220 research outputs found
Pseudo-magnetoexcitons in strained graphene bilayers without external magnetic fields
The structural and electronic properties of graphene leads its charge
carriers to behave like relativistic particles, which is described by a
Dirac-like Hamiltonian. Since graphene is a monolayer of carbon atoms, the
strain due to elastic deformations will give rise to so-called `pseudomagnetic
fields (PMF)' in graphene sheet, and that has been realized experimentally in
strained graphene sample. Here we propose a realistic strained graphene bilayer
(SGB) device to detect the pseudo-magnetoexcitons (PME) in the absence of
external magnetic field. The carriers in each graphene layer suffer different
strong PMFs due to strain engineering, which give rise to Landau quantization.
The pseudo-Landau levels (PLLs) of electron-hole pair under inhomogeneous PMFs
in SGB are analytically obtained in the absence of Coulomb interactions. Based
on the general analytical optical absorption selection rule for PME, we show
that the optical absorption spectrums can interpret the corresponding formation
of Dirac-type PME. We also predict that in the presence of inhomogeneous PMFs,
the superfluidity-normal phase transition temperature of PME is greater than
that under homogeneous PMFs.}Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure
Stability of Sarma phases in density imbalanced electron-hole bilayer systems
We study excitonic condensation in an electron-hole bilayer system with
unequal layer densities at zero temperature. Using mean-field theory we solve
the BCS gap equations numerically and investigate the effects of intra-layer
interactions. We analyze the stability of the Sarma phase with \bk,-\bk
pairing by calculating the superfluid mass density and also by checking the
compressibility matrix. We find that with bare Coulomb interactions the
superfluid density is always positive in the Sarma phase, due to a peculiar
momentum structure of the gap function originating from the singular behavior
of the Coulomb potential at zero momentum and the presence of a sharp Fermi
surface. Introducing a simple model for screening, we find that the superfluid
density becomes negative in some regions of the phase diagram, corresponding to
an instability towards a Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) type superfluid
phase. Thus, intra-layer interaction and screening together can lead to a rich
phase diagram in the BCS-BEC crossover regime in electron-hole bilayer systems
Interaction and disorder in bilayer counterflow transport at filling factor one
We study high mobility, interacting GaAs bilayer hole systems exhibiting
counterflow superfluid transport at total filling factor . As the
density of the two layers is reduced, making the bilayer more interacting, the
counterflow Hall resistivity () decreases at a given temperature,
while the counterflow longitudinal resistivity (), which is much
larger than , hardly depends on density. On the other hand, a small
imbalance in the layer densities can result in significant changes in
at , while remains vanishingly small. Our data
suggest that the finite at is a result of mobile vortices
in the superfluid created by the ubiquitous disorder in this system.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Mesoscopic supersolid of dipoles in a trap
A mesoscopic system of indirect dipolar bosons trapped by a harmonic
potential is considered. The system has a number of physical realizations
including dipole excitons, atoms with large dipolar moment, polar molecules,
Rydberg atoms in inhomogenious electric field. We carry out a diffusion Monte
Carlo simulation to define the quantum properties of a two-dimensional system
of trapped dipoles at zero temperature. In dimensionless units the system is
described by two control parameters, namely the number of particles and the
strength of the interparticle interaction. We have shown that when the
interparticle interaction is strong enough a mesoscopic crystal is formed. As
the strength of interactions is decreased a multi-stage melting takes place.
Off-diagonal order in the system is tested using natural orbitals analysis. We
have found that the system might be Bose-condensed even in the case of strong
interparticle interactions. There is a set of parameters for which a spatially
ordered structure is formed while simultaneously the fraction of Bose condensed
particles is non zero. This might be considered as a realization of a
mesoscopic supersolid.Comment: 5 figure
Chiral superfluid states in hybrid graphene heterostructures
The use of high quality hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) as a dielectric
material has made possible the realization of graphene devices with very high
mobility. In addition hBN can be made as thin as few atomic layers and, as
recently demonstrated experimentally, can be used to isolate electrically two
graphene layers only few nanometers apart. The combined use of graphene and hBN
has therefore opened the possibility to create novel electronic structures. In
this work we study the "hybrid" heterostructure formed by one sheet of single
layer graphene (SLG) and one sheet of bilayer graphene (BLG) separated by a
thin film of hBN. In general it is expected that interlayer interactions can
drive the system to a spontaneously broken symmetry state characterized by
interlayer phase coherence. The peculiarity of the SLG-BLG heterostructure is
that the electrons in the layers (SLG and BLG) have different chiralities. We
find that the difference of chirality between electrons in the two layers
causes the spontaneously broken symmetry state to be N-fold degenerate.
Moreover, we find that some of the degenerate states are chiral superfluid
states, topologically distinct from the usual layer-ferromagnetism. The chiral
nature of the ground state opens the possibility to realize protected midgap
states. The N-fold degeneracy of the ground state makes the physics of SLG-BLG
hybrid systems analogous to the physics of helium-3, in particular given the
recent discovery of chiral superfluid states in this system.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
Effects of density imbalance on the BCS-BEC crossover in semiconductor electron-hole bilayers
We study the occurrence of excitonic superfluidity in electron-hole bilayers
at zero temperature. We not only identify the crossover in the phase diagram
from the BCS limit of overlapping pairs to the BEC limit of non-overlapping
tightly-bound pairs but also, by varying the electron and hole densities
independently, we can analyze a number of phases that occur mainly in the
crossover region. With different electron and hole effective masses, the phase
diagram is asymmetric with respect to excess electron or hole densities. We
propose as the criterion for the onset of superfluidity, the jump of the
electron and hole chemical potentials when their densities cross.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Sensitive linear response of an electron-hole superfluid in a periodic potential
We consider excitons in a two-dimensional periodic potential and study the
linear response of the excitonic superfluid to an electromagnetic wave at low
and high densities. It turns out that the static structure factor for small
wavevectors is very sensitive to a change of density and temperature. It is a
consequence of the fact that thermal fluctuations play a crucial role at small
wavevectors, since exchanging the order of the two limits, zero temperature and
vanishing wavevector, leads to different results for the structure factor. This
effect could be used for high accuracy measurements in the superfluid exciton
phase, which might be realized by a gated electron-hole gas. The transition of
the exciton system from the superfluid state to a non-superfluid state and its
manifestation by light scattering are discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure
Mobilities and Scattering Times in Decoupled Graphene Monolayers
Folded single layer graphene forms a system of two decoupled monolayers being
only a few Angstroms apart. Using magnetotransport measurements we investigate
the electronic properties of the two layers conducting in parallel. We show a
method to obtain the mobilities for the individual layers despite them being
jointly contacted. The mobilities in the upper layer are significantly larger
than in the bottom one indicating weaker substrate influence. This is confirmed
by larger transport and quantum scattering times in the top layer. Analyzing
the temperature dependence of the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations effective
masses and corresponding Fermi velocities are obtained yielding reduced values
down to 66 percent in comparison to monolayers.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
Theory of correlations in strongly interacting fluids of two-dimensional dipolar bosons
Ground-state properties of a two-dimensional fluid of bosons with repulsive
dipole-dipole interactions are studied by means of the Euler-Lagrange
hypernetted-chain approximation. We present a self-consistent semi-analytical
theory of the pair distribution function and ground-state energy of this
system. Our approach is based on the solution of a zero-energy scattering
Schr\"{o}dinger equation for the "pair amplitude" with an
effective potential from Jastrow-Feenberg correlations. We find excellent
agreement with quantum Monte Carlo results over a wide range of coupling
strength, nearly up to the critical coupling for the liquid-to-crystal quantum
phase transition. We also calculate the one-body density matrix and related
quantities, such as the momentum distribution function and the condensate
fraction.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, submitte
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