1,431 research outputs found

    Localization of U(1)U(1) gauge vector field on flat branes with five-dimension (asymptotic) AdS5_{5} spacetime

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    In order to localize U(1)U(1) gauge vector field on Randall-Sundrum-like braneworld model with infinite extra dimension, we propose a new kind of non-minimal coupling between the U(1)U(1) gauge field and the gravity. We propose three kinds of coupling methods and they all support the localization of zero mode. In addition, one of them can support the localization of massive modes. Moreover, the massive tachyonic modes can be excluded. And our method can be used not only in the thin braneword models but also in the thick ones.Comment: Added acknowledgments to the refree. Appeared on JHE

    Contrast Study of English and Chinese Idioms in the Background of Cross- culture

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    This essay combines the theory and translation experience. It analyses the differences and similarities of English and Chinese idioms with the purpose of helping people to grasp the complex linguistic phenomenon and to instruct the translation practice. Key words: English idioms,Chinese idioms, contrast,differences and similarities Résumé: En recourant aux connaissances théoriques et aux expériences de traduction requises par l’auteur, ce texte effectue une analyse et recherche approfondies sur les semblances et les différences entre les locutions chinoises et anglaises dans l’objectif d’apporter de l’aide aux chercheurs linguistiques pour qu’ils puissent maîtriser ce phénomène complexe de la langue anglaise et les mettre en pratique dans la traduction sino-anglaise et anglo-chinoise à titre de référence. Mots-clés: locutions anglaises, locutions chinoises, comparaison, semblances et différences 摘要:本文結合筆者的所掌握的理論知識和翻譯經驗,對英漢成語的異同現象進行了較為深入的分析和探討,旨在幫助語言工作者掌握英語這一複雜的語言現象, 以指導英漢互譯實踐。關鍵詞:英語成語 ; 漢語成語; 對比; 異

    Cultural Difference between the East and the West

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    With the development of globalization, cross-culture communication is indispensable to an open society in which we live today. Therefore, cultural differences are everywhere. The cultures between the East and the West are distinguished by a rather large scale. It means not only the opinions or ways of thinking are different, but how do people behave in daily life is also not the same, sometimes may even the opposite. This paper will first probe into the causes for cultural differences and then some of the typical examples to illustrate the cultural difference between east and west, and finally, ways to fit in different cultures. Key words: culture, difference, east, west Résumé: Avec le développement de la globalisation, la communication transculturelle est indispensable pour une société ouverte dans laquelle nous vivons aujourd’hui. Cependant, les différences culturelles se trouvent partout. Les cultures entre l’Est et l’Ouste sont distinguées dans une large mesure. Les façons de penser non seulement sont différentes, mais les comportements des gens dans la vie quotidienne ne sont pas les mêmes, parfois le contraire. L’article présent examine d’abord les causes des différences culturelles, puis montre des exemples typiques pour illustrer la différences culturelle entre l’Est et l’Ouest, et cherche finalement des moyens de s’adapter aux différentes cultures. Mots-Clés: culture, différence, Est, Oues

    Warped Brane worlds in Critical Gravity

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    We investigate the brane models in arbitrary dimensional critical gravity presented in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 181302 (2011)]. For the model of the thin branes with codimension one, the Gibbons-Hawking surface term and the junction conditions are derived, with which the analytical solutions for the flat, AdS, and dS branes are obtained at the critical point of the critical gravity. It is found that all these branes are embedded in an AdSn_{n} spacetime, but, in general, the effective cosmological constant Λ\Lambda of the AdSn_{n} spacetime is not equal to the naked one Λ0\Lambda_0 in the critical gravity, which can be positive, zero, and negative. Another interesting result is that the brane tension can also be positive, zero, or negative, depending on the symmetry of the thin brane and the values of the parameters of the theory, which is very different from the case in general relativity. It is shown that the mass hierarchy problem can be solved in the braneworld model in the higher-derivative critical gravity. We also study the thick brane model and find analytical and numerical solutions of the flat, AdS, and dS branes. It is find that some branes will have inner structure when some parameters of the theory are larger than their critical values, which may result in resonant KK modes for some bulk matter fields. The flat branes with positive energy density and AdS branes with negative energy density are embedded in an nn-dimensional AdS spacetime, while the dS branes with positive energy density are embedded in an nn-dimensional Minkowski one.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, updated version, accepted by EPJ