8,170 research outputs found
Spinodal Decomposition and the Tomita Sum Rule
The scaling properties of a phase-ordering system with a conserved order
parameter are studied. The theory developed leads to scaling functions
satisfying certain general properties including the Tomita sum rule. The theory
also gives good agreement with numerical results for the order parameter
scaling function in three dimensions. The values of the associated
nonequilibrium decay exponents are given by the known lower bounds.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure
Adaptive HD-sEMG decomposition: towards robust real-time decoding of neural drive
Objective. Neural interfacing via decomposition of high-density surface electromyography (HD-sEMG) should be robust to signal non-stationarities incurred by changes in joint pose and contraction intensity. Approach. We present an adaptive real-time motor unit decoding algorithm and test it on HD-sEMG collected from the extensor carpi radialis brevis during isometric contractions over a range of wrist angles and contraction intensities. The performance of the algorithm was verified using high-confidence benchmark decompositions derived from concurrently recorded intramuscular electromyography. Main results. In trials where contraction conditions between the initialization and testing data differed, the adaptive decoding algorithm maintained significantly higher decoding accuracies when compared to static decoding methods. Significance. Using “gold standard” verification techniques, we demonstrate the limitations of filter re-use decoding methods and show the necessity of parameter adaptation to achieve robust neural decoding
Effect of a magnetic flux on the critical behavior of a system with long range hopping
We study the effect of a magnetic flux in a 1D disordered wire with long
range hopping.
It is shown that this model is at the metal-insulator transition (MIT) for
all disorder values and the spectral correlations are given by critical
statistics. In the weak disorder regime a smooth transition between orthogonal
and unitary symmetry is observed as the flux strength increases. By contrast,
in the strong disorder regime the spectral correlations are almost flux
independent. It is also conjectured that the two level correlation function for
arbitrary flux is given by the dynamical density-density correlations of the
Calogero-Sutherland (CS) model at finite temperature. Finally we describe the
classical dynamics of the model and its relevance to quantum chaos.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
Semi-Automated Identification of Motor Units Concurrently Recorded in High-Density Surface and Intramuscular Electromyography
: An increasing focus on extending automated surface electromyography (EMG) decomposition algorithms to operate under non-stationary conditions requires rigorous and robust validation. However, relevant benchmarks derived manually from iEMG are laborsome to obtain and this is further exacerbated by the need to consider multiple contraction conditions. This work demonstrates a semi-automatic technique for extracting motor units (MUs) whose activities are present in concurrently recorded high-density surface EMG (HD-sEMG) and intramuscular EMG (iEMG) during isometric contractions. We leverage existing automatic surface decomposition algorithms for initial identification of active MUs. Resulting spike times are then used to identify (trigger) the sources that are concurrently detectable in iEMG. We demonstrate this technique on recordings targeting the extensor carpi radialis brevis in five human subjects. This dataset consists of 117 trials across different force levels and wrist angles, from which the presented method yielded a set of 367 high-confidence decompositions. Thus, our approach effectively alleviates the overhead of manual decomposition as it efficiently produces reliable benchmarks under different conditions.Clinical Relevance- We present an efficient method for obtaining high-quality in-vivo decomposition particularly useful in the verification of new surface decomposition approaches
Optimal Motor Unit Subset Selection for Accurate Motor Intention Decoding: Towards Dexterous Real-Time Interfacing
Objective: Motor unit (MU) discharge timings encode human motor intentions to the finest degree. Whilst tapping into such information can bring significant gains to a range of applications, current approaches to MU decoding from surface signals do not scale well with the demands of dexterous human-machine interfacing (HMI). To optimize the forward estimation accuracy and time-efficiency of such systems, we propose the inclusion of task-wise initialization and MU subset selection. Methods: Offline analyses were conducted on data recorded from 11 non-disabled subjects. Task-wise decomposition was applied to identify MUs from high-density surface electromyography (HD-sEMG) pertaining to 18 wrist/forearm motor tasks. The activities of a selected subset of MUs were extracted from test data and used for forward estimation of intended motor tasks and joint kinematics. To that end, various combinations of subset selection and estimation algorithms (both regression and classification-based) were tested for a range of subset sizes. Results: The mutual information-based minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance (mRMR-MI) criterion retained MUs with the highest predicative power. When the portion of tracked MUs was reduced down to 25%, the regression performance decreased only by 3% (R2=0.79) while classification accuracy dropped by 2.7% (accuracy = 74%) when kernel-based estimators were considered. Conclusion and Significance: Careful selection of tracked MUs can optimize the efficiency of MU-driven interfacing. In particular, prioritization of MUs exhibiting strong nonlinear relationships with target motions is best leveraged by kernel-based estimators. Hence, this frees resources for more robust and adaptive MU decoding techniques to be implemented in future
Dynamics of Ordering of Heisenberg Spins with Torque --- Nonconserved Case. I
We study the dynamics of ordering of a nonconserved Heisenberg magnet. The
dynamics consists of two parts --- an irreversible dissipation into a heat bath
and a reversible precession induced by a torque due to the local molecular
field. For quenches to zero temperature, we provide convincing arguments, both
numerically (Langevin simulation) and analytically (approximate closure scheme
due to Mazenko), that the torque is irrelevant at late times. We subject the
Mazenko closure scheme to systematic numerical tests. Such an analysis, carried
out for the first time on a vector order parameter, shows that the closure
scheme performs respectably well. For quenches to , we show, to , that the torque is irrelevant at the Wilson-Fisher fixed
point.Comment: 13 pages, REVTEX, and 19 .eps figures, compressed, Submitted to Phys.
Coarsening Dynamics of a One-Dimensional Driven Cahn-Hilliard System
We study the one-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard equation with an additional
driving term representing, say, the effect of gravity. We find that the driving
field has an asymmetric effect on the solution for a single stationary
domain wall (or `kink'), the direction of the field determining whether the
analytic solutions found by Leung [J.Stat.Phys.{\bf 61}, 345 (1990)] are
unique. The dynamics of a kink-antikink pair (`bubble') is then studied. The
behaviour of a bubble is dependent on the relative sizes of a characteristic
length scale , where is the driving field, and the separation, ,
of the interfaces. For the velocities of the interfaces are
negligible, while in the opposite limit a travelling-wave solution is found
with a velocity . For this latter case () a set of
reduced equations, describing the evolution of the domain lengths, is obtained
for a system with a large number of interfaces, and implies a characteristic
length scale growing as . Numerical results for the domain-size
distribution and structure factor confirm this behavior, and show that the
system exhibits dynamical scaling from very early times.Comment: 20 pages, revtex, 10 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
Autonomous frequency domain identification: Theory and experiment
The analysis, design, and on-orbit tuning of robust controllers require more information about the plant than simply a nominal estimate of the plant transfer function. Information is also required concerning the uncertainty in the nominal estimate, or more generally, the identification of a model set within which the true plant is known to lie. The identification methodology that was developed and experimentally demonstrated makes use of a simple but useful characterization of the model uncertainty based on the output error. This is a characterization of the additive uncertainty in the plant model, which has found considerable use in many robust control analysis and synthesis techniques. The identification process is initiated by a stochastic input u which is applied to the plant p giving rise to the output. Spectral estimation (h = P sub uy/P sub uu) is used as an estimate of p and the model order is estimated using the produce moment matrix (PMM) method. A parametric model unit direction vector p is then determined by curve fitting the spectral estimate to a rational transfer function. The additive uncertainty delta sub m = p - unit direction vector p is then estimated by the cross spectral estimate delta = P sub ue/P sub uu where e = y - unit direction vectory y is the output error, and unit direction vector y = unit direction vector pu is the computed output of the parametric model subjected to the actual input u. The experimental results demonstrate the curve fitting algorithm produces the reduced-order plant model which minimizes the additive uncertainty. The nominal transfer function estimate unit direction vector p and the estimate delta of the additive uncertainty delta sub m are subsequently available to be used for optimization of robust controller performance and stability
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