2,726 research outputs found

    ASCA Observation of the Lyman-limit Quasar PKS2145+067

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    X-ray observation of a famous Lyman-limit quasar PKS2145+067at z_em= 0.990 was carried with ASCA. The source showed a 2-10 keV flux of 1.3 E-11 erg cm^-2 sec^-1 (L_X = 2.5 E46 erg sec^-1 for H_0=50 km s^-1 Mpc^-1) described by a power-law spectrum with a photon index Gamma=1.63 +/- 0.04 . In the ASCA energy band, no excess absorption was detected implying the absorption column density at z_ ab=0.791 was less than 1.6 E21 cm^-2 if absorbing medium had a metal abundance of 0.5 solar. Comparison with previous Einstein and ROSAT observations shows that PKS2145+067 has increased its luminosity by a factor of 2--3 between 1991 and 1998.Comment: 15 pages, 3figures, Latex(PASJadd,sty, PASJ95.sty) accepted in PAS

    XMM-Newton Observation of IC 310 in the Outer Region of the Perseus Cluster of Galaxies

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    We present results from an XMM-Newton observation of the head-tail radio galaxy IC 310 located in the southwest region of the Perseus cluster. The spectrum is well-fitted by an absorbed power-law model with a photon index of 2.50±0.022.50 \pm 0.02 with no significant absorption excess. The X-ray image shows a point-like emission at IC 310 without any signs of a structure correlated with the radio halo tail. The temperature of the intracluster medium surrounding IC 310 declines as a function of distance from the cluster center, from kT6 kT \sim 6 keV in the northeast corner of the field of view to about 3 keV in the southwest region. Although we do not find any sharp edges in the surface brightness profile, a brightness excess over a smooth β\beta model by about 20% is seen. The temperature also rises by about 10% in the same region. This indicates that the IC 310 region is a subcluster probably infalling into the Perseus cluster, and the gas in front of IC 310 towards the Perseus cluster is likely to be compressed by the large-scale motion, which supports the view that the IC 310 system is undergoing a merger.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures (including color), accepted for publication in PAS

    Chandra observation of the core of the galaxy cluster AWM7

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    We present results from a Chandra observation of the core region of the nearby X-ray bright galaxy cluster AWM7. There are blob-like substructures, which are seen in the energy band 2--10 keV, within 10 kpc (20'') of the cD galaxy NGC1129, and the brightest sub-peak has a spatial extent more than 4 kpc. We also notice that the central soft X-ray peak is slightly offset from the optical center by 1 kpc. These structures have no correlated features in optical, infrared, or radio band. Energy spectrum of the hard sub-peak indicates a temperature higher than 3 keV with a metallicity less than 0.3 solar, or a power-law spectrum with photon index 1.2. A hardness ratio map and a narrow Fe-K band image jointly indicate two Fe-rich blobs symmetrically located around the cD galaxy, with the direction perpendicular to the sub-peak direction. In larger scales (r<60 kpc), the temperature gradually drops from 4 keV to 2 keV toward the cluster center and the metal abundance rises steeply to a peak of 1.5 solar at r=7 kpc. These results indicate that a dynamical process is going on in the central region of AWM7, which probably creates heated gas blobs and drives metal injection.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures (including color), accepted for publication in ApJ. Postscript is also available at http://www-x.phys.metro-u.ac.jp/~furusho/papers.htm

    DIOS: the dark baryon exploring mission

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    DIOS (Diffuse Intergalactic Oxygen Surveyor) is a small satellite aiming for a launch around 2020 with JAXA's Epsilon rocket. Its main aim is a search for warm-hot intergalactic medium with high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of redshifted emission lines from OVII and OVIII ions. The superior energy resolution of TES microcalorimeters combined with a very wide field of view (30--50 arcmin diameter) will enable us to look into gas dynamics of cosmic plasmas in a wide range of spatial scales from Earth's magnetosphere to unvirialized regions of clusters of galaxies. Mechanical and thermal design of the spacecraft and development of the TES calorimeter system are described. We also consider revising the payload design to optimize the scientific capability allowed by the boundary conditions of the small mission.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, Proceedings of the SPIE Astronomical Instrumentation : Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ra

    Electrically driven spin excitation in a ferroelectric magnet DyMnO_3

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    Temperature (5--250 K) and magnetic field (0--70 kOe) variations of the low-energy (1--10 meV) electrodynamics of spin excitations have been investigated for a complete set of light-polarization configurations for a ferroelectric magnet DyMnO3_3 by using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. We identify the pronounced absorption continuum (1--8 meV) with a peak feature around 2 meV, which is electric-dipole active only for the light EE-vector along the a-axis. This absorption band grows in intensity with lowering temperature from the spin-collinear paraelectric phase above the ferroelectric transition, but is independent of the orientation of spiral spin plane (bcbc or abab), as shown on the original PsP_{\rm s} (ferroelectric polarization) c\parallel c phase as well as the magnetic field induced PsaP_{\rm s}\parallel a phase. The possible origin of this electric-dipole active band is argued in terms of the large fluctuations of spins and spin-current.Comment: New version, 11 pages including colored 8 figure

    Locating the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium in the Simulated Local Universe

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    We present an analysis of mock spectral observation of warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM) using a constrained simulation of the local universe. The simulated map of oxygen emission lines from local WHIM reproduces well the observed structures traced by galaxies in the real local universe. We further attempt to perform mock observations of outer parts of simulated Coma cluster and A3627 adopting the expected performance of DIOS (Diffuse Intergalactic Oxygen Surveyor), which is proposed as a dedicated soft X-ray mission to search for cosmic missing baryons. We find that WHIMs surrounding nearby clusters are detectable with a typical exposure time of a day, and thus constitute realistic and promising targets for DIOS. We also find that an X-ray emitting clump in front of Coma cluster, recently reported in the XMM-Newton observation, has a counterpart in the simulated local universe, and its observed spectrum can be well reproduced in the simulated local universe if the gas temperature is set to the observationally estimated value.Comment: 25 pages, 3 tables, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in PASJ. High resolution PS/PDF files are available at http://www-utap.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~kohji/research/x-ray/index.htm