1 research outputs found
Integrated Operation and Cyclic Scheduling Optimization for an Ethylene Cracking Furnaces System
cracking furnaces in an ethylene plant run in parallel
to produce ethylene, propylene, and other products from different
hydrocarbon feedstocks. Because both coke formation in radiant coils
and change of operation conditions with time have significant effects
on the performance of cracking furnaces, it is better for the cyclic
scheduling to be simultaneously optimized with the operation conditions.
To match this real requirement, a mixed-integer dynamic optimization
(MIDO) problem is presented for the optimization of both operation
conditions and cyclic scheduling simultaneously, through which the
optimal assignment, the processing time, the subcycle number, and
the optimal operation conditions of different feeds in different cracking
furnaces are determined at the same time. To solve the MIDO problem,
it is discretized and converted into a large scale mixed-integer nonlinear
programming (MINLP) problem. The two scheduling cases of a cracking
furnaces system are illustrated showing a remarkable increase in the
economic performance as compared with that of the traditional method