11,287 research outputs found
The similarity metric
A new class of distances appropriate for measuring similarity relations
between sequences, say one type of similarity per distance, is studied. We
propose a new ``normalized information distance'', based on the noncomputable
notion of Kolmogorov complexity, and show that it is in this class and it
minorizes every computable distance in the class (that is, it is universal in
that it discovers all computable similarities). We demonstrate that it is a
metric and call it the {\em similarity metric}. This theory forms the
foundation for a new practical tool. To evidence generality and robustness we
give two distinctive applications in widely divergent areas using standard
compression programs like gzip and GenCompress. First, we compare whole
mitochondrial genomes and infer their evolutionary history. This results in a
first completely automatic computed whole mitochondrial phylogeny tree.
Secondly, we fully automatically compute the language tree of 52 different
languages.Comment: 13 pages, LaTex, 5 figures, Part of this work appeared in Proc. 14th
ACM-SIAM Symp. Discrete Algorithms, 2003. This is the final, corrected,
version to appear in IEEE Trans Inform. T
Rank-dependent deactivation in network evolution
A rank-dependent deactivation mechanism is introduced to network evolution.
The growth dynamics of the network is based on a finite memory of individuals,
which is implemented by deactivating one site at each time step. The model
shows striking features of a wide range of real-world networks: power-law
degree distribution, high clustering coefficient, and disassortative degree
correlation.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, RevTex
Search for sterile neutrinos in holographic dark energy cosmology: Reconciling Planck observation with the local measurement of the Hubble constant
We search for sterile neutrinos in the holographic dark energy cosmology by
using the latest observational data. To perform the analysis, we employ the
current cosmological observations, including the cosmic microwave background
temperature power spectrum data from the Planck mission, the baryon acoustic
oscillation measurements, the type Ia supernova data, the redshift space
distortion measurements, the shear data of weak lensing observation, the Planck
lensing measurement, and the latest direct measurement of as well. We
show that, compared to the CDM cosmology, the holographic dark energy
cosmology with sterile neutrinos can relieve the tension between the Planck
observation and the direct measurement of much better. Once we include
the measurement in the global fit, we find that the hint of the existence
of sterile neutrinos in the holographic dark energy cosmology can be given.
Under the constraint of the all-data combination, we obtain and , indicating
that the detection of in the holographic dark energy
cosmology is at the level and the massless or very light sterile
neutrino is favored by the current observations.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures; typos corrected, published in PR
Neutrinos in the holographic dark energy model: constraints from latest measurements of expansion history and growth of structure
The model of holographic dark energy (HDE) with massive neutrinos and/or dark
radiation is investigated in detail. The background and perturbation evolutions
in the HDE model are calculated. We employ the PPF approach to overcome the
gravity instability difficulty (perturbation divergence of dark energy) led by
the equation-of-state parameter evolving across the phantom divide
in the HDE model with . We thus derive the evolutions of density
perturbations of various components and metric fluctuations in the HDE model.
The impacts of massive neutrino and dark radiation on the CMB anisotropy power
spectrum and the matter power spectrum in the HDE scenario are discussed.
Furthermore, we constrain the models of HDE with massive neutrinos and/or dark
radiation by using the latest measurements of expansion history and growth of
structure, including the Planck CMB temperature data, the baryon acoustic
oscillation data, the JLA supernova data, the Hubble constant direct
measurement, the cosmic shear data of weak lensing, the Planck CMB lensing
data, and the redshift space distortions data. We find that
eV (95\% CL) and in the HDE model from the
constraints of these data.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures; revised version accepted for publication in JCA
Constraints from Type IA Supernovae on {\lambda}-CDM Model in Randers-Finsler Space
Gravitational field equations in Randers-Finsler space of approximate Berwald
type are investigated. A modified Friedmann equation and a new luminosity
distance-redshift relation is proposed. A best-fit to the Type Ia supernovae
(SNe) observations yields that the in the -CDM
model is suppressed to almost zero. This fact indicates that the astronomical
observations on the Type Ia SNe can be described well without invoking any form
of dark energy. The best-fit age of the universe is given. It is in agreement
with the age of our galaxy.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure
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