84 research outputs found
Stereoselective Metabolism of α‑, β‑, and γ‑Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) by Human Liver Microsomes and CYP3A4
is the first study investigating the in vitro metabolism of
α-, β-, and γ-hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) stereoisomers
in humans and providing semiquantitative metabolism data. Human liver
microsomes were incubated with individual racemic mixtures and with
individual stereoisomers of α-, β-, and γ-HBCDs,
the hydroxylated metabolites formed were analyzed by liquid chromatography–tandem
mass spectrometry, and the value of the intrinsic in vitro clearance
(Cl<sub>int,vitro</sub>) was calculated. Several mono- and dihydroxylated
metabolites of α-, β-, and γ-HBCDs were formed,
with mono-OH-HBCDs being the major metabolites. No stereoisomerization
of any of the six α-, β-, and γ-HBCD isomers catalyzed
by cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes occurred. The value of Cl<sub>int,vitro</sub> of α-HBCDs was significantly lower than that of β-HBCDs,
which, in turn, was significantly lower than that of γ-HBCDs
(<i>p</i> < 0.05). Such differences were explained by
the significantly lower values of Cl<sub>int,vitro</sub> of each α-HBCD
stereoisomer than those of the β- and γ-HBCD stereoisomers.
In addition, significantly lower values of Cl<sub>int,vitro</sub> of
the (−) over the (+)α- and β-HBCD stereoisomers,
but not γ-HBCDs, were obtained. Our data offer a possible explanation
of the enrichment of α-HBCDs over β- and γ-HBCDs
on the one hand and, on the other hand, of (−)α-HBCDs
over (+)α-HBCDs previously reported in human samples. It also
offers information about the mechanism resulting in such enrichments,
the stereoisomer-selective metabolism of α-, β-, and γ-HBCDs
catalyzed by CYPs with the lack of stereoisomerization
Alteration of Diastereoisomeric and Enantiomeric Profiles of Hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) in Adult Chicken Tissues, Eggs, and Hatchling Chickens
concentrations and enantiomer fractions (EFs) of α-,
β-, and γ-hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) were measured
in chicken diet sources (soil and chicken feed), home-raised adult
chicken (<i>Gallus domesticus</i>) tissues, eggs during
incubation, and hatchling chicken tissues. HBCD concentrations were
not detected–0.69 ng/g dry weight (dw) and 25.6–48.4
ng/g dw in chicken feed and soil, respectively. HBCDs were detected
in all adult chicken tissues, except the brain, at median levels of
13.1–44.0 ng/g lipid weight (lw). The proportions of α-HBCD
in total HBCDs increased from 51% in soil to more than 87% in adult
chicken tissues. The accumulation ratios (ARs) of α-HBCD from
diet to adult chicken tissues were 4.27 for liver, 11.2 for fat, and
7.64–12.9 for other tissues, respectively. The AR and carry-over
rate (COR) of α-HBCD from diet to eggs were 22.4 and 0.226,
respectively. The concentrations of α-HBCD in hatchling chicken
liver (median: 35.4 ng/g lw) were significantly lower than those in
hatchling chicken pectoral muscle (median: 130 ng/g lw). The EFs of
α-HBCD decreased from soil to adult chicken tissues and from
eggs to hatchling chicken liver. Meanwhile, the EFs of γ-HBCD
increased from soil to adult chicken tissues. These results indicate
the preferential enrichment of (−)-α-HBCD and (+)-γ-HBCD
in chickens. The alteration of diastereoisomeric and enantiomeric
patterns of HBCDs might be influenced by the different absorption
and elimination rates of the six HBCD enantiomers as well as variations
in HBCD metabolism in chickens
Pollutant Exposure for Chinese Wetland Birds: Ecotoxicological Endpoints and Biovectors
of heavy metals and organic contaminants in main waters
from China were reviewed from literature data to assess the ecological
risks of pollutants for wetland birds and the biotransport of pollutants
mediated by migratory wetland birds. Cr, Cu, and Pb and polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) dominated in sediments, with higher concentrations
in rivers and estuaries than in lakes and seas. Plants are the main
dietary sources of less hydrophobic organic pollutants, while sediment
is the primary source of more hydrophobic PAHs in birds. The hazard
index (HI) for birds was mainly contributed by mercury (Hg) and polybrominated
diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and ranked as piscivore > omnivore >
Pollutant exposure risks to birds depend on the biomagnification potential
of pollutants, food items of birds, and pollution levels in habitats.
Migratory birds are important biovectors of persistent and bioaccumulative
pollutants that may serve as a vital geochemical cycling process in
addition to atmospheric deposition. This study provided a comprehensive
overview of water environment pollution in China and the potential
risks for high trophic level wetland birds in aquatic ecosystems.
The results also identified the pollution hotspots of wetland birds
and habitats, which provide new insights into bird conservation and
biodiversity protection
Pollutant Exposure for Chinese Wetland Birds: Ecotoxicological Endpoints and Biovectors
of heavy metals and organic contaminants in main waters
from China were reviewed from literature data to assess the ecological
risks of pollutants for wetland birds and the biotransport of pollutants
mediated by migratory wetland birds. Cr, Cu, and Pb and polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) dominated in sediments, with higher concentrations
in rivers and estuaries than in lakes and seas. Plants are the main
dietary sources of less hydrophobic organic pollutants, while sediment
is the primary source of more hydrophobic PAHs in birds. The hazard
index (HI) for birds was mainly contributed by mercury (Hg) and polybrominated
diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and ranked as piscivore > omnivore >
Pollutant exposure risks to birds depend on the biomagnification potential
of pollutants, food items of birds, and pollution levels in habitats.
Migratory birds are important biovectors of persistent and bioaccumulative
pollutants that may serve as a vital geochemical cycling process in
addition to atmospheric deposition. This study provided a comprehensive
overview of water environment pollution in China and the potential
risks for high trophic level wetland birds in aquatic ecosystems.
The results also identified the pollution hotspots of wetland birds
and habitats, which provide new insights into bird conservation and
biodiversity protection
MoDnm1 Dynamin Mediating Peroxisomal and Mitochondrial Fission in Complex with MoFis1 and MoMdv1 Is Important for Development of Functional Appressorium in <i>Magnaporthe oryzae</i>
<div><p>Dynamins are large superfamily GTPase proteins that are involved in various cellular processes including budding of transport vesicles, division of organelles, cytokinesis, and pathogen resistance. Here, we characterized several dynamin-related proteins from the rice blast fungus <i>Magnaporthe oryzae</i> and found that MoDnm1 is required for normal functions, including vegetative growth, conidiogenesis, and full pathogenicity. In addition, we found that MoDnm1 co-localizes with peroxisomes and mitochondria, which is consistent with the conserved role of dynamin proteins. Importantly, MoDnm1-dependent peroxisomal and mitochondrial fission involves functions of mitochondrial fission protein MoFis1 and WD-40 repeat protein MoMdv1. These two proteins display similar cellular functions and subcellular localizations as MoDnm1, and are also required for full pathogenicity. Further studies showed that MoDnm1, MoFis1 and MoMdv1 are in complex to regulate not only peroxisomal and mitochondrial fission, pexophagy and mitophagy progression, but also appressorium function and host penetration. In summary, our studies provide new insights into how MoDnm1 interacts with its partner proteins to mediate peroxisomal and mitochondrial functions and how such regulatory events may link to differentiation and pathogenicity in the rice blast fungus.</p></div
MoDnm1, MoMdv1, and MoFis1 are important for peroxisomal and mitochondrial morphology.
<p>(A) Transmission electron microscopy (Hitachi H-7650) observation of peroxisomes in conidia of the indicated strains. Bar = 0.5 μm. P, peroxisome; M, mitochondria; N, nucleus. (B) Transmission electron microscopy (Hitachi H-7650) observation of mitochondria in hyphae of the indicated strains. Bar = 1 μm. M, mitochondria.</p
MoMdv1 functions as an adaptor linking MoDnm1 to MoFis1.
<p>(A) Yeast two hybrid assays for the interaction between MoDnm1, MoFis1 and MoMdv1. The AD and BD plasmids were co-transformed into yeast AH109, and transformants were plated on SD-Leu-Trp for 3 d and on selective SD-Leu-Trp-His-Ade with 1 mM X-gal and 5 mM 3-AT (3-amino-1,2,4-triazole) for 5 d. (B) GST pull down assays for MoDnm1, MoFis1 and MoMdv1. His<sub>6</sub>-Mdv1, His<sub>6</sub>-Fis1, GST-Dnm1 and GST-Fis1 were expressed and purified by affinity chromatography. Bound proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE in duplicate and analyzed by Western blotting with monoclonal anti-His (Mouse; M20001; Abmart) and anti-GST antibodies (Mouse; M20007; Abmart). Asterisks indicate GST-Dnm1.</p
MoDnm1, MoMdv1 and MoFis1 are required for normal endocytosis.
<p>Hyphae of the indicated strains were cultured in liquid CM for 40 h, then stained with FM4-64 and examined under confocal fluorescence microscope (Zeiss LSM710, 63x oil). Bar = 5 μm.</p
MoPex11A, MoDnm1, MoMdv1, and MoFis1 all have functions on peroxisomal fission.
<p>(A) a, Disease symptoms on the rice seedlings which were sprayed with conidial suspensions at 7 dpi. b, Disease symptoms on the detached barley which were drop-inoculated with conidial suspensions and examined at 24 hpi. Bar = 10 μm. (B) Observation of peroxisomal morphology in the indicated strains using confocal fluorescence microscope (Leica TCS SP8, 100x oil). Bar = 5 μm.</p
MoMdv1 contributes to the peroxisomal localization of MoDnm1 and MoFis1.
<p>(A) GFP-Dnm1 and RFP-PTS1 were co-expressed in Δ<i>Modnm1</i> (top), Δ<i>Mofis1</i> (middle), and Δ<i>Momdv1</i> mutants (bottom). Punctate GFP-Dnm1 localization was observed in hyphae by Axio Observer A1 Zeiss inverted microscope. PTS1, a peroxisome marker protein. Bar = 5 μm. (B) GFP-Fis1 and RFP-PTS1 were co-expressed in Δ<i>Mofis1</i> (top), Δ<i>Modnm1</i> (middle), and Δ<i>Momdv1</i> mutants (bottom). GFP-Fis1 localization was observed in hyphae by Axio Observer A1 Zeiss inverted microscope. PTS1, a peroxisome marker protein. Bar = 5 μm. (C) GFP-Mdv1 and RFP-PTS1 were co-expressed in Δ<i>Momdv1</i> (top), Δ<i>Mofis1</i> (middle), and Δ<i>Modnm1</i> mutants (bottom). GFP-Mdv1 localization was observed in hyphae by Axio Observer A1 Zeiss inverted microscope. PTS1, a peroxisome marker protein. Bar = 5 μm.</p
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