267 research outputs found

    Fixed point subalgebras of lattice vertex operator algebras by an automorphism of order three

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    We study the fixed point subalgebra of a certain class of lattice vertex operator algebras by an automorphism of order 3, which is a lift of a fixed-point-free isometry of the underlying lattice. We classify the irreducible modules for the subalgebra. Moreover, the rationality and the C2C_2-cofiniteness of the subalgebra are established. Our result contains the case of the vertex operator algebra associated with the Leech lattice.Comment: 77 page

    W-algebras related to parafermion algebras

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    We study a W-algebra of central charge 2(k-1)/(k+2) with k a positive integer greater than 1Comment: 37 page
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