13 research outputs found
Additional file 2: Table S2. of The relation between health insurance and management of hypertension in Shanghai, China: a cross-sectional study
P-Values for the Differences Before and After Correction on the Multiple propensity score. (DOCX 15 kb
Additional file 1: Table S1. of The relation between health insurance and management of hypertension in Shanghai, China: a cross-sectional study
ORs in different outcome models. (DOCX 19 kb
Characteristics of included trials.
<p>Abbreviations: NR, not reported.</p
Identification process for eligible studies.
<p>Identification process for eligible studies.</p
Comparison of 3-year recurrence between hepatocellular carcinoma therapy and non-immunotherapy postoperation therapy.
<p>Comparison of 3-year recurrence between hepatocellular carcinoma therapy and non-immunotherapy postoperation therapy.</p
Comparison of 1-year recurrence between hepatocellular carcinomatherapy and non-immunotherapy postoperation therapy.
<p>Comparison of 1-year recurrence between hepatocellular carcinomatherapy and non-immunotherapy postoperation therapy.</p
Comparison of 3-year overall survival between hepatocellular carcinoma therapy and non-immunotherapy postoperation therapy.
<p>Comparison of 3-year overall survival between hepatocellular carcinoma therapy and non-immunotherapy postoperation therapy.</p
Comparison of overall survival between combined inhibition therapy and single inhibition therapy.
<p>Comparison of overall survival between combined inhibition therapy and single inhibition therapy.</p
Identification process for eligible studies.
<p>Identification process for eligible studies.</p
Comparison of progression-free survival between combined inhibition therapy and single inhibition therapy.
<p>Comparison of progression-free survival between combined inhibition therapy and single inhibition therapy.</p