32,835 research outputs found
A note on spin rescalings in post-Newtonian theory
Usually, the reduced mass is viewed as a dropped factor in and
, where and are dimensionless Lagrangian and Hamiltonian
functions. However, it must be retained in post-Newtonian systems of spinning
compact binaries under a set of scaling spin transformations
because and do not keep the
consistency of the orbital equations and the spin precession equations but
and do. When another set of scaling spin
transformations are adopted, the consistency
of the orbital and spin equations is kept in or , and the factor
can be eliminated. In addition, there are some other interesting results as
follows. The next-to-leading-order spin-orbit interaction is induced in the
accelerations of the simple Lagrangian of spinning compact binaries with the
Newtonian and leading-order spin-orbit contributions, and the
next-to-leading-order spin-spin coupling is present in a post-Newtonian
Hamiltonian that is exactly equivalent to the Lagrangian formalism. If any
truncations occur in the Euler-Lagrangian equations or the Hamiltonian, then
the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations lose their equivalence. In fact,
the Lagrangian including the accelerations with or without truncations can be
chaotic for the two bodies spinning, whereas the Hamiltonian without the
spin-spin term is integrable.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur
Functional inequalities on path space over a non-compact Riemannian manifold
We prove the existence of the O-U Dirichlet form and the damped O-U Dirichlet
form on path space over a general non-compact Riemannian manifold which is
complete and stochastically complete. We show a weighted log-Sobolev inequality
for the O-U Dirichlet form and the (standard) log-Sobolev inequality for the
damped O-U Dirichlet form. In particular, the Poincar\'e inequality (and the
super Poincar\'e inequality) can be established for the O-U Dirichlet form on
path space over a class of Riemannian manifolds with unbounded Ricci
curvatures. Moreover, we construct a large class of quasi-regular local
Dirichlet forms with unbounded random diffusion coefficients on the path space
over a general non-compact manifold
Symplectic structure of post-Newtonian Hamiltonian for spinning compact binaries
The phase space of a Hamiltonian system is symplectic. However, the
post-Newtonian Hamiltonian formulation of spinning compact binaries in existing
publications does not have this property, when position, momentum and spin
variables compose its phase space. This may give a
convenient application of perturbation theory to the derivation of the
post-Newtonian formulation, but also makes classic theories of a symplectic
Hamiltonian system be a serious obstacle in application, especially in
diagnosing integrability and nonintegrability from a dynamical system theory
perspective. To completely understand the dynamical characteristic of the
integrability or nonintegrability for the binary system, we construct a set of
conjugate spin variables and reexpress the spin Hamiltonian part so as to make
the complete Hamiltonian formulation symplectic. As a result, it is directly
shown with the least number of independent isolating integrals that a
conservative Hamiltonian compact binary system with both one spin and the pure
orbital part to any post-Newtonian order is typically integrable and not
chaotic. And conservative binary system consisting of two spins restricted to
the leading order spin-orbit interaction and the pure orbital part at all
post-Newtonian orders is also integrable, independently on the mass ratio. For
all other various spinning cases, the onset of chaos is possible.Comment: 7 pages, no fig
A Trust-based Pollution Attack Prevention Scheme in Peer-to-Peer Streaming Networks
Nowadays, peer-to-peer (P2P) streaming systems have become a popular way to
deliver multimedia content over the internet due to their low bandwidth
requirement, high video streaming quality, and flexibility. However, P2P
streaming systems are vulnerable to various attacks, especially pollution
attacks, due to their distributed and dynamically changing infrastructure. In
this paper, by exploring the features of various pollution attacks, we propose
a trust management system tailored for P2P streaming systems. Both direct trust
and indirect trust are taken into consideration when designing the trust
management system. A new direct trust model is proposed. A dynamic confidence
factor that can dynamically adjust the weight of direct and indirect trust in
computing the trust is also proposed and studied. A novel double-threshold
trust utilization scheme is given. It is shown that the proposed trust
management system is effective in identifying polluters and preventing them
from further sharing of polluted data chunks.Comment: to appear in Computer Network
Revisit on "Ruling out chaos in compact binary systems"
Full general relativity requires that chaos indicators should be invariant in
various spacetime coordinate systems for a given relativistic dynamical
problem. On the basis of this point, we calculate the invariant Lyapunov
exponents (LEs) for one of the spinning compact binaries in the conservative
second post-Newtonian (2PN) Lagrangian formulation without the dissipative
effects of gravitational radiation, using the two-nearby-orbits method with
projection operations and with coordinate time as an independent variable. It
is found that the actual source leading to zero LEs in one paper [J. D.
Schnittman and F. A. Rasio, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 121101 (2001)] but to positive
LEs in the other [N. J. Cornish and J. Levin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 179001
(2002)] does not mainly depend on rescaling, but is due to two slightly
different treatments of the LEs. It takes much more CPU time to obtain the
stabilizing limit values as reliable values of LEs for the former than to get
the slopes (equal to LEs) of the fit lines for the latter. Due to coalescence
of some of the black holes, the LEs from the former are not an adaptive
indicator of chaos for comparable mass compact binaries. In this case, the
invariant fast Lyapunov indicator (FLI) of two-nearby orbits, as a very
sensitive tool to distinguish chaos from order, is worth recommending. As a
result, we do again find chaos in the 2PN approximation through different
ratios of FLIs varying with time. Chaos cannot indeed be ruled out in real
binaries.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
A class of generalized positive linear maps on matrix algebras
We construct a class of positive linear maps on matrix algebras. We find
conditions when these maps are atomic, decomposable and completely positive. We
obtain a large class of atomic positive linear maps. As applications in quantum
information theory, we discuss the structural physical approximation and
optimality of entanglement witness associated with these maps
Uniform Spanning Forests and the bi-Laplacian Gaussian field
We construct a natural discrete random field on ,
that converges weakly to the bi-Laplacian Gaussian field in the scaling limit.
The construction is based on assigning i.i.d. Bernoulli random variables on
each component of the uniform spanning forest, thus defines an associated
random function. To our knowledge, this is the first natural discrete model
(besides the discrete bi-Laplacian Gaussian field) that converges to the
bi-Laplacian Gaussian field
Search for the Electric Dipole Moment and anomalous magnetic moment of the tau lepton at tau factories
Precise measurement of the Electric Dipole Moment (EDM) and anomalous
magnetic moment (-2) of particles are important tests of Beyond Standard
Model (BSM) physics. It is generally believed that the tau lepton couples more
strongly to BSM due to its large mass, and can be searched for at collider
experiments. A new method to approximately reconstruct the neutrinos from the
hadronic decays of pairs produced at tau factories is
proposed. With all final state particle momenta available, observables based on
matrix elements and sensitive to BSM are calculated. It is estimated that with
50 ab of data to be delivered by the -II experiment, a tau EDM
search with a 1- level precision of
ecm, and -2 search with (
of the SM prediction), can be expected when systematics are not considered. The
new precision can effectively constrain BSM models with heavy mirror neutrinos.
It can also constrain models containing a light scalar with mass at (1 GeV),
which can explain the current muon -2 anomaly as well. The method in this
work offers a new opportunity to search for BSM at current and future tau
factories with high precision.Comment: v2: minor changes, refs added; v3: improved analysis, refs added, 13
pages, 10 figures, 3 tables; v4: minor changes, match to the published
A note on the equivalence of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations at post-Newtonian approximations
It was claimed recently that a low order post-Newtonian (PN) Lagrangian
formulation, which corresponds to the Euler-Lagrange equations up to an
infinite PN order, can be identical to a PN Hamiltonian formulation at the
infinite order from a theoretical point of view. This result is difficult to
check because in most cases one does not know what both the Euler-Lagrange
equations and the equivalent Hamiltonian are at the infinite order. However, no
difficulty exists for a special 1PN Lagrangian formulation of relativistic
circular restricted three-body problem, where both the Euler-Lagrange equations
and the equivalent Hamiltonian not only are expanded to all PN orders but also
have converged functions. Consequently, the analytical evidence supports this
claim. As far as numerical evidences are concerned, the Hamiltonian equivalent
to the Euler-Lagrange equations for the lower order Lagrangian requires that
they both be only at higher enough finite orders.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures and 1 tabl
Double Thompson Sampling for Dueling Bandits
In this paper, we propose a Double Thompson Sampling (D-TS) algorithm for
dueling bandit problems. As indicated by its name, D-TS selects both the first
and the second candidates according to Thompson Sampling. Specifically, D-TS
maintains a posterior distribution for the preference matrix, and chooses the
pair of arms for comparison by sampling twice from the posterior distribution.
This simple algorithm applies to general Copeland dueling bandits, including
Condorcet dueling bandits as its special case. For general Copeland dueling
bandits, we show that D-TS achieves regret. For Condorcet
dueling bandits, we further simplify the D-TS algorithm and show that the
simplified D-TS algorithm achieves regret.
Simulation results based on both synthetic and real-world data demonstrate the
efficiency of the proposed D-TS algorithm.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, 9 tables; accepted by 30th Conference on Neural
Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 201
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