4 research outputs found
Preoperative Characteristics of Patients who underwent Hepatectomy.
<p><sup>*</sup>P<0.05 compared with the normal-weight BMI group. BMI:body mass index; HBsAg: hepatitis B surface antigen; HBeAg: hepatitis B e antigen; SD: standard deviation; ULN, upper limit of normal. ALT,alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase. ASA: American Society of Anesthesiologists category. IQR: interquartile range.</p
Independent prognostic factors for total complications according to logistic analysis.
<p>ALT: alanine aminotransferase; AST: aspartate aminotransferase. PRBCs: packed red blood cells.</p
Intraoperative Parameters of Patients who underwent Hepatectomy by Obesity Classification.
<p>BMI:body mass index;SD: standard deviation.PRBCs:packed red blood cells.</p
Postoperative Outcomes of Patients who underwent Hepatectomy.
<p>P<0.05 compared with the normal-weight BMI group. BMI: body mass index; ICU: Intensive Care Unit, IQR: interquartile range.</p