1,337 research outputs found
Wigner crystal induced by dipole-dipole interaction in one-dimensional optical lattices
We demonstrate that the static structure factor, momentum distribution and
density distribution provide clear signatures of the emergence of Wigner
crystal for the fermionic dipolar gas with strongly repulsive dipole-dipole
interactions trapped in one-dimensional optical lattices. Our numerical
evidences are based on the exact diagonalization of the microscopic effective
lattice Hamiltonian of few particles interacting with long-range interactions.
As a comparison, we also study the system with only nearest-neighbor
interactions, which displays quite different behaviors from the dipolar system
in the regime of strong repulsion.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
Evidence for correlated states in a cluster of bosons with Rashba spin-orbit coupling
We study the ground state properties of spin-half bosons subjected to the
Rashba spin-orbit coupling in two dimensions. Due to the enhancement of the low
energy density of states, it is expected that the effect of interaction becomes
more important. After reviewing several possible ideal condensed states, we
carry out an exact diagonalization calculation for a cluster of the bosons in
the presence of strong spin-orbit coupling on a two-dimensional disk and reveal
strong correlations in its ground state. We derive a low-energy effective
Hamiltonian to understand how states with strong correlations become
energetically more favorable than the ideal condensed states.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure
Mott-Superfluid Transition for Spin-Orbit Coupled Bosons in One-Dimensional Optical Lattices
We study the effects of spin-orbit coupling on the Mott-superfluid transition
of bosons in a one-dimensional optical lattice. We determine the strong
coupling magnetic phase diagram by a combination of exact analytic and
numerical means. Smooth evolution of the magnetic structure into the superfluid
phases are investigated with the density matrix renormalization group
technique. Novel magnetic phases are uncovered and phase transitions between
them within the superfluid regime are discussed. Possible experimental
detection are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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