48 research outputs found
Фазовий склад та магніторезистивні властивості плівкових системи Ni/Au/Ni
Магнітні багатошарові структури, які останніми роками інтенсивно досліджуються, важливі як з точки зору теоретичних досліджень, так і для практичного застосування. Прикладний інтерес викликаний їх
здатністю поєднувати у собі властивості магнітом’яких і магнітотвердих матеріалів, які суттєво залежать від структури і фазового складуз разків.У даній роботі, в якості досліджуваних магнітних структур, було
використано тришарові плівкові системи Ni(d) / Au(15 нм) / Ni(25 нм) отримані шляхом пошарової конденсації, де d – товщина верхнього шару Ni, яка змінювалась від 5 до 15 нм
Copper-Catalyzed Oxidative Cyclization of Enynes for the Synthesis of 4-Carbonyl-quinolines with O<sub>2</sub>
A novel copper-catalyzed oxidative cyclization of enynes and in situ formed enynes leading to 4-carbonyl-quinolines by using dioxygen as an oxygen source has been developed
Highly Regioselective Synthesis of 1,3-Diiodonaphthalene Derivatives via a Sequential Cascade Iodocyclization
A novel and flexible sequentially cascade iodocyclization for the synthesis of highly substituted 1,3-diiodinated naphthalene derivatives in up to 99% yield under mild conditions is reported. The dihalogenated moiety can be readily introduced into the naphthalenes in a position that is usually not easily functionalized
Enantioselective Synthesis of Both Axially and Planar Chiral Ferrocenes via Axial-to-Planar Diastereoinduction
with planar chirality have emerged as an important class
of scaffolds for ligands in asymmetric catalysis; however, ferrocene
molecules with polychiral structures have not been well explored.
Herein, both axially and planar chiral ferrocenes were synthesized
via palladium/chiral norbornene cooperative catalysis and axial-to-planar
diastereoinduction. In this work, chiral norbornene was used to stereoselectively
control the aromatic axial chirality, and further selectivity induced
C(sp2)–H activation for ferrocene planar chirality.
Based on density functional theory calculations, the catalytic model
of chiral norbornene with the substrate and the axial-to-planar diastereoinduction
process were confirmed
Copper-Catalyzed Oxidative Cyclization of Enynes for the Synthesis of 4-Carbonyl-quinolines with O<sub>2</sub>
A novel copper-catalyzed oxidative cyclization of enynes and in situ formed enynes leading to 4-carbonyl-quinolines by using dioxygen as an oxygen source has been developed
Effect of low dose L-DOPA on CD39 protein expression.
<p>PC12 cells were treated with L-DOPA at different concentration for 3 days, and CD39 protein expression was measured by immunofluorescence staining (A) and western blot assay (B). L-DOPA treatment resulted in an increase in CD39 expression when compared with un-treated group and peaked at 10 µM L-DOPA (C). *P<0.05 vs. untreated group. #P>0.05 vs. untreated group.</p
Highly Regioselective Synthesis of 1,3-Diiodonaphthalene Derivatives via a Sequential Cascade Iodocyclization
A novel and flexible sequentially cascade iodocyclization for the synthesis of highly substituted 1,3-diiodinated naphthalene derivatives in up to 99% yield under mild conditions is reported. The dihalogenated moiety can be readily introduced into the naphthalenes in a position that is usually not easily functionalized
Effect of low-dose L-DOPA on PCREB protein expression.
<p>PC12 cells were treated with L-DOPA at different concentrations for 3 days, and PCREB protein expression was measured by immunofluorescence staining (A) and western blot assay (B). L-DOPA treatment increased pCREB expression when compared with untreated cells and peaked at 10 µM L-DOPA (C). *P<0.05 vs. untreated group.</p
Synthesis of Tetrasubstituted Cyclopentadienes via Palladium-Catalyzed Reaction of (<i>Z</i>)‑2-En-4-yn Acetates and <i>N</i>‑Methyl Indoles
An efficient approach for the synthesis of tetrasubstituted
through Pd-catalyzed reactions of (<i>Z</i>)-2-en-4-yn acetates
with substituted indoles was developed. This methodology has the advantages
of broad scope, simple conditions and easily accessible starting materials
Effect of L-DOPA on pCREB protein expression in the rat brains.
<p>Rats were treated with L-DOPA once daily for 7 days and the brains were quickly harvested for immunofluorescence staining of pCREB expression (A). The number of pCREB positive cells (n = 6 per group) was determined (B). The number of pCREB positive cells in L-DOPA treated groups was markedly larger than that in CG group. *P<0.05 vs. CG group.</p