7 research outputs found
Immunofluorescence staining of OECs.
<p>Fluorescent images of OECs stained for cytokeratin 18 (A), PEPT1 (B) and negative control using the secondary antibody only (C). Nuclei were stained with DAPI.</p
Reverse transcription PCR of PEPT1 gene expression in omasal epithelial tissue and OECs.
<p>Lane L: 100 bp DNA ladder; lane 1: Omasal epithelial tissue; lane 2: OECs; lane 3 and 4: Loading control of the expression of the housekeeping gene glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) of tissue (3) and omasal epithelial cells (4).</p
Morphology of isolated omasal epithelial cells at different growth periods.
<p>A: Epithelial cell suspensions obtained from newborn calves after enzymatic digestion (×200); B: Most of the omasal epithelial cells adhered to the wall of plastic substratum with small number of fibroblasts after 12 h in culture (×200); C: Cell clusters were observed after 2 d in culture (×100); D: A confluent monolayer formed after approximately one week in culture (×100); E: Purified cultures displayed a cobble-stone-like morphology (×100); F: A confluent monolayer of spindle-shaped, fibroblast-like cells (×100); Fibroblast-like cells are indicated by the arrows.</p
Growth curve of OECs in culture.
<p>The log phase started after day 2 of the lag phase with a sharper inclination and cells entering the logarithmic growth phase on day 5. N = 4.</p
Effects of substrate concentration, temperature and competitive inhibitor on Gly-Sar uptake by OECs.
<p>A: OEC monolayers were incubated with various concentrations (0–5 mM) of Gly-Sar at 37°C (⧫) or 4°C (▴). Active (▪) uptake via PEPT1 was estimated according to the difference between 37°C and 4°C. B: The uptake of 0.5 mM Gly-Sar was measured in the absence or presence of increasing concentrations of methionine-glycine (0–5 mM). Uptake of Gly-Sar measured in the absence of the inhibitor dipeptide was set as 100%. N = 4.</p
Developed morphology of confluent monolayer of OECs.
<p>A: Cuticularized cells originating from post-confluent stage OECs (×200); B: Phase contrast image with the focus set on top of the raised cuticularized cells (×200); the arrows indicate typical cuticularized cells. C (×100) and D (×200): The dome structure (arrows) of the raised layer of cells above the plastic substratum.</p
Technology of Gold Ores Dressing
Import 05/08/2014Téma této diplomové práce zní Technologie úpravy zlatonosných rud. První tři kapitoly teoretické části se zabývají obecným popisem významu zlata pro lidskou společnost, využitím zlata, charakteristikou zlata z chemického a mineralogického hlediska a jeho výskyt jako příměs v minerálech. Dále jsou zaměřeny na ložiska a těžbu zlata v České republice, ve světě a popis zkoumané lokality, ze které pochází materiál použitý v experimentální části. Čtvrtá kapitola obsahuje výčet možných metod úpravy zlata, které napomáhají získat kvalitní koncentráty ze zlatonosného ložiska. Experimentální část práce je orientovaná na laboratorní pokusy, které byly provedeny v rámci této diplomové práce. Cílem této kapitoly bylo vyhodnocení nejlepších flotačních sběračů, ověření vlivu otáček na výnos koncentrátu, přečistná flotace (získání nejkvalitnějšího koncentrátu), ověření hydrofobnosti zlata a doplňkové úpravnické metody – gravitační rozdružování pomocí odstředivých sil.The topic of this thesis was Technology of Gold Ores Dressing. The first three chapters of the theoretical part deals with a general description of the importance of gold for human society, gold usage, the chemical and mineralogical characterization characterization of gold and presence additive in minerals . Next part focuses on deposits and gold mining in the Czech Republic, in the world and a description of the investigated locality from which comes the material used for the experiments. The fourth chapter contains methods for processing of gold which help to get high quality concentrates from gold deposits. The experimental part of the work was focused on laboratory experiments that have been conducted in this thesis. The aims of this chapter were to evaluate the best flotation collectors, verification the effect of speed on the yield of concentrate, clearing flotation (gain the highest quality concentrate), verification hydrophobicity of gold and the gravity separation method using centrifugal forces.Prezenční542 - Institut hornického inženýrství a bezpečnostivýborn