90 research outputs found
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Quantum Mechanical Study of Vicinal J Spin–Spin Coupling Constants for the Protein Backbone
We have performed densisty functional
theory (DFT) calculations
of vicinal J coupling constants involving the backbone torsional angle
for the protein GB3 using our recently developed automatic fragmentation
quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (AF-QM/MM) approach (Xiao He
et al.<i> J. Phys. Chem. B</i> <b>2009</b>, <i>113</i>, 10380–10388). Interestingly, the calculated
values based on an NMR structure are more accurate than those based
on a high-resolution X-ray strucure because the NMR structure was
refined using a large number of residual dipolar couplings (RDCs)
whereas the hydrogen atoms were added into the X-ray structure in
idealized positions, confirming that the postioning of the hydrogen
atoms relative to the backbone atoms is important to the accuracy
of J coupling constant prediction. By comparing three Karplus equations,
our results have demonstrated that hydrogen bonding, substituent and
electrostatic effects could have significant impacts on vicinal J
couplings even though they depend mostly on the intervening dihedral
angles. The root-mean-square deviations (RMSDs) of the calculated <sup>3</sup>JÂ(H<sup>N</sup>,H<sup>α</sup>), <sup>3</sup>JÂ(H<sup>N</sup>,C<sup>β</sup>), <sup>3</sup>JÂ(H<sup>N</sup>,C′)
values based on the NMR structure are 0.52, 0.25, and 0.35 Hz, respectively,
after taking the dynamic effect into consideration. The excellent
accuracy demonstrates that our AF-QM/MM approach is a useful tool
to study the relationship between J coupling constants and the structure
and dynamics of proteins
Improving the Scoring of Protein–Ligand Binding Affinity by Including the Effects of Structural Water and Electronic Polarization
programs that use scoring functions to estimate binding
affinities of small molecules to biological targets are widely applied
in drug design and drug screening with partial success. But accurate
and efficient scoring functions for protein–ligand binding
affinity still present a grand challenge to computational chemists.
In this study, the polarized protein-specific charge model (PPC) is
incorporated into the molecular mechanics/Poisson–Boltzmann
surface area (MM/PBSA) method to rescore the binding poses of some
protein–ligand complexes, for which docking programs, such
as Autodock, could not predict their binding modes correctly. Different
sampling techniques (single minimized conformation and multiple molecular
dynamics (MD) snapshots) are used to test the performance of MM/PBSA
combined with the PPC model. Our results show the availability and
effectiveness of this approach in correctly ranking the binding poses.
More importantly, the bridging water molecules are found to play an
important role in correctly determining the protein–ligand
binding modes. Explicitly including these bridging water molecules
in MM/PBSA calculations improves the prediction accuracy significantly.
Our study sheds light on the importance of both bridging water molecules
and the electronic polarization in the development of more reliable
scoring functions for predicting molecular docking and protein–ligand
binding affinity
Automated Fragmentation QM/MM Calculation of Amide Proton Chemical Shifts in Proteins with Explicit Solvent Model
have performed a density functional theory (DFT) calculation
of the amide proton NMR chemical shift in proteins using a recently
developed automated fragmentation quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics
(AF-QM/MM) approach. Systematic investigation was carried out to examine
the influence of explicit solvent molecules, cooperative hydrogen
bonding effects, density functionals, size of the basis sets, and
the local geometry of proteins on calculated chemical shifts. Our
result demonstrates that the predicted amide proton (<sup>1</sup>H<sub>N</sub>) NMR chemical shift in explicit solvent shows remarkable
improvement over that calculated with the implicit solvation model.
The cooperative hydrogen bonding effect is also shown to improve the
accuracy of <sup>1</sup>H<sub>N</sub> chemical shifts. Furthermore,
we found that the OPBE exchange-correlation functional is the best
density functional for the prediction of protein <sup>1</sup>H<sub>N</sub> chemical shifts among a selective set of DFT methods (namely,
B3LYP, B3PW91, M062X, M06L, mPW1PW91, OB98, OPBE), and the locally
dense basis set of 6-311++G**/4-31G* is shown to be sufficient for <sup>1</sup>H<sub>N</sub> chemical shift calculation. By taking ensemble
averaging into account, <sup>1</sup>H<sub>N</sub> chemical shifts
calculated by the AF-QM/MM approach can be used to validate the performance
of various force fields. Our study underscores that the electronic
polarization of protein is of critical importance to stabilizing hydrogen
bonding, and the AF-QM/MM method is able to describe the local chemical
environment in proteins more accurately than most widely used empirical
How Well Can the M06 Suite of Functionals Describe the Electron Densities of Ne, Ne<sup>6+</sup>, and Ne<sup>8+</sup>?
development of better approximations to the exact exchange-correlation
functional is essential to the accuracy of density functionals. A
recent study suggested that functionals with few parameters provide
more accurate electron densities than recently developed many-parameter
functionals for light closed-shell atomic systems. In this study,
we calculated electron densities, their gradients, and Laplacians
of Ne, Ne<sup>6+</sup>, and Ne<sup>8+</sup> using 19 electronic structure
methods, and we compared them to the CCSD reference results. Two basis
sets, namely, aug-cc-pωCV5Z and aug-cc-pV5Z, are utilized in
the calculations. We found that the choice of basis set has a significant
impact on the errors and rankings of some of the selected methods.
The errors of electron densities, their gradients, and Laplacians
calculated with the aug-cc-pV5Z basis set are substantially reduced,
especially for Minnesota density functionals, as compared to the results
using the aug-cc-pωCV5Z basis set (a larger basis set utilized
in earlier work (Medvedev et al. <i>Science</i> <b>2017</b>, <i>355</i>, 49–52)). The rankings of the M06 suite
of functionals among the 19 methods are greatly improved with the
aug-cc-pV5Z basis set. In addition, the performances of the HSE06,
BMK, MN12-L, and MN12-SX functionals are also improved with the aug-cc-pV5Z
basis set. The M06 suite of functionals is capable of providing accurate
electron densities, gradients, and Laplacians using the aug-cc-pV5Z
basis set, and thus it is suitable for a wide range of applications
in chemistry and physics
Predicting Mutation-Induced Stark Shifts in the Active Site of a Protein with a Polarized Force Field
electric field inside a protein has a significant effect on
the protein structure, function, and dynamics. Recent experimental
developments have offered a direct approach to measure the electric
field by utilizing a nitrile-containing inhibitor as a probe that
can deliver a unique vibration to the specific site of interest in
the protein. The observed frequency shift of the nitrile stretching
vibration exhibits a linear dependence on the electric field at the
nitrile site, thus providing a direct measurement of the relative
electric field. In the present work, molecular dynamics simulations
were carried out to compute the electric field shift in human aldose
reductase (hALR2) using a polarized protein-specific charge (PPC)
model derived from fragment-based quantum-chemistry calculations in
implicit solvent. Calculated changes of electric field in the active
site of hALR2 between the wild type and mutants were directly compared
with measured vibrational frequency shifts (Stark shifts). Our study
demonstrates that the Stark shifts calculated using the PPC model
are in much better agreement with the experimental data than widely
used nonpolarizable force fields, indicating that the electronic polarization
effect is important for the accurate prediction of changes in the
electric field inside proteins
Dynamically Tunable Chemiluminescence of Luminol-Functionalized Silver Nanoparticles and Its Application to Protein Sensing Arrays
It is still a great challenge to
develop an array-based sensing
system that can obtain only multiparameters, according to a single
experiment and device. The role of conventional chemiluminescence
(CL) in biosensing has been limited to a signal transducer in which
a single signal (CL intensity) can be obtained for quantifying the
concentrations of analytes. In this work, we have developed an dynamically
tunable CL system, based on the reaction of luminol-functionalized
silver nanoparticles (luminol–AgNPs) with H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, which could be tunable via adjusting various conditions
such as the concentration of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, pH value,
and addition of protein. A single experiment operation could obtain
multiparameters including CL intensity, the time to appear CL emission
and the time to reach CL peak value. The tunable, low-background,
and highly reproducible CL system based on luminol–AgNPs is
applied, for the first time, as a sensing platform with trichannel
properties for protein sensing arrays by principal component analysis.
Identification of 35 unknowns demonstrated a success rate of >96%.
The developed sensing arrays based on the luminol–AgNPs provide
a new way to use nanoparticles-based CL for the fabrication of sensing
arrays and hold great promise for biomedical application in the future
OCT1 and natural metabolites interactions characterized by various studies.
<p>OCT1 and natural metabolites interactions characterized by various studies.</p
Incipient Sensor Fault Diagnosis Using Moving Window Reconstruction-Based Contribution
contribution (RBC) is widely used for fault
isolation and estimation in conjunction with principal component analysis
(PCA)-based fault detection. Correct isolation can be guaranteed by
RBC for single-sensor faults with large magnitudes. However, the incipient
sensor fault diagnosis problem is not well handled by traditional
PCA and RBC methods. In this paper, the limitations of traditional
PCA and RBC methods for incipient sensor fault diagnosis are illustrated
and analyzed. Through the introduction of a moving window, a new strategy
based on the PCA model is presented for incipient fault detection.
Regarding incipient fault isolation and estimation, a new contribution
analysis method called moving window RBC is proposed to enhance the
isolation performance and estimation accuracy. Rigorous fault detectability
and isolability analyses of the proposed methods are provided. In
addition, effects of the window width on fault detection, isolation,
and estimation are discussed. Simulation studies on a numerical example
and a continuous stirred tank reactor process are used to demonstrate
the effectiveness of the proposed methods
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