127 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh gambaran dan kejelasan penalaran mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika tentang konsep-konsep grafik, yaitu pemahaman menginterpretasi data pada grafik, pemahaman mentransfer data ke dalam bentuk diagram dan grafik, dan mentransfer fungsi ke dalam bentuk grafik. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa umumnya mahasiswa semester I memahami konsep grafik dengan baik, memiliki pemahaman membaca data pada diagram atau grafik, dan memiliki pemahaman menginterpretasi data pada grafik. Sebagian mahasiswa kesulitan memprediksi simpulan berdasarkan data yang tersedia. Pemahaman mahasiswa semester V tentang grafik lebih beragam dan belum tepat, belum memiliki pemahaman membaca data pada grafik, dan sebagian besar kesulitan memprediksi simpulan berdasarkan data yang tersedia, atau kesulitan memberikan pendapat yang bersifat argumentatif. Umumnya mahasiswa sudah memiliki pemahaman mentransfer data ke bentuk diagram atau grafik. Namun ketidakmampuan melengkapi grafik berdasarkan data yang diberikan masih dialami sebagian mahasiswa, khususnya pada semester V. Mahasiswa semester I sudah memiliki pemahaman fungsi pada grafik dan pemahaman dalam mentransfer suatu fungsi ke dalam bentuk grafik. Tetapi pemahaman ini cenderung kurang dimiliki mahasiswa semester
Mathematics Problem Solving Ability In Pontianak Private High School Level Quiziz Game
The ability to solve mathematical problems on Quizzizz illustrates that the data obtained from this research is used as a reference in writing reports. Learning through quizizz can also make students' motivation higher because the games played can be varied using game techniques. To keep up with existing developments, the ability to solve mathematical problems on Quizizz is seen from how high, medium and low ability is. This research describes abilities of Pontianak Private High School students in the context of using the Quizizz application as a learning medium. With a descriptive qualitative approach, this research involved students from a private high school in Pontianak who were given Quizizz as an assessment in mathematics learning. Data was obtained through direct observation, interviews, and giving Quizizz to students. The results of the data obtained were that high problem solving ability was 14.28%, medium ability was 48.57%, and low ability was 37.14%. The research results show that using Quizizz can improve students. Data analysis revealed three categories of problem solving ability, namely high, medium and low, based on the results of working on Quizizz. Likewise, planning problem solving plays a vital role in improving problem solving abilities. Students with high abilities are able to motivate themselves, while students with moderate abilities need a planning and motivation process to achieve high abilities.Applying design in problem solving is also a determining factor. Students with high abilities can implement designs well, requiring collaboration of understanding and ideas. Meanwhile, students with moderate abilities need designs that are strong in ideas. This category is described through the stages of problem solving, including understanding the problem, planning a solution, implementing the design, and checking again. So Quizizz is here to get rid of the threat of students solving mathematical problems
Penerapan Kooperatif Learning pada Materi Irisan Kerucut dalam Meningkatkan Aktivitas, Prestasi Siswa SMKN 1 Sungai Kunyit
The aim of this research is to increase students' motivation and achievement regarding the concept of conic sections in mathematics subjects. One of the efforts made so that students better understand the conic section material is the cooperative learning method. This research includes class action research (PTK). This research uses a quantitative research approach with a survey method, through observations of 22 class XII students at SMKN 1 Sungai Kunyit, who were the research subjects. Data was collected during the learning process and through two stages of observation. The research results showed that in observation I the percentage of students who carried out positive activities was 50%. Meanwhile, in observation II, the percentage of students who carried out positive activities was 73%. Thus, there has been an increase in students' learning motivation as seen from the positive activities carried out during the observation process such as listening to teacher explanations, reading, doing practice questions, expressing opinions and participating in groups. The research results also show an increase in student achievement seen from the value of products and practices. Observation I percentage of product value 73.61% practical value 76.38%. In observation II the product value was 94.44% and the practice value was 97.44%
Strengthening the Value of Tolerance in Schools through Mathematics Subjects Based on the Independent Curriculum
Mathematics learning has a very important role in human life which plays a role in structuring the reasoning and attitudes of students. This goal is supported by the implementation of the Merdeka curriculum which requires students to have a Pancasila profile character. Mathematics learning generally focuses on mastering students' cognitive competencies. The focus on instilling students' character values in certain subjects shows that teachers' awareness of the importance of character cultivation in mathematics learning is still lacking. There are still students who have not been able to accept different opinions in learning mathematics, both in the learning process and in the final results in learning mathematics. This means that students have not lived the value of tolerance contained in learning mathematics. The implementation of the Merdeka curriculum can be used as an effort to implement the value of tolerance in mathematics learning. This study aims to explore the value of tolerance of students in learning mathematics in the Merdeka curriculum through sources in the form of books and related articles. This research uses a qualitative approach with a literature study method. Implementation of the value of tolerance in the Merdeka curriculum, needs to be guided by the Pancasila learner profile as an indicator of tolerance. To strengthen the value of tolerance in mathematics learning based on the Merdeka curriculum, it can be implemented by using group learning with a guided discovery learning model which can have an impact on improving tolerance and learning outcome
Building Student’s Mathematical Connection Ability in Abstract Algebra: The Combination of Analogy-Contruction-Abstraction Stages
The objective of the study was to describe the effect of six types of mathematical connections (representation connections, structural connections, procedural connections, implication connections, generalization connections, and hierarchy connections) on abstract algebraic materials through four stages, i.e., abstraction, analogy-abstraction, construction-analogy, and construction. The study employed qualitative descriptive approaches, including tests, questionnaires, and interviews. The subjects of the study were chosen based on the responses to a questionnaire regarding the employed stages. Then, two subjects who could converse and were willing to be interviewed were chosen from each stage. Data collection techniques were conducted through four stages, i.e., 1) identifying the stages used; 2) identifying the ability of six types of student mathematical connections through predictive indicators; 3) describing the capabilities of the six types of connections through interviews; and 4) conducting source triangulation and method triangulation. The results indicated that the subjects who utilized the construction stage tended to be able to construct six types of mathematical connection links in a set, as well as standard and non-standard binary operations. The subjects who utilized the construction-analogy stage likely to be able to build three forms of representation connections, structural connections, and procedural connections in a set of standard binary operations. In characterizing the symbol of a set element and the binary operation of the standard form inside the closed property of the standard form, the subjects who used the analogy-abstraction stage have the same tendency as subjects who use the abstraction-construction stage
Pengelolaan Yayasan Menurut Asas Keterbukaan Dan Akuntabilitas (Studi Pada Yayasan Kemanusiaan Di Aceh)
Pelaksanaan pengelolaan yayasan bertumpu pada prinsip keterbukaan dan akuntabilitas dalam kaitannya dengan upaya mencegah penyalahgunaan lembaga yayasan. Di Aceh terdapat sejumlah yayasan yang bergerak dibidang sosial dan kemanusiaan, dibidang sosial dan pendidikan. Namun, pada kenyataaan tidak semuanya telah secara penuh menerapkan asas keterbukaan dan akuntabilitas sebagaimana yang diatur dalam Alinea ke 4 (empat) Penjelasan Umum UU Yayasan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan tanggung jawab perdata yayasan apabila tidak melaksanakan secara penuh asas keterbukaan dan akuntabilitas. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif dan penelitian hukum empiris. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa pelaksanaan prinsip akuntabilitas dan keterbukaan merupakan tanggung jawab yayasan sebagaimana yang diatur dalam UU Yayasan dan Anggaran Dasarnya. Ketika prinsip tersebut tidak dilaksanakan oleh organ yayasan, maka hal itu dikategorikan sebagai perbuatan yang bertentangan dengan Anggaran Dasar dan lalai dalam melaksanakan tugas. Sehingga akibat hukum yang ditimbulkan dari perbuatan tersebut yayasan dapat diajukan ke pengadilan untuk permintaan pemeriksaan
AbstractThe purpose of this study was to explore visualization preferences in solving questions of the absolute value of students. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with the type of case study research design. The data sources in this study were 2 students (case subjects), a math teacher, and the principal of SMA Santo Benediktus Pahauman for the 2019/2020 school year. The results showed that: (1) the ability to visualize the questions of students in solving the absolute value function questions was that students were able to determine the coordinate point correctly, but there were still weaknesses in the process, namely not giving a scale to the coordinates, while to describe the lines at the coordinates are correct; (2) the ability to manipulate or change images in solving problems with the absolute value function of the two students studied is that students can manipulate or change the images presented in absolute value questions, it's just that there is a deficiency where the scale on the graph is not given; (3) the ability to complete the pictures of students in solving absolute value questions. The two students studied were able to complete the picture on absolute value questions, but still did not give a scale to the image made.Keywords: Preference Visualization, Solving of Absolute Value Function Question
Strengthening of Social Competency through Learning Independence of Islamic Education of Reciprocal Teaching Models with Metacognitive Approach of Primary School Students
This study aims to obtain empirical evidence on strengthening social competence (Islamic Studies subjects; Arabic script) through the independent learning of reciprocal teaching models with a metacognitive approach. The population in this study was the fifth-grade students of SD Mujahidin Pontianak City. While the sample was taken randomly from two classes from 5A and 5C to class 5 students. One class received Reciprocal Teaching (RT) model learning with a metacognitive approach as an experimental group and one class received regular learning as a control group. The instruments used in this study consisted of three types of instruments, namely: (1) observation sheets, (2) students' independent learning scales, and (3) learning outcomes tests on Islamic Education subjects. Based on the data analysis in this study, the process of strengthening social competence through student learning independence in the subject of Islamic Religious Education uses the reciprocal teaching model with a metacognitive approach practiced at SD Mujahidin Pontianak can be seen from the main component of learning (core competence). Efforts to strengthen social competence through independence can be designed through a Reciprocal Teaching model with a metacognitive approach gradually and intact. The first process starts with the development of the lesson plan as an operational design in the practice of Islamic Education learning. Development of learning components in the lesson plan, namely materials, methods, media, sources, and evaluation that are more creative, innovative. The teaching of teaching materials as a whole, which includes cognitive, affective, and psychomotor teaching materials. Second, there are differences in strengthening social competence through independent learning between students learning Islamic education using the reciprocal teaching model with a metacognitive approach and students learning Islamic education using ordinary learning models. The independent learning of students in Islamic Religious Education in the group that received reciprocal teaching model learning with a metacognitive approach was better than the control group
Independence And Learning Achievement Of Positions Between Lines Through Youtube Digital Learning Media SDSK Marie Joseph
This research aims to determine the increase in independence and learning achievement with YouTube videos as digital learning media at SDSK Marie Joseph Pontianak. The research method used in this research is quantitative experimental research. The population and sample in this study were class IV students with research instruments using questionnaires, pre-test and post-test questions. The data analysis techniques used in this research are descriptive data, prerequisite testing, hypothesis testing. The research results show that; (1) The Let's Learn YouTube video as a digital learning medium can increase learning independence in class IV cross-line position material at SDS K MAlRIE JOSEPH Pontianak. It is proven from the calculation results that as can be seen from the average value of student learning independence at the beginning, it was 72.208, increasing to 103.916. (2) The Let's Learn YouTube video as a digital learning medium can improve learning achievement in class IV inter-line position material at SDS K MAlRIE JOSEPH Pontianak in class IV inter-line relationship material. It is proven by the results of the calculations that as can be seen the average pre-test learning achievement score for experimental class students in the Pre-Test is 64.25 and the Post-Test learning achievement is 77.167. (3) The Let's Learn YouTube video as a digital learning medium can collectively increase the learning independence and achievement of Class IV SDSK MARIE JOSEPH Pontianak students. It can be seen in the Multivariate Anova test or F Test, namely a sig value < 0.005 indicating that the test results can jointly improve learning independence and learning achievement using the Multivariate Anova Test (Manova) or F Test
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