26 research outputs found
The soil mass final failure state of soil internal friction angle.
(a) φ = 10°; (b) φ = 20°; (c) φ = 30°; (d) φ = 40°.</p
The relationship between the stability safety factor and wall heel width.
The relationship between the stability safety factor and wall heel width.</p
The earth pressure distribution with different wall heel width.
The earth pressure distribution with different wall heel width.</p
The soil mass final failure state of wall heel width.
(a) b1 = 1m; (b) b1 = 2m; (c) b1 = 3m; (d) b1 = 4m.</p
The relationship between the stability safety factor and wall toe width.
The relationship between the stability safety factor and wall toe width.</p
The soil mass final failure state of soil cohesion.
(a) C = 5KPa; (b) C = 15KPa; (c) C = 25KPa; (d) C = 35KPa.</p
The geometry section of the inverted T-Type retaining wall.
The geometry section of the inverted T-Type retaining wall.</p
The earth pressure distribution with different soil–wall interface element reduction coefficient.
The earth pressure distribution with different soil–wall interface element reduction coefficient.</p
Geometric dimensions and mechanical parameters for working conditions.
Geometric dimensions and mechanical parameters for working conditions.</p
The relationship between the stability safety factor and bottom plate thickness.
The relationship between the stability safety factor and bottom plate thickness.</p