2,730 research outputs found

    Many-Body Theory of Synchronization by Long-Range Interactions

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    Synchronization of coupled oscillators on a dd-dimensional lattice with the power-law coupling G(r)=g0/rαG(r) = g_0/r^\alpha and randomly distributed intrinsic frequency is analyzed. A systematic perturbation theory is developed to calculate the order parameter profile and correlation functions in powers of Ï”=α/d−1\epsilon = \alpha/d-1. For α≀d\alpha \le d, the system exhibits a sharp synchronization transition as described by the conventional mean-field theory. For α>d\alpha > d, the transition is smeared by the quenched disorder, and the macroscopic order parameter \Av\psi decays slowly with g0g_0 as |\Av\psi| \propto g_0^2.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Critical exponents of Nikolaevskii turbulence

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    We study the spatial power spectra of Nikolaevskii turbulence in one-dimensional space. First, we show that the energy distribution in wavenumber space is extensive in nature. Then, we demonstrate that, when varying a particular parameter, the spectrum becomes qualitatively indistinguishable from that of Kuramoto-Sivashinsky turbulence. Next, we derive the critical exponents of turbulent fluctuations. Finally, we argue that in some previous studies, parameter values for which this type of turbulence does not appear were mistakenly considered, and we resolve inconsistencies obtained in previous studies.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Diffusion-induced instability and chaos in random oscillator networks

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    We demonstrate that diffusively coupled limit-cycle oscillators on random networks can exhibit various complex dynamical patterns. Reducing the system to a network analog of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, we argue that uniform oscillations can be linearly unstable with respect to spontaneous phase modulations due to diffusional coupling - the effect corresponding to the Benjamin-Feir instability in continuous media. Numerical investigations under this instability in random scale-free networks reveal a wealth of complex dynamical regimes, including partial amplitude death, clustering, and chaos. A dynamic mean-field theory explaining different kinds of nonlinear dynamics is constructed.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Bistable Chimera Attractors on a Triangular Network of Oscillator Populations

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    We study a triangular network of three populations of coupled phase oscillators with identical frequencies. The populations interact nonlocally, in the sense that all oscillators are coupled to one another, but more weakly to those in neighboring populations than to those in their own population. This triangular network is the simplest discretization of a continuous ring of oscillators. Yet it displays an unexpectedly different behavior: in contrast to the lone stable chimera observed in continuous rings of oscillators, we find that this system exhibits \emph{two coexisting stable chimeras}. Both chimeras are, as usual, born through a saddle node bifurcation. As the coupling becomes increasingly local in nature they lose stability through a Hopf bifurcation, giving rise to breathing chimeras, which in turn get destroyed through a homoclinic bifurcation. Remarkably, one of the chimeras reemerges by a reversal of this scenario as we further increase the locality of the coupling, until it is annihilated through another saddle node bifurcation.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Chimera and globally clustered chimera: Impact of time delay

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    Following a short report of our preliminary results [Phys. Rev. E 79, 055203(R) (2009)], we present a more detailed study of the effects of coupling delay in diffusively coupled phase oscillator populations. We find that coupling delay induces chimera and globally clustered chimera (GCC) states in delay coupled populations. We show the existence of multi-clustered states that act as link between the chimera and the GCC states. A stable GCC state goes through a variety of GCC states, namely periodic, aperiodic, long-- and short--period breathers and becomes unstable GCC leading to global synchronization in the system, on increasing time delay. We provide numerical evidence and theoretical explanations for the above results and discuss possible applications of the observed phenomena.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, Accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Order parameter expansion study of synchronous firing induced by quenched noise in the active rotator model

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    We use a recently developed order parameter expansion method to study the transition to synchronous firing occuring in a system of coupled active rotators under the exclusive presence of quenched noise. The method predicts correctly the existence of a transition from a rest state to a regime of synchronous firing and another transition out of it as the intensity of the quenched noise increases and leads to analytical expressions for the critical noise intensities in the large coupling regime. It also predicts the order of the transitions for different probability distribution functions of the quenched variables. We use numerical simulations and finite size scaling theory to estimate the critical exponents of the transitions and found values which are consistent with those reported in other scalar systems in the exclusive presence of additive static disorder

    Chimeras in networks of planar oscillators

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    Chimera states occur in networks of coupled oscillators, and are characterized by having some fraction of the oscillators perfectly synchronized, while the remainder are desynchronized. Most chimera states have been observed in networks of phase oscillators with coupling via a sinusoidal function of phase differences, and it is only for such networks that any analysis has been performed. Here we present the first analysis of chimera states in a network of planar oscillators, each of which is described by both an amplitude and a phase. We find that as the attractivity of the underlying periodic orbit is reduced chimeras are destroyed in saddle-node bifurcations, and supercritical Hopf and homoclinic bifurcations of chimeras also occur.Comment: To appear, Phys. Rev.

    Stabilized Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation: A useful model for secondary instabilities and related dynamics of experimental one-dimensional cellular flows

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    We report numerical simulations of one-dimensional cellular solutions of the stabilized Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. This equation offers a range of generic behavior in pattern-forming instabilities of moving interfaces, such as a host of secondary instabilities or transition toward disorder. We compare some of these collective behaviors to those observed in experiments. In particular, destabilization scenarios of bifurcated states are studied in a spatially semi-extended situation, which is common in realistic patterns, but has been barely explored so far.Comment: 4 pages, 14 figure

    Effects of long-range links on metastable states in a dynamic interaction network

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    We introduce a model for random-walking nodes on a periodic lattice, where the dynamic interaction network is defined from local interactions and E randomly-added long-range links. With periodic states for nodes and an interaction rule of repeated averaging, we numerically find two types of metastable states at low- and high-E limits, respectively, along with consensus states. If we apply this model to opinion dynamics, metastable states can be interpreted as sustainable diversities in our societies, and our result then implies that, while diversities decrease and eventually disappear with more long-range connections, another type of states of diversities can appear when networks are almost fully-connected.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
