161 research outputs found

    Link-based formalism for time evolution of adaptive networks

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    Network topology and nodal dynamics are two fundamental stones of adaptive networks. Detailed and accurate knowledge of these two ingredients is crucial for understanding the evolution and mechanism of adaptive networks. In this paper, by adopting the framework of the adaptive SIS model proposed by Gross et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 208701 (2006)] and carefully utilizing the information of degree correlation of the network, we propose a link-based formalism for describing the system dynamics with high accuracy and subtle details. Several specific degree correlation measures are introduced to reveal the coevolution of network topology and system dynamics.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Network infection source identification under the SIRI model

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    We study the problem of identifying a single infection source in a network under the susceptible-infected-recovered-infected (SIRI) model. We describe the infection model via a state-space model, and utilizing a state propagation approach, we derive an algorithm known as the heterogeneous infection spreading source (HISS) estimator, to infer the infection source. The HISS estimator uses the observations of node states at a particular time, where the elapsed time from the start of the infection is unknown. It is able to incorporate side information (if any) of the observed states of a subset of nodes at different times, and of the prior probability of each infected or recovered node to be the infection source. Simulation results suggest that the HISS estimator outperforms the dynamic message pass- ing and Jordan center estimators over a wide range of infection and reinfection rates.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; to present in ICASSP 201
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