194 research outputs found
On subfields of the Hermitian function fields involving the involution automorphism
A function field over a finite field is called maximal if it achieves the
Hasse-Weil bound. Finding possible genera that maximal function fields achieve
has both theoretical interest and practical applications to coding theory and
other topics. As a subfield of a maximal function field is also maximal, one
way to find maximal function fields is to find all subfields of a maximal
function field. Due to the large automorphism group of the Hermitian function
field, it is natural to find as many subfields of the Hermitian function field
as possible. In literature, most of papers studied subfields fixed by subgroups
of the decomposition group at one point (usually the point at infinity). This
is because it becomes much more complicated to study the subfield fixed by a
subgroup that is not contained in the decomposition group at one point.
In this paper, we study subfields of the Hermitian function field fixed by
subgroups that are not contained in the decomposition group of any point except
the cyclic subgroups. It turns out that some new maximal function fields are
Algebraic geometry codes with complementary duals exceed the asymptotic Gilbert-Varshamov bound
It was shown by Massey that linear complementary dual (LCD for short) codes
are asymptotically good. In 2004, Sendrier proved that LCD codes meet the
asymptotic Gilbert-Varshamov (GV for short) bound. Until now, the GV bound
still remains to be the best asymptotical lower bound for LCD codes. In this
paper, we show that an algebraic geometry code over a finite field of even
characteristic is equivalent to an LCD code and consequently there exists a
family of LCD codes that are equivalent to algebraic geometry codes and exceed
the asymptotical GV bound
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