51 research outputs found

    Outcomes following abdominal sacrocolpopexy for pelvic organ prolapse

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    Background: Hysterectomy is one of the most performed surgical procedures during lifetime. Almost 10% of women who have had a hysterectomy because of prolapse symptoms. Sacrocolpopexy (sacral colpopexy) is a surgical technique to repair pelvic organ prolapses. Specifically, it is intended to address apical or vaginal vault prolapse in women with lower perioperative morbidity, shorter hospital stay and allows a long-term anatomical restoration. It provides excellent apical support with lower rate of recurrence. Aim of present study was to assess the efficiency of conventional method of sacrocolpopexy and to assess the follow up complaints of patients.Methods: This study is conducted in maternal and child health wing of Sarojini Naidu medical college from June 2019 till December 2019. Sacrospinous fixation was performed with conventional needle holder as compared to Miya hook. Data were collected from participants using a structured questionnaire. Follow up was conducted at 6 weeks and 12 weeks.Results: In this study there were 43.3% pre menopausal patients and 53.6% menopausal patients. Maximum patients were multiparous i.e. para 2 (36.6%). Maximum patient belongs to POP Q stage 3. After 6 weeks of surgery maximum patients had pain in abdomen i.e. 3.33%, dyspareunia 8.33% and 100% success rate of sacropexy.Conclusions: Sacrocolpopexy is a cost effective and safe procedure with high anatomical cure and patient satisfaction rate and low intra-operative and. postoperative complications as well as recurrence rates

    Correlations between QPO frequencies and spectral parameters of GRS 1915+105 using AstroSat observations

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    In this work, we study the correlation between Quasi-periodic Oscillation (QPO) frequency and the spectral parameters during various X-ray states in the black hole binary GRS 1915+105 which matches well with the predicted relativistic dynamic frequency (i.e. the inverse of the sound crossing time) at the truncated radii. We have used broadband data of LAXPC and SXT instruments onboard AstroSat. Spectral fitting shows that the accretion rate varies from 0.1\sim 0.1 to 5.0×1018\sim 5.0 \times 10^{18} gm/s and the truncated radius changing from the last stable orbit of an almost maximally spinning black hole, \sim 1.2 to \sim 19 Gravitational radii. For this wide range, the frequencies of the C-type QPO (2 - 6 Hz) follow the trend predicted by the relativistic dynamical frequency model and interestingly, the high-frequency QPO at \sim 70 Hz also follows the same trend, suggesting they originate from the innermost stable circular orbit with the same mechanism as the more commonly observed C-type QPO. While the qualitative trend is as predicted, there are quantitative deviations between the data and the theory, and the possible reasons for these deviations are discussed

    An Improved Association Rule Mining Technique Using Transposed Database

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    Discovering the association rules among the large databases is the most important feature of data mining. Many algorithms had been introduced by various researchers for finding association rules. Among these algorithms, the FP-growth method is the most proficient. It mines the frequent item set without candidate set generation. The setbacks of FP growth are, it requires two scans of overall database and it uses large number of conditional FP tree to generate frequent itemsets. To overcome these limitations a new approach has been proposed by the name TransTrie, it will use the reduced sorted transposed database. After this it will scan the database and generate a TRIE, in the same step it will also compute the occurrences of each item. Then, using Depth first traversal it will identify the maximal itemsets, from which all frequent itemsets are derived using apriori property.  It also counts the support of frequent itemsets which are used to find the valuable association rules

    Trips-Plus Norm-Setting By Rcep And Possible Impact On India

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    TRIPS lays down the minimum standards for protection with respect to intellectual property. However, post TRIPS, there has been an increasing trend to introduce higher levels of protection via bilateral and regional free trade agreements. Since 2012, India participated in the negotiations of a regional agreement, RCEP, which would, inter alia, set IP standards in Asia as it was slated to be the first such agreement involving mostly Asian economies. Though India withdrew from this Agreement, it has implications for India given RCEP standards will bind countries from its immediate neighbourhood and with whom India has considerable trade tries. This also becomes relevant because of India’s Act-East policy and renewed focus on Asia-Pacific. Hence, the agreement must be analysed to foresee the possible changes in IPR laws in Asia, particularly South East Asia as ASEAN economies are members of RCEP. This paper analyses Chapter 11 of RCEP containing the IP provisions and contrasts it with the position under TRIPS and Indian law wherever required

    Electronic structure of Pr2MnNiO6 from x-ray photoemission, absorption and density functional theory

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    The electronic structure of double perovskite Pr2MnNiO6 is studied using core x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and x-ray absorption spectroscopy. The 2p x-ray absorption spectra show that Mn and Ni are in 2+ and 4+ states respectively. Using charge transfer multiplet analysis of Ni and Mn 2p XPS spectra, we find charge transfer energies {\Delta} of 3.5 and 2.5 eV for Ni and Mn respectively. The ground state of Ni2+ and Mn4+ reveal a higher d electron count of 8.21 and 3.38 respectively as compared to the atomic values of 8.00 and 3.00 respectively thereby indicating the covalent nature of the system. The O 1s edge absorption spectra reveal a band gap of 0.9 eV which is comparable to the value obtained from first principle calculations for U-J >= 2 eV. The density of states clearly reveal a strong p-d type charge transfer character of the system, with band gap proportional to average charge transfer energy of Ni2+ and Mn4+ ions.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Structural and functional integrity of decontaminated N95 respirators: Experimental results

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    With the recent emergence of highly transmissible variants of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the demand for N95 respirators is expected to remain high. The extensive use of N95 respirators by the public is susceptible to demand-supply gaps and raises concern about their disposal, threatening the environment with a new kind of plastic pollution. Herein, we investigated the filtration performance of the N95 respirator by specifically analyzing the structure in the key filtration layers of meltblown nonwoven after decontamination with one and five cycles of liquid hydrogen peroxide, ultraviolet radiation, moist heat, and aqueous soap solution treatments. With the aid of X-ray microcomputed tomography (microCT) analysis, the local structural heterogeneity of the meltblown nonwoven has been unfolded and subsequently correlated with their filtration performance at a face velocity that matched with speaking conditions (similar to 3.89 m/s). The filtration efficiency results of the N95 respirator remain unaltered after performing one cycle of treatment modalities (except autoclave)

    Recyclable Polymer Matrix Nanocomposites for Sustainable Packaging Solutions

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    This study explores the potential of recyclable polymer matrix nanocomposites for sustainable packaging solutions. Nanocomposites were created by combining different polymer matrices (PET, PLA, HDPE, PP) with various types of nanofillers (Clay, Graphene, Cellulose, Nanoclay), and the nanofiller content varied from 2% to 5%. Graphene-based nanocomposites demonstrated exceptional tensile strength (55 MPa) and Young's modulus (4.0 GPa) in comparison to alternative formulations, as indicated by mechanical properties analysis. Graphene nanocomposites demonstrated the most effective barrier properties, with the lowest oxygen permeability (1.0 cm^3/m^2·day·atm) and water vapor transmission rate (2.3 g/m^2·day). The analysis revealed that cellulose nanocomposites exhibited the highest glass transition temperature (72°C) and melting temperature (185°C) in terms of their thermal properties. The findings highlight the wide range of benefits that recyclable polymer matrix nanocomposites can bring to sustainable packaging applications. These include improved mechanical strength, enhanced barrier performance, and increased thermal stability. This underscores their versatility and potential in this field. Additional research is necessary to enhance synthesis methods, investigate new nanofiller materials, and assess long-term performance in real-world packaging scenarios

    Sustainable Approaches for Recycling Solar Panel Materials: A Circular Economy Perspective

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    A record number of photovoltaic (PV) systems have been installed around the globe as a result of the shift towards renewable energy sources, especially solar electricity. But the problem of how to sustainably handle solar panels at the end of their lifecycle will inevitably arise with this increase. Using empirical data to provide light on important trends and consequences, this paper explores sustainable alternatives of recycling solar panel materials within the framework of a circular economy. The majority of solar panels are made of silicon, which accounts for 60% of their composition. Aluminum makes up 10%, glass is 20%, copper is 5%, plastic is 3%, and other materials make up 2%. The need for efficient waste management solutions became acute as yearly garbage output climbed from 1,000 tons to 1,250 tons during a five-year period. As far as recycling efficiency rates go, silicon was at 95%, then copper at 85%, glass at 90%, aluminum at 80%, plastics at 70%, and other materials at 60%. Plastics produced 700 tons, silicon 950 tons, aluminum 800 tons, copper 850 tons, glass 900 tons, and other materials 600 tons, all thanks to recycling efforts that overcame obstacles. Based on these results, it's clear that the solar energy industry needs more efficient use of resources and better recycling procedures. Solar energy may be ensured to remain a clean and sustainable source of energy for the long term by using technical advancements, regulatory assistance, and stakeholder engagement to speed the transition towards a circular economy model for solar panel materials