160 research outputs found

    Influence Maximization: Near-Optimal Time Complexity Meets Practical Efficiency

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    Given a social network G and a constant k, the influence maximization problem asks for k nodes in G that (directly and indirectly) influence the largest number of nodes under a pre-defined diffusion model. This problem finds important applications in viral marketing, and has been extensively studied in the literature. Existing algorithms for influence maximization, however, either trade approximation guarantees for practical efficiency, or vice versa. In particular, among the algorithms that achieve constant factor approximations under the prominent independent cascade (IC) model or linear threshold (LT) model, none can handle a million-node graph without incurring prohibitive overheads. This paper presents TIM, an algorithm that aims to bridge the theory and practice in influence maximization. On the theory side, we show that TIM runs in O((k+\ell) (n+m) \log n / \epsilon^2) expected time and returns a (1-1/e-\epsilon)-approximate solution with at least 1 - n^{-\ell} probability. The time complexity of TIM is near-optimal under the IC model, as it is only a \log n factor larger than the \Omega(m + n) lower-bound established in previous work (for fixed k, \ell, and \epsilon). Moreover, TIM supports the triggering model, which is a general diffusion model that includes both IC and LT as special cases. On the practice side, TIM incorporates novel heuristics that significantly improve its empirical efficiency without compromising its asymptotic performance. We experimentally evaluate TIM with the largest datasets ever tested in the literature, and show that it outperforms the state-of-the-art solutions (with approximation guarantees) by up to four orders of magnitude in terms of running time. In particular, when k = 50, \epsilon = 0.2, and \ell = 1, TIM requires less than one hour on a commodity machine to process a network with 41.6 million nodes and 1.4 billion edges.Comment: Revised Sections 1, 2.3, and 5 to remove incorrect claims about reference [3]. Updated experiments accordingly. A shorter version of the paper will appear in SIGMOD 201

    Keyword-aware Optimal Route Search

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    Identifying a preferable route is an important problem that finds applications in map services. When a user plans a trip within a city, the user may want to find "a most popular route such that it passes by shopping mall, restaurant, and pub, and the travel time to and from his hotel is within 4 hours." However, none of the algorithms in the existing work on route planning can be used to answer such queries. Motivated by this, we define the problem of keyword-aware optimal route query, denoted by KOR, which is to find an optimal route such that it covers a set of user-specified keywords, a specified budget constraint is satisfied, and an objective score of the route is optimal. The problem of answering KOR queries is NP-hard. We devise an approximation algorithm OSScaling with provable approximation bounds. Based on this algorithm, another more efficient approximation algorithm BucketBound is proposed. We also design a greedy approximation algorithm. Results of empirical studies show that all the proposed algorithms are capable of answering KOR queries efficiently, while the BucketBound and Greedy algorithms run faster. The empirical studies also offer insight into the accuracy of the proposed algorithms.Comment: VLDB201

    GraphMP: An Efficient Semi-External-Memory Big Graph Processing System on a Single Machine

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    Recent studies showed that single-machine graph processing systems can be as highly competitive as cluster-based approaches on large-scale problems. While several out-of-core graph processing systems and computation models have been proposed, the high disk I/O overhead could significantly reduce performance in many practical cases. In this paper, we propose GraphMP to tackle big graph analytics on a single machine. GraphMP achieves low disk I/O overhead with three techniques. First, we design a vertex-centric sliding window (VSW) computation model to avoid reading and writing vertices on disk. Second, we propose a selective scheduling method to skip loading and processing unnecessary edge shards on disk. Third, we use a compressed edge cache mechanism to fully utilize the available memory of a machine to reduce the amount of disk accesses for edges. Extensive evaluations have shown that GraphMP could outperform state-of-the-art systems such as GraphChi, X-Stream and GridGraph by 31.6x, 54.5x and 23.1x respectively, when running popular graph applications on a billion-vertex graph

    GraphH: High Performance Big Graph Analytics in Small Clusters

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    It is common for real-world applications to analyze big graphs using distributed graph processing systems. Popular in-memory systems require an enormous amount of resources to handle big graphs. While several out-of-core approaches have been proposed for processing big graphs on disk, the high disk I/O overhead could significantly reduce performance. In this paper, we propose GraphH to enable high-performance big graph analytics in small clusters. Specifically, we design a two-stage graph partition scheme to evenly divide the input graph into partitions, and propose a GAB (Gather-Apply-Broadcast) computation model to make each worker process a partition in memory at a time. We use an edge cache mechanism to reduce the disk I/O overhead, and design a hybrid strategy to improve the communication performance. GraphH can efficiently process big graphs in small clusters or even a single commodity server. Extensive evaluations have shown that GraphH could be up to 7.8x faster compared to popular in-memory systems, such as Pregel+ and PowerGraph when processing generic graphs, and more than 100x faster than recently proposed out-of-core systems, such as GraphD and Chaos when processing big graphs
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