2,823 research outputs found
Building up the elliptic flow: analytical insights
In this paper, we present a fully analytical description of the early-stage
formation of elliptic flow in relativistic viscous hydrodynamics. We first
construct an elliptic deformation of Gubser flow which is a boost invariant
solution of the Navier-Stokes equation with a nontrivial transverse profile. We
then analytically calculate the momentum anisotropy of the flow as a function
of time and discuss the connection with the empirical formula by Bhalerao {\it
et al.} regarding the viscosity dependence of elliptic flow.Comment: 8 pages;v2. To be published in physics letters
Comment on "Next-to-leading order forward hadron production in the small-x regime: rapidity factorization" arXiv:1403.5221 by Kang et al
In a recent paper (arXiv:1403.5221), Kang et al.proposed the so-called
"rapidity factorization" for the single inclusive forward hadron production in
pA collisions. We point out that the leading small-x logarithm was
mis-identified in this paper, and hence the newly added next-to-leading order
correction term is unjustified and should be absent in view of the small-x
factorization.Comment: 3 page
BFKL and Sudakov Resummation in Higgs Boson Plus Jet Production with Large Rapidity Separation
We investigate the QCD resummation for the Higgs boson plus a high jet
production with large rapidity separations in proton-proton collisions at the
LHC. The relevant Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov (BFKL) and Sudakov logs are
identified and resummed. In particular, we apply recent developments of the
transverse momentum dependent factorization formalism in the impact factors,
which provides a systematic framework to incorporate both the BFKL and Sudakov
resummations.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur
The Kaon Form Factor in the Light-Cone Quark Model
The electromagnetic form factor of the kaon meson is calculated in the
light-cone formalism of the relativistic constituent quark model. The
calculated form factor is consistent with almost all of the available
experimental data at low energy scale, while other properties of kaon could
also be interrelated in this representation with reasonable parameters.
Predictions of the form factors for the charged and neutral kaons at higher
energy scale are also given, and we find non-zero form factor at due to the mass difference between the strange and down quarks inside .Comment: 12 latex pages, 2 figures, to appear in Eur.Phy.J.
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