10 research outputs found

    Plot of PC1 versus PC2 from principal component analysis of life-history traits (upper panel) and microsatellite loci (lower panel) as variables (northern populations: Fuping, FP; Luochuan, LC; Tongchuan, TC; southern populations: Jinshui, JS; Longting, LT; Mianxian, MX).

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    <p>Plot of PC1 versus PC2 from principal component analysis of life-history traits (upper panel) and microsatellite loci (lower panel) as variables (northern populations: Fuping, FP; Luochuan, LC; Tongchuan, TC; southern populations: Jinshui, JS; Longting, LT; Mianxian, MX).</p

    Comparison between molecular (<i>F</i><sub><i>SR</i></sub>) and quantitative genetic (<i>Q</i><sub><i>SR</i></sub>) divergence within each region (*, significant differences between <i>Q</i><sub><i>SR</i></sub> and <i>F</i><sub><i>SR</i></sub> based on non-overlapping confidence intervals; NS, non-significant differences between <i>Q</i><sub><i>SR</i></sub> and <i>F</i><sub><i>SR</i></sub>; <i>F</i><sub><i>SR</i></sub> of the northern region was not significantly different from that of the southern region, <i>P</i> = 0.458).

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    <p>Comparison between molecular (<i>F</i><sub><i>SR</i></sub>) and quantitative genetic (<i>Q</i><sub><i>SR</i></sub>) divergence within each region (*, significant differences between <i>Q</i><sub><i>SR</i></sub> and <i>F</i><sub><i>SR</i></sub> based on non-overlapping confidence intervals; NS, non-significant differences between <i>Q</i><sub><i>SR</i></sub> and <i>F</i><sub><i>SR</i></sub>; <i>F</i><sub><i>SR</i></sub> of the northern region was not significantly different from that of the southern region, <i>P</i> = 0.458).</p

    Pairwise <i>Q</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub> calculated from a composite life-history trait (below the diagonal) and <i>F</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub> (above the diagonal) estimates based on seven microsatellite loci for <i>Sitobion avenae</i> populations (the composite life-history trait obtained from PC1 of PCA analysis of all tested life-history traits; *, significant differences between <i>Q</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub> and corresponding <i>F</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub>).

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    <p>Pairwise <i>Q</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub> calculated from a composite life-history trait (below the diagonal) and <i>F</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub> (above the diagonal) estimates based on seven microsatellite loci for <i>Sitobion avenae</i> populations (the composite life-history trait obtained from PC1 of PCA analysis of all tested life-history traits; *, significant differences between <i>Q</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub> and corresponding <i>F</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub>).</p

    Comparison of within-region molecular and quantitative genetic differentiation between northern and southern regions.

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    <p>Note: The genetic variance (δ<sup>2</sup><sub>clone</sub>), the coefficient of genetic variance (<i>CV</i><sub><i>G</i></sub>) and the broad sense heritability (<i>H</i><sup><i>2</i></sup>) were measured for each region and over all quantitative traits; allelic richness (<i>R</i><sub><i>S</i></sub>), observed heterozygosity (<i>Ho</i>), and inbreeding coefficient (<i>F</i><sub><i>IS</i></sub>) were estimated for each region and over all loci, and significance tests were performed between northern and southern regions by randomization procedures using FSTAT software.</p><p>Comparison of within-region molecular and quantitative genetic differentiation between northern and southern regions.</p

    Differentiation (<i>Q</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub> ±SE) between northern and southern populations for different quantitative traits [the dotted line represents <i>F</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub> (±SE) between the two populations based on allelic variation in microsatellite loci; *, <i>Q</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub> significantly higher than <i>F</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub>; DT1-DT4, the developmental time of 1<sup>st</sup> to 4<sup>th</sup> instar nymphs; DT5, the total developmental time of nymphs; <i>Q</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub>, the index of quantitative variation based on life-history traits; <i>F</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub>, the index of molecular variation derived from microsatellite markers].

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    <p>Differentiation (<i>Q</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub> ±SE) between northern and southern populations for different quantitative traits [the dotted line represents <i>F</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub> (±SE) between the two populations based on allelic variation in microsatellite loci; *, <i>Q</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub> significantly higher than <i>F</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub>; DT1-DT4, the developmental time of 1<sup>st</sup> to 4<sup>th</sup> instar nymphs; DT5, the total developmental time of nymphs; <i>Q</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub>, the index of quantitative variation based on life-history traits; <i>F</i><sub><i>ST</i></sub>, the index of molecular variation derived from microsatellite markers].</p

    Genetic correlations between life-history traits for northern (above the diagonal) and southern (below the diagonal) populations of <i>Sitobion avenae</i>.

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    <p>Note: DT1-DT4, the developmental time of 1<sup>st</sup> to 4<sup>th</sup> instar nymphs; DT5, the total developmental time of nymphs; FEC, lifetime fecundity; POS, post-reproductive time; SPA, adult lifespan; RET, reproductive time; statistical significance of genetic correlations evaluated using likelihood-ratio tests;</p><p>*, <i>P</i> < 0.05;</p><p>**, <i>P</i> < 0.01;</p><p>***, <i>P</i> < 0.001.</p><p>Genetic correlations between life-history traits for northern (above the diagonal) and southern (below the diagonal) populations of <i>Sitobion avenae</i>.</p

    Dentritic CuPtPd Catalyst for Enhanced Electrochemical Oxidation of Methanol

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    The CuPtPd catalyst is designed and synthesized successfully via directly reducing metal ions. The composition, morphology, and structure of the as-prepared CuPtPd nanohybrids are characterized by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy, energy-dispersive spectrometry, selected-area electron diffraction, X-ray diffraction, and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. By comparison of the electrocatalytic properties of the ternary CuPtPd catalyst with bimetallic catalysts, we find that ternary nanocomposites perform better electrocatalytic and antipoisoning activity toward oxidation of methanol. The catalytic mass activity of the CuPtPd nanoparticles is 5.51-fold of commercial Pd black and 12.1-fold of Pt black

    Hollow Echinus-like PdCuCo Alloy for Superior Efficient Catalysis of Ethanol

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    Large-scale preparation of hollow echinus-like PdCuCo alloy nanostructures (HENSs) with a high surface area-to-volume ratio, rich active sites, and relatively efficient catalytic activity has attracted considerable research interest. Herein, we present an economic and facile approach to synthesize HENSs by galvanic exchange reactions using Co nanospheres as sacrificial templates. Moreover, the catalytic activity could be adjusted via changing the composition of the catalyst. The composition, morphology, and crystal structure of the as-obtained nanomaterials are characterized by various techniques, such as inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry, transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. Electrochemical catalytic measurement results prove that the Pd<sub>75</sub>Cu<sub>8</sub>Co<sub>3</sub> catalyst obtained under optimal preparation conditions exhibits 10-fold higher activity for ethanol oxidation in comparison with the commercially available 20% Pd/C catalyst. The eminent performance of the Pd<sub>75</sub>Cu<sub>8</sub>Co<sub>3</sub> electrochemical catalyst could be ascribed to the peculiar echinus-like nanostructures