189 research outputs found

    Depth-agnostic Single Image Dehazing

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    Single image dehazing is a challenging ill-posed problem. Existing datasets for training deep learning-based methods can be generated by hand-crafted or synthetic schemes. However, the former often suffers from small scales, while the latter forces models to learn scene depth instead of haze distribution, decreasing their dehazing ability. To overcome the problem, we propose a simple yet novel synthetic method to decouple the relationship between haze density and scene depth, by which a depth-agnostic dataset (DA-HAZE) is generated. Meanwhile, a Global Shuffle Strategy (GSS) is proposed for generating differently scaled datasets, thereby enhancing the generalization ability of the model. Extensive experiments indicate that models trained on DA-HAZE achieve significant improvements on real-world benchmarks, with less discrepancy between SOTS and DA-SOTS (the test set of DA-HAZE). Additionally, Depth-agnostic dehazing is a more complicated task because of the lack of depth prior. Therefore, an efficient architecture with stronger feature modeling ability and fewer computational costs is necessary. We revisit the U-Net-based architectures for dehazing, in which dedicatedly designed blocks are incorporated. However, the performances of blocks are constrained by limited feature fusion methods. To this end, we propose a Convolutional Skip Connection (CSC) module, allowing vanilla feature fusion methods to achieve promising results with minimal costs. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that current state-of-the-art methods. equipped with CSC can achieve better performance and reasonable computational expense, whether the haze distribution is relevant to the scene depth

    Read Pointer Meters in complex environments based on a Human-like Alignment and Recognition Algorithm

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    Recently, developing an automatic reading system for analog measuring instruments has gained increased attention, as it enables the collection of numerous state of equipment. Nonetheless, two major obstacles still obstruct its deployment to real-world applications. The first issue is that they rarely take the entire pipeline's speed into account. The second is that they are incapable of dealing with some low-quality images (i.e., meter breakage, blur, and uneven scale). In this paper, we propose a human-like alignment and recognition algorithm to overcome these problems. More specifically, a Spatial Transformed Module(STM) is proposed to obtain the front view of images in a self-autonomous way based on an improved Spatial Transformer Networks(STN). Meanwhile, a Value Acquisition Module(VAM) is proposed to infer accurate meter values by an end-to-end trained framework. In contrast to previous research, our model aligns and recognizes meters totally implemented by learnable processing, which mimics human's behaviours and thus achieves higher performances. Extensive results verify the good robustness of the proposed model in terms of the accuracy and efficiency

    CLiF-VQA: Enhancing Video Quality Assessment by Incorporating High-Level Semantic Information related to Human Feelings

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    Video Quality Assessment (VQA) aims to simulate the process of perceiving video quality by the human visual system (HVS). The judgments made by HVS are always influenced by human subjective feelings. However, most of the current VQA research focuses on capturing various distortions in the spatial and temporal domains of videos, while ignoring the impact of human feelings. In this paper, we propose CLiF-VQA, which considers both features related to human feelings and spatial features of videos. In order to effectively extract features related to human feelings from videos, we explore the consistency between CLIP and human feelings in video perception for the first time. Specifically, we design multiple objective and subjective descriptions closely related to human feelings as prompts. Further we propose a novel CLIP-based semantic feature extractor (SFE) which extracts features related to human feelings by sliding over multiple regions of the video frame. In addition, we further capture the low-level-aware features of the video through a spatial feature extraction module. The two different features are then aggregated thereby obtaining the quality score of the video. Extensive experiments show that the proposed CLiF-VQA exhibits excellent performance on several VQA datasets

    Simplified HIV Testing and Treatment in China: Analysis of Mortality Rates Before and After a Structural Intervention.

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    BackgroundMultistage stepwise HIV testing and treatment initiation procedures can result in lost opportunities to provide timely antiretroviral therapy (ART). Incomplete patient engagement along the continuum of HIV care translates into high levels of preventable mortality. We aimed to evaluate the ability of a simplified test and treat structural intervention to reduce mortality.Methods and findingsIn the "pre-intervention 2010" (from January 2010 to December 2010) and "pre-intervention 2011" (from January 2011 to December 2011) phases, patients who screened HIV-positive at health care facilities in Zhongshan and Pubei counties in Guangxi, China, followed the standard-of-care process. In the "post-intervention 2012" (from July 2012 to June 2013) and "post-intervention 2013" (from July 2013 to June 2014) phases, patients who screened HIV-positive at the same facilities were offered a simplified test and treat intervention, i.e., concurrent HIV confirmatory and CD4 testing and immediate initiation of ART, irrespective of CD4 count. Participants were followed for 6-18 mo until the end of their study phase period. Mortality rates in the pre-intervention and post-intervention phases were compared for all HIV cases and for treatment-eligible HIV cases. A total of 1,034 HIV-positive participants (281 and 339 in the two pre-intervention phases respectively, and 215 and 199 in the two post-intervention phases respectively) were enrolled. Following the structural intervention, receipt of baseline CD4 testing within 30 d of HIV confirmation increased from 67%/61% (pre-intervention 2010/pre-intervention 2011) to 98%/97% (post-intervention 2012/post-intervention 2013) (all p < 0.001 [i.e., for all comparisons between a pre- and post-intervention phase]), and the time from HIV confirmation to ART initiation decreased from 53 d (interquartile range [IQR] 27-141)/43 d (IQR 15-113) to 5 d (IQR 2-12)/5 d (IQR 2-13) (all p < 0.001). Initiation of ART increased from 27%/49% to 91%/89% among all cases (all p < 0.001) and from 39%/62% to 94%/90% among individuals with CD4 count ≤ 350 cells/mm3 or AIDS (all p < 0.001). Mortality decreased from 27%/27% to 10%/10% for all cases (all p < 0.001) and from 40%/35% to 13%/13% for cases with CD4 count ≤ 350 cells/mm3 or AIDS (all p < 0.001). The simplified test and treat intervention was significantly associated with decreased mortality rates compared to pre-intervention 2011 (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] 0.385 [95% CI 0.239-0.620] and 0.380 [95% CI 0.233-0.618] for the two post-intervention phases, respectively, for all newly diagnosed HIV cases [both p < 0.001], and aHR 0.369 [95% CI 0.226-0.603] and 0.361 [95% CI 0.221-0.590] for newly diagnosed treatment-eligible HIV cases [both p < 0.001]). The unit cost of an additional patient receiving ART attributable to the intervention was US83.80.TheunitcostofadeathpreventedbecauseoftheinterventionwasUS83.80. The unit cost of a death prevented because of the intervention was US234.52.ConclusionsOur results demonstrate that the simplified HIV test and treat intervention promoted successful engagement in care and was associated with a 62% reduction in mortality. Our findings support the implementation of integrated HIV testing and immediate access to ART irrespective of CD4 count, in order to optimize the impact of ART
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