4 research outputs found
Observatoires ruraux à Madagascar : pourquoi, comment et que faire ? : analyse à partir des outils théoriques de l'économie des organisations
Figure S2. Validation of the interaction between csa-miR-4018a or csa-miR-4018b and Mapkk3–3′-UTR. (PDF 841 kb
Additional file 1: of Identification and characterization of microRNAs involved in ascidian larval metamorphosis
Table S1. Sequences of identified known miRNAs in C. savignyi. (DOCX 108 kb
Additional file 3: of Identification and characterization of microRNAs involved in ascidian larval metamorphosis
Figure S1. Original images of northern blotting presented in Fig. 5. (PDF 1785 kb
Additional file 4: of Identification and characterization of microRNAs involved in ascidian larval metamorphosis
Figure S2. Validation of the interaction between csa-miR-4018a or csa-miR-4018b and Mapkk3–3′-UTR. (PDF 841 kb