167,538 research outputs found
New structural approach for determining load carrying capability of filament wound composite materials
Metal lined boron and graphite composites exhibit high strength and minimum weight, making them superior to aluminum cylindrical shell structures and to steel or aluminum constructed pressure vessels. S glass filament-epoxy resin matrix with aluminum liner is suitable for cryogenic tanks
A Direct Method for Computing Higher Order Folds
We consider the computation of higher order fold or limit points of two parameter-dependent nonlinear problems. A direct method is proposed and an efficient implementation of the direct method is presented. Numerical results for the thermal ignition problem are given
Observation of one electron charge in an enhancement-mode InAs single electron transistor at 4.2K
We propose and demonstrate experimentally a novel design of single-electron
quantum dots. The structure consists of a narrow band gap quantum well that can
undergo a transition from the hole accumulation regime to the electron
inversion regime in a single-top-gate transistor configuration. We have
observed large size quantization and Coulomb charging energies over 10meV. This
quantum dot design can be especially important for scalable quantum computing.Comment: 5 figure
Some Recent Results on Pair Correlation Functions and Susceptibilities in Exactly Solvable Models
Using detailed exact results on pair-correlation functions of Z-invariant
Ising models, we can write and run algorithms of polynomial complexity to
obtain wavevector-dependent susceptibilities for a variety of Ising systems.
Reviewing recent work we compare various periodic and quasiperiodic models,
where the couplings and/or the lattice may be aperiodic, and where the Ising
couplings may be either ferromagnetic, or antiferromagnetic, or of mixed sign.
We present some of our results on the square-lattice fully-frustrated Ising
model. Finally, we make a few remarks on our recent works on the pentagrid
Ising model and on overlapping unit cells in three dimensions and how these
works can be utilized once more detailed results for pair correlations in,
e.g., the eight-vertex model or the chiral Potts model or even
three-dimensional Yang-Baxter integrable models become available.Comment: LaTeX2e using iopart.cls, 10 pages, 5 figures (5 eps files), Dunk
Island conference in honor of 60th birthday of A.J. Guttman
Quantum Loop Subalgebra and Eigenvectors of the Superintegrable Chiral Potts Transfer Matrices
It has been shown in earlier works that for Q=0 and L a multiple of N, the
ground state sector eigenspace of the superintegrable tau_2(t_q) model is
highly degenerate and is generated by a quantum loop algebra L(sl_2).
Furthermore, this loop algebra can be decomposed into r=(N-1)L/N simple sl_2
algebras. For Q not equal 0, we shall show here that the corresponding
eigenspace of tau_2(t_q) is still highly degenerate, but splits into two
spaces, each containing 2^{r-1} independent eigenvectors. The generators for
the sl_2 subalgebras, and also for the quantum loop subalgebra, are given
generalizing those in the Q=0 case. However, the Serre relations for the
generators of the loop subalgebra are only proven for some states, tested on
small systems and conjectured otherwise. Assuming their validity we construct
the eigenvectors of the Q not equal 0 ground state sectors for the transfer
matrix of the superintegrable chiral Potts model.Comment: LaTeX 2E document, using iopart.cls with iopams packages. 28 pages,
uses eufb10 and eurm10 fonts. Typeset twice! Version 2: Details added,
improvements and minor corrections made, erratum to paper 2 included. Version
3: Small paragraph added in introductio
Correlation functions for the three state superintegrable chiral Potts spin chain of finite lengths
We compute the correlation functions of the three state superintegrable
chiral Potts spin chain for chains of length 3,4,5. From these results we
present conjectures for the form of the nearest neighbor correlation function.Comment: 10 pages; references update
Quantum steering of electron wave function in an InAs Y-branch switch
We report experiments on gated Y-branch switches made from InAs ballistic
electron wave guides. We demonstrate that gating modifies the electron wave
functions as well as their interference pattern, causing the anti-correlated,
oscillatory transconductances. Such previously unexpected phenomenon provides
evidence of steering the electron wave function in a multi-channel transistor
structure.Comment: 15 pages, including 3 figure
Radiative Penguin Decays of B Mesons: Measurements of B -> K* gamma, B -> K2*(1430) gamma, and Search for B0 -> phi gamma
Electromagnetic radiative penguin decays of the B meson were studied with the
BaBar detector at SLAC's PEP-II asymmetric-energy B Factory. Branching
fractions and isospin asymmetry of the decay B -> K* gamma, branching fractions
of B -> K2*(1430) gamma, and a search for B0 -> phi gamma are presented. The
decay rates may be enhanced by contributions from non-standard model processes.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, presented at the 2004 Meeting of the Division of
Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society, Riverside, CA, USA,
August 26-31, 2004, submitted to International Journal of Modern Physics
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