38 research outputs found
Maximum production capacity and minimum ordered quantity.
Maximum production capacity and minimum ordered quantity.</p
pone.0271194.t003 - Sustainable supply chain partner selection and order allocation: A hybrid fuzzy PL-TODIM based MCGDM approach
pone.0271194.t003 - Sustainable supply chain partner selection and order allocation: A hybrid fuzzy PL-TODIM based MCGDM approach</p
The conceptual framework of the MCGDM approach.
The conceptual framework of the MCGDM approach.</p
Linguistic terms and corresponding degree in PLTS.
Linguistic terms and corresponding degree in PLTS.</p
Normalized group decision matrix in PLTS.
Normalized group decision matrix in PLTS.</p
The results based on the comparing methods.
The results based on the comparing methods.</p
Assigned weights of objective function in LP-metrics method.
Assigned weights of objective function in LP-metrics method.</p
Pareto front for <i>α</i> = 0.5 of AUGMECON method.
Pareto front for α = 0.5 of AUGMECON method.</p
Comparison of studies sustainable criteria and approaches.
Comparison of studies sustainable criteria and approaches.</p
The linguistic label for fuzzy preferences of all criteria over the worst criterion.
The linguistic label for fuzzy preferences of all criteria over the worst criterion.</p