173 research outputs found
Intervenção psicomotora com adultos com perturbação mental em unidades sócio ocupacionais
No âmbito do Ramo de Aprofundamento de Competências Profissionais (RACP) do Mestrado em Reabilitação Psicomotora da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, foi realizado o Estágio Profissionalizante no 2º ano de formação. Desta forma, o presente relatório foi desenvolvido como forma de descrever a prática realizada. O estágio teve lugar em duas Unidades Sócio Ocupacionais da Associação de Reabilitação e Integração Ajuda (ARIA) – Fórum Sócio Ocupacional de Lisboa (FSO) e Fórum de Apoio Social no Restelo (FAS) – que tem como objetivo promover a reabilitação psicossocial e integração socioprofissional em indivíduos com problemas de saúde mental. Teve a duração de 8 meses, período no qual se realizou a observação, a avaliação inicial, o planeamento e desenvolvimento de sessões e a avaliação final. Tendo o relatório natureza teórico-prática, inicialmente abordam-se temas relacionados com a Psicomotricidade, Saúde Mental e Perturbações Mentais, especificando a Esquizofrenia, e enquadra-se o local de estágio. Seguidamente, descreve-se a intervenção psicomotora nas atividades de “Psicomotricidade”, “Adaptação ao Meio Aquático” e Acompanhamento Individual no FSO e “Psicomotricidade” e “Faz Por Ti” no FAS. Também se abordam as dificuldades e limitações sentidas. No final, realiza-se uma conclusão reflexiva de toda a experiência.Within the framework of Development of Professional Skills Branch of the Psychomotor Rehabilitation Master of the Faculty of Human Kinetics (Lisbon) an internship was performed in the last year of education. This report was developed to describe it. The internship took place in two Socio-Occupational Structures of a Portuguese association named Associação de Reabilitação e Integração Ajuda (ARIA) – Socio-Occupational Forum and Social Support Forum. This association aims to promote the psychosocial rehabilitation and socio professional integration of individuals with mental health problems. The internship lasted 8 months, in which observation, initial evaluation, planning and development of sessions and final evaluation were done. Such as this report has a theoretical-practical nature, initially topics related to Psychomotricity, Mental Health and Mental Illness, specifying Schizophrenia, are approached and the internship local is explained. Then the psychomotor intervention is described as well as it’s difficulties and limitations. In the end, a reflexive conclusion of the experience is presented
Catalytic Deoxygenation of Guaiacol Using Methane
Guaiacol, produced by thermal degradation
of lignin, represents
a model compound for upgrading of fast pyrolysis bio-oils by deoxygenation.
In our prior work, with Pt/C catalyst, such a process using H<sub>2</sub> was studied. To overcome the high cost of H<sub>2</sub>,
methane is used in this work to deoxygenate guaiacol. On Pt/C catalyst,
in terms of guaiacol conversion and product distribution, methane
is found to exhibit as good deoxygenation performance as H<sub>2</sub>. The lifetime of this catalyst, however, is short (<3 h). The
lifetime of Pt–Bi/C catalyst is extended (no significant deactivation
in 5 h), by addition of bismuth as a promoter. This work provides
a new approach for bio-oil upgrading using methane as a reductant
instead of hydrogen
Conversion of Glycerol to Hydrocarbon Fuels via Bifunctional Catalysts
Utilization of byproduct
glycerol improves biodiesel production
in terms of both economics and sustainability. Conversion of glycerol
to hydrocarbon (GTH) fuels is among the promising options, which provides
additional renewable energy besides biodiesel and contributes further
to independence from fossil fuels. In the present work, bifunctional
catalysts (Pt/H-ZSM-5 and Pd/H-ZSM-5) were selected, prepared, characterized,
and tested for GTH conversion. The addition of noble metals enhances
aromatics’ yield, and both catalysts convert GTH fuels effectively.
On the basis of the experimental observations and prior literature,
it is proposed that GTH conversion follows sequential hydrodeoxygenation
and aromatization steps. Under optimized conditions, ∼90% glycerol
conversion and ∼60% yield of aromatic hydrocarbons were achieved
over the Pd/H-ZSM-5 catalyst
Highly Selective Nonoxidative Coupling of Methane over Pt-Bi Bimetallic Catalysts
There is widespread
interest in converting methane, primary component
of natural gas and shale gas, into valuable chemicals. As an important
direct methane transformation technique, despite extensive research
conducted for decades, oxidative coupling of methane (OCM) remains
industrially uneconomical owing to low selectivity toward valuable
target products (C<sub>2</sub> species, ethane/ethylene). In the present
work, we describe that ZSM-5 zeolite supported bimetallic Pt-Bi catalysts
stably and selectively convert methane to C<sub>2</sub> species with
high carbon selectivity (>90%) at relatively moderate temperatures
(600–700 °C). On the basis of experimental observations,
it is proposed that the surface Pt in the catalysts functions as the
active site for methane activation, while Bi addition as promoter
plays an important role in C<sub>2</sub> species formation and catalyst
Crafting Insulating Polymer Mediated and Atomically Precise Metal Nanoclusters Photosensitized Photosystems Towards Solar Water Oxidization
precise metal nanoclusters (NCs) have been deemed as
a new generation of metal nanomaterials because of their characteristic
atomic stacking fashion, quantum confinement effect, and multitude
of active sites. The discrete molecular-like energy band structure
of metal NCs endows them with photosensitization capability for light
harvesting and conversion. However, applications of metal NCs in photoelectrocatalysis
are limited by the ultrafast charge recombination and unfavorable
stability, impeding the construction of metal NC-based photosystems.
In this work, we elaborately crafted multilayered metal oxide (MO)/(metal
NCs/insulating polymer)n photoanodes by
a facile layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly technique. In these well-defined
heterostructured photoanodes, glutathione (GSH)-wrapped metal NCs
(Agx@GSH, Ag9@GSH6, Ag16@GSH9, and Ag31@GSH19) and an insulating poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) layer are
alternately deposited on the MO substrate in a highly ordered integration
mode. We found that photoelectrons of metal NCs can be tunneled into
the MO substrate via the intermediate ultrathin insulating polymer
layer by stimulating the tandem charge transfer route, thus facilitating
charge separation and boosting photoelectrochemical water oxidation
performances. Our work would open a new frontier for judiciously regulating
directional charge transport over atomically precise metal NCs for
solar-to-hydrogen conversion
Computational Investigation of DNA Detection Using Single-Electron Transistor-Based Nanopore
We propose a single-electron transistor (SET)-based nanopore
for DNA sequencing, which consists of source, drain, and gate electrodes,
as well as a nanopore where the DNA molecule is pulled through. For
nanopore sensors based on transverse electronic transport, generally,
the tunneling current is relatively small due to the weak coupling
between the molecule and electrodes. We take full advantage of this
feature by introducing SET to make the device operate in Coulomb-blockade
regime. Through first-principles simulations, the charge stability
diagrams of the nucleobases within the SET-nanopore environment are
demonstrated to be distinctive for each molecule and, more importantly,
independent of the nucleobase orientation, which can be served as
electronic fingerprint for detection. We show that identifying the
nucleobases can be achieved only though several specific regions or
points in the diagram
Transfer learning‐based surrogate‐assisted design optimisation of a five‐phase magnet‐shaping PMSM
Multi-phase permanent-magnet synchronous machines (MPMSMs) with high reliability due to sufficient fault-tolerant capability have considerable potential for transportation electrification applications. Here, an efficient surrogate-assisted design optimisation method is proposed based on analytical model transfer learning for torque characteristic optimisation of a five-phase magnet-shaping PMSM. By employing transfer learning of the source domain analytical model data and the target domain finite element analysis (FEA) data in surrogate model training, the proposed method can achieve both high accuracy and high efficiency from the merits of FEA- and analytical-based optimisations, respectively. The studied machine with five-phases and harmonic injected surface-mounted PMs to enable harmonic injection for torque capability improvement is introduced and the analytical model is built based on the segmented PM and the complex conformal mapping methods. Besides, the optimal Latin hypercube design (LHD) and Taguchi methods are used to form the source and target domain datasets, respectively, so that data features can be efficiently captured over a wide range of optimisation variables. An optimal design is obtained by multi-objective optimisation using the trained surrogate model, which is prototyped and measured to validate the proposed method. </p
Summary of the sequence assembly after Illumina sequencing.
<p>Summary of the sequence assembly after Illumina sequencing.</p
Additional file 12: of The dynamic landscape of gene regulation during Bombyx mori oogenesis
The explanation of gene identities. (XLS 284 kb
Safflower flower phenotypes and schematics of the transcriptome sequencing analysis.
<p>(A) Phenotypes of the red/orange (left) and white (mutant; right) flowers of <i>Carthamus tinctorius</i> L. used in this study. (B) Overall workflow of the experiment. (C) Overall workflow of the data assembly. (D) Overall workflow of the bioinformatic analysis.</p
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