17 research outputs found
The relationship of time consumption and the interceptive value n.
<p>The relationship of time consumption and the interceptive value n.</p
The degrees of approximation (OD) of different shapes at designated interceptive values.
<p>The degrees of approximation (OD) of different shapes at designated interceptive values.</p
The polygon approximation by Fourier descriptors for different shape types at different interceptive values.
<p>The polygon approximation by Fourier descriptors for different shape types at different interceptive values.</p
The time cost of morphing model by Fourier transformation.
<p>The time cost of morphing model by Fourier transformation.</p
The relationship of time consumption and the number of point N.
<p>The relationship of time consumption and the number of point N.</p
The morphing effects of lake feature with g interval 0.01.
<p>The morphing effects of lake feature with g interval 0.01.</p
The morphing effects by linear interpolation method.
<p>The morphing effects by linear interpolation method.</p
The morphing effects of different features with g interval 0.1.
<p>The morphing effects of different features with g interval 0.1.</p
WMS layer query experiment for retrieving layers with abundant map information.
<p>WMS layer query experiment for retrieving layers with abundant map information.</p
Content-based Discovery for Web Map Service using Support Vector Machine and User Relevance Feedback (Supporting Dataset)
<div>This dataset provides the supporting files for the paper entitled "Content-based Discovery for Web Map Service using Support Vector Machine and User Relevance Feedback", which has been accepted by PLOS ONE. The DOI of the paper is 10.1371/journal.pone.0166098. </div><div><br></div><div>The dataset includes11689 layers from 653 OGC WMSs. It contains a archive of 11689 thumbnail images, two WMS layer metadata description files (in SQL script and CSV format respectively), an extracted image feature files and a data introduction document. Specially, the thumbnails are obtained by invoking WMS GetMap Operation for the available layers. The two layer metadata description files depict attribute fields of the layers, including keywords, abstract, boundingbox and etc. The image features were extracted from the WMS layer thumbnail images and contains total 11689 records. </div><div>If you are interested in this research, please contact with [email protected] or  [email protected].</div