306 research outputs found
Client Relationship and Mass Media Policy: A Comparative Case Study of Mass Market and Library Market Production And Distribution In Children\u27s Book Publishing
CHAPTER l: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY AND ITS METHODOLOGY Analysts of the mass media tend to agree that the organizational nature of mass communication has important consequences for the shaping of those messages which are distributed to large, dispersed audiences (see, for example, Wright, 1975, p. 8). Many scholars have commented, as well, upon the importance which mass produced, widely shared, message systems have for individuals and society. One especially persuasive perspective on the significance of mass communication has been articulated by Gerbner (1972) and is encapsulated in the following passage
Validation of semantic representations at scientist-level.
Validation of semantic representation at the individual-scientist level. Comparison of the attested J-value (red dotted line) against the J-values from the shuffled trials across scientists (green histogram and boxplot with scattered raw data) within each of the 5 scientific fields in (A) prominent scientists, and (B) random-sampled scientists. “CS” stands for computer science. (EPS)</p
Summary of model specifications.
Each model specifies the likelihood of paper x* to appear at time t, given the existing set of papers St. d denotes Euclidean distance. Ck(x) ⊆ St denotes the k closest points to x.</p
Summary of results from the time-shuffled analysis.
(A) Comparison of the predominance of the exemplar model (model winning percentage indicated by the red dotted line) against the same statistics recorded in the 100 iterations from the time-shuffled tests (winning percentages shown in the boxplot with an accompanying histogram and scattered raw data). (B) Similar information for the random-sampled scientists.</p
Resources Loss Rate.
<p>With the increased size of the agents, the randomness of the RANDOM method increased interference between agents, which brings down the network resources utilization. OPTIMAL method can maintain an efficient use of the resources, but its time consumption is much larger than the self-decision methods. POMDP methods maintain a relative balance to the above methods.</p
Decentralized Opportunistic Spectrum Resources Access Model and Algorithm toward Cooperative Ad-Hoc Networks
<div><p>Limited communication resources have gradually become a critical factor toward efficiency of decentralized large scale multi-agent coordination when both system scales up and tasks become more complex. In current researches, due to the agent’s limited communication and observational capability, an agent in a decentralized setting can only choose a part of channels to access, but cannot perceive or share global information. Each agent’s cooperative decision is based on the partial observation of the system state, and as such, uncertainty in the communication network is unavoidable. In this situation, it is a major challenge working out cooperative decision-making under uncertainty with only a partial observation of the environment. In this paper, we propose a decentralized approach that allows agents cooperatively search and independently choose channels. The key to our design is to build an up-to-date observation for each agent’s view so that a local decision model is achievable in a large scale team coordination. We simplify the Dec-POMDP model problem, and each agent can jointly work out its communication policy in order to improve its local decision utilities for the choice of communication resources. Finally, we discuss an implicate resource competition game, and show that, there exists an approximate resources access tradeoff balance between agents. Based on this discovery, the tradeoff between real-time decision-making and the efficiency of cooperation using these channels can be well improved.</p></div
MOESM2 of Two ways to improve myoelectric control for a transhumeral amputee after targeted muscle reinnervation: a case study
Additional file 2: Video. The video demonstrates the subject performing two tasks: moving the ball onto the shelf and pouring water from one glass to another. (FLV 8910 kb
Resource Perception of 500 Tests.
<p>To illustrate the variances in the 4 aforementioned simulation results, this figure gives the resource perception comparison in 500 tests between POMDP and RANDOM.</p
Available Resources in Different Interaction Frequencies.
<p>In different interaction frequencies, the available resources shrink with the increasing number of agents. Similar to the allocation of limited resources in human society, the average gain decreases with the increasing number of people. Experimental results are consistent with the general understanding.</p
Additional file 1 of Two ways to improve myoelectric control for a transhumeral amputee after targeted muscle reinnervation: a case study
ARAT scores. Scores of all the tasks conducted by the subject in the experiment are given in the score sheet. The tasks were selected from ARAT. (PDF 67 kb
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