13 research outputs found


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    研究科: 千葉大学大学院医学薬学府(先端医学薬学専攻)学位記番号: 千大院医薬博甲第医1338号博士(医学)千葉大学 = Chiba Universit

    Attitudes toward various specialties as a prospective career among medical school students in China.

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    <p>Attitudes toward various specialties as a prospective career among medical school students in China.</p

    Clusters of increased fractional anisotropy (FA) in smokers compared to healthy non-smokers.

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    <p>Significant FA alterations as revealed by voxel-based whole brain analysis with SPM5 displayed on the FA average map of the sample. Voxels of increased FA in smokers revealed by SPM5 analysis are displayed with red colour. All clusters shown exceed an uncorrected statistical threshold of P<0.001 and a cluster size threshold of 100 consecutive voxels.</p

    Demographic characteristics of the smokers and never-smokers studied.

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    a<p>significantly different from control group, p<0.01.</p>b<p>three participants reported drinking more than once a week among smokers and no non-smoking participants reported drinking more than once a week.</p>c<p>Before MRI acquisition run, participants were asked to rank their craving from 0 (“not at all”) to 10 (“extreme”).</p

    The diffusively decreased thalamocortical connectivity in ketamine-dependent subjects.

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    <p>A. The 6 cortical regions-of-interest. B. Thalamocortical connectivity of the drug-free control subjects. C. Thalamocortical connectivity of the ketamine-dependent subjects. D. Group differences in thalamocortical connectivity for the drug-free control subjects and the ketamine-dependent subjects. All shown clusters in this study were corrected for multiple comparisons with the corrected statistical threshold of P<0.05 using the AlphaSim program (single voxele p value<0.01, and ≥108 mm3 (4 adjacent voxels). A presentation formation referred to the previous study [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0167381#pone.0167381.ref026" target="_blank">26</a>].</p