5,642 research outputs found

    Stability of matrix factorization for collaborative filtering

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    We study the stability vis a vis adversarial noise of matrix factorization algorithm for matrix completion. In particular, our results include: (I) we bound the gap between the solution matrix of the factorization method and the ground truth in terms of root mean square error; (II) we treat the matrix factorization as a subspace fitting problem and analyze the difference between the solution subspace and the ground truth; (III) we analyze the prediction error of individual users based on the subspace stability. We apply these results to the problem of collaborative filtering under manipulator attack, which leads to useful insights and guidelines for collaborative filtering system design.Comment: ICML201

    On the Computation Power of Name Parameterization in Higher-order Processes

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    Parameterization extends higher-order processes with the capability of abstraction (akin to that in lambda-calculus), and is known to be able to enhance the expressiveness. This paper focuses on the parameterization of names, i.e. a construct that maps a name to a process, in the higher-order setting. We provide two results concerning its computation capacity. First, name parameterization brings up a complete model, in the sense that it can express an elementary interactive model with built-in recursive functions. Second, we compare name parameterization with the well-known pi-calculus, and provide two encodings between them.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2015, arXiv:1508.0459