402 research outputs found
Real-Variable Characterizations Of Hardy Spaces Associated With Bessel Operators
Let , p\in((2\lz+1)/(2\lz+2), 1], and
the Bessel operator. In this paper, the authors establish the characterizations
of atomic Hardy spaces associated with
in terms of the radial maximal function, the nontangential
maximal function, the grand maximal function, the Littlewood-Paley -function
and the Lusin-area function, where . As
an application, the authors further obtain the Riesz transform characterization
of these Hardy spaces.Comment: Anal. Appl. (Singap.) (to appear
Real-variable Characterizations of Orlicz-Hardy Spaces on Strongly Lipschitz Domains of
Let be a strongly Lipschitz domain of , whose
complement in is unbounded. Let be a second order divergence
form elliptic operator on with the Dirichlet boundary condition,
and the heat semigroup generated by have the Gaussian property
with the regularity of their kernels measured by
, where denotes the diameter of .
Let be a continuous, strictly increasing, subadditive and positive
function on of upper type 1 and of strictly critical lower type
. In this paper, the authors introduce the
Orlicz-Hardy space by restricting arbitrary elements of
the Orlicz-Hardy space to \boz and establish its
atomic decomposition by means of the Lusin area function associated with
. Applying this, the authors obtain two equivalent
characterizations of H_{\Phi,\,r}(\boz) in terms of the nontangential maximal
function and the Lusin area function associated with the heat semigroup
generated by .Comment: 65 pages, Rev. Mat. Iberoam. (to appear
Musielak-Orlicz Hardy Spaces Associated with Operators and Their Applications
Let be a metric space with doubling measure and a
nonnegative self-adjoint operator in satisfying the
Davies-Gaffney estimates. Let
be a function such that
is an Orlicz function, (the class of Muckenhoupt weights) and its uniformly
critical lower type index . In this paper, the authors
introduce a Musielak-Orlicz Hardy space by the
Lusin area function associated with the heat semigroup generated by , and a
Musielak-Orlicz -type space
which is further proved to be
the dual space of ; as a corollary, the authors
obtain the -Carleson measure characterization of
. Characterizations of
, including the atom, the molecule and the Lusin
area function associated with the Poisson semigroup of , are presented.
Using the atomic characterization, the authors characterize
in terms of . As further
applications, the authors obtain several equivalent characterizations of the
Musielak-Orlicz Hardy space associated with the
Schr\"odinger operator , where is a nonnegative potential, in terms of the
Lusin-area function, the non-tangential maximal function, the radial maximal
function, the atom and the molecule.Comment: J. Geom. Anal. (to appear
Boundedness of Linear Operators via Atoms on Hardy Spaces with Non-doubling Measures
Let be a non-negative Radon measure on which only
satisfies the polynomial growth condition. Let be a Banach space
and the Hardy space of Tolsa. In this paper, the authors prove that
a linear operator is bounded from to if and only
if maps all -atomic blocks into uniformly bounded elements of
; moreover, the authors prove that for a sublinear operator
bounded from to , if maps all -atomic blocks with and into
uniformly bounded elements of , then extends to a bounded
sublinear operator from to . For the localized atomic
Hardy space , corresponding results are also presented. Finally,
these results are applied to Calder\'on-Zygmund operators, Riesz potentials and
multilinear commutators generated by Calder\'on-Zygmund operators or fractional
integral operators with Lipschitz functions, to simplify the existing proofs in
the corresponding papers.Comment: Georgian Math. J. (to appear
Maximal Function Characterizations of Variable Hardy Spaces Associated with Non-negative Self-adjoint Operators Satisfying Gaussian Estimates
Let be a variable exponent function
satisfying the globally -H\"older continuous condition and a
non-negative self-adjoint operator on whose heat kernels
satisfying the Gaussian upper bound estimates. Let be the variable exponent Hardy space defined via the Lusin area function
associated with the heat kernels . In this
article, the authors first establish the atomic characterization of
; using this, the authors then obtain its
non-tangential maximal function characterization which, when is a
constant in , coincides with a recent result by Song and Yan [Adv. Math.
287 (2016), 463-484] and further induces the radial maximal function
characterization of under an additional
assumption that the heat kernels of have the H\"older regularity.Comment: 32 pages, submitted. arXiv admin note: text overlap with
Musielak-Orlicz BMO-Type Spaces Associated with Generalized Approximations to the Identity
Let be a space of homogenous type and $\varphi:\
\mathcal{X}\times[0,\infty) \to[0,\infty)\varphi(\cdot,t)t\varphi(x,\cdot)p\in(0,1]\mathrm{BMO}^{\varphi}_A(\mathcal{X})\mathrm{BMO}^{\varphi}_{A,\,\mathrm{max}}(\mathcal{X})\widetilde{\mathrm{BMO}}^{\varphi}_A(\mathcal{X})\mathrm{BMO}^{\varphi}_A(\mathcal{X})\mathrm{BMO}^{\varphi}_{\sqrt{\Delta}}(\mathbb{R}^n)\Delta\mathbb{R}^n\mathrm{BMO}^{\varphi}(\mathbb{R}^n)$ introduced by L. D. Ky.Comment: Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) (to appear
Boundedness and compactness characterizations of Cauchy integral commutators on Morrey spaces
Let be the Cauchy integral operator on a Lipschitz curve .
In this article, the authors show that the commutator is bounded
(resp., compact) on the Morrey space for any (or
some) and if and only if (resp., ). As an application, a
factorization of the classical Hardy space in terms of
and its adjoint operator is obtained.Comment: 26 page
Lusin Area Function and Molecular Characterizations of Musielak-Orlicz Hardy Spaces and Their Applications
Lusin Area Function and Molecular Characterizations of Musielak-Orlicz Hardy
Spaces and Their ApplicationsLet be a growth function such that is
nondecreasing, , when ,
, and is a Muckenhoupt
weight uniformly in . In this paper, the authors
establish the Lusin area function and the molecular characterizations of the
Musielak-Orlicz Hardy space introduced by Luong Dang
Ky via the grand maximal function. As an application, the authors obtain the
-Carleson measure characterization of the Musielak-Orlicz
-type space
, which was proved to be the dual
space of by Luong Dang Ky
Characterizations of BMO Associated with Gauss Measures via Commutators of Local Fractional Integrals
Let for all be
the Gauss measure on . In this paper, the authors establish the
characterizations of the space BMO of Mauceri and Meda via
commutators of either local fractional integral operators or local fractional
maximal operators. To this end, the authors first prove that such a local
fractional integral operator of order is bounded from to
, or from the Hardy space of Mauceri
and Meda to or from to
BMO, where and .Comment: 25 pages; Israel J. Math. (to appear
Weighted Estimates of Kato Square Roots Associated to Degenerate Elliptic Operators
Let be a Muckenhoupt weight and
the degenerate elliptic operator on
the Euclidean space , . In this article, the authors
establish some weighted estimates of Kato square roots associated to the
degenerate elliptic operators . More precisely, the authors prove that,
for , and any , , where denotes
the set of all infinitely differential functions with compact supports.Comment: 40 pages, Submitte
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