14,032 research outputs found
How do Neutrinos Propagate ? - Wave-Packet Treatment of Neutrino Oscillation
The wave-packet treatment of neutrino oscillation developed previously is
extended to the case in which momentum distribution functions are taken to be a
Gaussian form with both central values and dispersions depending on the mass
eigenstates of the neutrinos. It is shown among other things that the velocity
of the neutrino wave packets does not in general agree with what one would
expect classically and that relativistic neutrinos emitted from pions
nevertheless do follow, to a good approximation, the classical trajectory.Comment: 13 page. No figure. Typeset using PTPTeX.st
Mixed magnetic phases in (Ga,Mn)As epilayers
Two different ferromagnetic-paramagnetic transitions are detected in
(Ga,Mn)As/GaAs(001) epilayers from ac susceptibility measurements: transition
at a higher temperature results from (Ga,Mn)As cluster phases with [110]
uniaxial anisotropy and that at a lower temperature is associated with a
ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As matrix with cubic anisotropy. A change in the
magnetic easy axis from [100] to [110] with increasing temperature can be
explained by the reduced contribution of cubic anisotropy to the magnetic
properties above the transition temperature of the (Ga,Mn)As matrix
Technique for manufacturing nickel electrodes
A method of manufacturing nickel electrodes distinctive for its use of a composite material for the electrode made up of nickel compound, electrode material, cobalt in metal form or cobalt in compound form is investigated. The composite is over-discharged (same as reverse charging) in an alkaline solution. After dealkalization, synthetic resin adhesive is added and the electrode is formed. Selection of the cobalt compound is made from a group consisting of cobalt oxide, cobalt hydroxide, cobalt carbonate and cobalt sulfate. The method upgrades plate characteristics by using an active material in a non-sintered type nickel electrode, which is activated by electro-chemical effect
Two-Nucleon Bound States in Quenched Lattice QCD
We address the issue of bound state in the two-nucleon system in lattice QCD.
Our study is made in the quenched approximation at the lattice spacing of a =
0.128 fm with a heavy quark mass corresponding to m_pi = 0.8 GeV. To
distinguish a bound state from an attractive scattering state, we investigate
the volume dependence of the energy difference between the ground state and the
free two-nucleon state by changing the spatial extent of the lattice from 3.1
fm to 12.3 fm. A finite energy difference left in the infinite spatial volume
limit leads us to the conclusion that the measured ground states for not only
spin triplet but also singlet channels are bounded. Furthermore the existence
of the bound state is confirmed by investigating the properties of the energy
for the first excited state obtained by 2x2 diagonalization method. The
scattering lengths for both channels are evaluated by applying the finite
volume formula derived by Luscher to the energy of the first excited states.Comment: 34 pages, 28 figure
Effect of the shape anisotropy on the magnetic configuration of (Ga,Mn)As and its evolution with temperature
We study the effect of the shape anisotropy on the magnetic domain
configurations of a ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As/GaAs(001) epitaxial
wire as a function of temperature. Using magnetoresistance measurements, we
deduce the magnetic configurations and estimate the relative strength of the
shape anisotropy compared with the intrinsic anisotropies. Since the intrinsic
anisotropy is found to show a stronger temperature dependence than the shape
anisotropy, the effect of the shape anisotropy on the magnetic domain
configuration is relatively enhanced with increasing temperature. This
information about the shape anisotropy provides a practical means of designing
nanostructured spin electronic devices using (Ga,Mn)As.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in J. Appl. Phy
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