847 research outputs found

    SUSY Phases, the Electron Electric Dipole Moment and the Muon Magnetic Moment

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    The electron electric dipole moment (d_e) and the muon magnetic moment anomaly (a_{\mu}) recently observed at BNL are analyzed within the framework of SUGRA models with CP violating phases at the GUT scale. It is seen analytically that even if d_e were zero, there can be a large Bino mass phase (ranging from 0 to 2 \pi) with a corresponding large B soft breaking mass phase (of size ~< 0.5 with sign fixed by the experimental sign of a_{\mu}). The dependence of the B phase on the other SUSY parameters, gaugino mass m_{1/2}, \tan \beta, A_0, is examined. The lower bound of a_{\mu} determines the upper bound of m_{1/2}. It is shown analytically how the existence of a non-zero Bino phase reduces this upper bound (which would correspondingly lower the SUSY mass spectra). The experimental upper bound on d_e determines the range of allowed phases, and the question of whether the current bound on d_e requires any fine tuning is investigated. At the electroweak scale, the phases have to be specified to within a few percent. At the GUT scale, however, the B phase requires fine tuning below the 1% level over parts of the parameter space for low m_{1/2}, and if the current experimental bound on d_e were reduced by only a factor of 3-4, fine tuning below 1% would occur at both the electroweak and GUT scale over large regions of the parameter space. All accelerator constraints (m_h > 114 GeV, b -> s \gamma, etc.) and relic density constraints with all stau-neutralino co-annihilation processes are included in the analysis.Comment: 22 pages, latex, 14 figure

    Coannihilation Effects in Supergravity and D-Brane Models

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    Coannihilation effects in neutralino relic density calculations are examined for a full range of supersymmetry parameters including large \tan\beta and large A_0 for stau, chargino, stop and sbottom coannihilation with the neutralino. Supergravity models possessing grand unification with universal soft breaking (mSUGRA), models with nonuniversal soft breaking in the Higgs and third generation sparticles, and D-brane models with nonuniversal gaugino masses were analysed. Unlike low \tan\beta where m_0 is generally small, stau coannihilation corridors with high \tan\beta are highly sensitive to A_0, and large A_0 allows m_0 to become as large as 1TeV. Nonuniversal soft breaking models at high \tan\beta also allow the opening of a new annihilation channel through the s-channel Z pole with acceptable relic density, allowing a new wide band in the m_0-m_{1/2} plane with m_{1/2} >~ 400 GeV and m0m_0 rising to 1 TeV. The D-brane models considered possess stau coannihilations regions similar to mSUGRA, as well as small regions of chargino coannihilation. Neutralino-proton cross sections are analysed for all models and it is found that future detectors for halo wimps will be able to scan essentially the full parameter space with m_{1/2} < 1 TeV except for a region with \mu < 0 where accidental cancellations occur when 5 ~<\tan\beta ~< 30. Analytic explanations of much of the above phenomena are given. The above analyses include current LEP bounds on the Higgs mass, large \tan\beta NLO correction to the b \to s \gamma decay, and large \tan\beta SUSY corrections to the b and \tau masses.Comment: 25 pages, latex, 13 figures, references adde

    The Effectivity of Multi Source Feedback (MSF) to Assess Professional Behaviour (Pb) of Nursing Students: an Evaluation Study

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    Background: Nurses are requested to give an excellent services to patients not only excellent in skills but also excellent in behaviour which serve comfort to patients. The behaviour is called professional behaviour or soft skill. Purpose: The aim of this research is investigating the effectiveness of MSF in assessing nursing students\u27 professional behaviour (PB).Methods: The design of the research is an evaluation study which compares the result of PB between before and after joining practice in clinical setting. The participants were thirty three participants consisting of 33 nursing students and 3 mentors. Data were collected using a quantitative approach. The participants are requested to do self and peer assessment using SPRAT modification form while mentors are asked to assess nursing students using the same form. The assessment was conducted twice, before and after joining internship. The data were analysed to compare the score of PB before and after joining the internship among group of participant using Paired sample T-test or dependent sample T test. Result: The results showed that there were differences of score between before and after joining internship with α = 0.000; 0.001; and 0.000 for self, peer, and mentor assessment respectively. There was no difference of score before joining internship among assessors with α = 0.509, and there was a difference of score after joining internship among assessors with α = 0.005. It means that MSF is an effective method to assess PB of nursing students. Conclusion: Applying MSF method to assess PB of nursing student is suggested for better assessment

    Neutralino Proton Cross Sections in SUGRA and D-BRANE Models

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    We calculate the spin independent neutralino-proton cross section for universal SUGRA, non universal SUGRA and D-brane models with R-parity invariance. The regions of maximum cross section in these models has started to be probed by the current detectors. The minimum cross section generally is >~1\times 10^{-(9-10)}pb and hence will be accessible in the future detectors, barring special regions of parameter space where it can reduce to =~10^{-12}pb. However, the squarks and gluinos will be heavy (>~1 TeV) in the latter case, but still accessible at the LHC.Comment: 3 pages, latex, 3 figures, talk at DPF 2000, Columbus, OH, August 9-12, 200