucleus of different
mass regions, including O+, Ca+ and
Pb+. It indicates that the spin symmetry in
anti-lambda-nucleus systems is still good irrespective of the tensor coupling.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures
Lambda and Anti-Lambda Hypernuclei in Relativistic Mean-field Theory
Several aspects about -hypernuclei in the relativistic mean field
theory, including the effective -nucleon coupling strengths based on
the successful effective nucleon-nucleon interaction PK1, hypernuclear magnetic
moment and -hypernuclei, have been presented. The effect of tensor
coupling in -hypernuclei and the impurity effect of to
nuclear structure have been discussed in detail.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of the Sendai International Symposium
"Strangeness in Nuclear and Hadronic Systems SENDAI08
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