61 research outputs found

    Extending Higgs Inflation with TeV Scale New Physics

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    Higgs inflation is among the most economical and predictive inflation models, although the original Higgs inflation requires tuning the Higgs or top mass away from its current experimental value by more than 2Οƒ2\sigma deviations, and generally gives a negligible tensor-to-scalar ratio r∼10βˆ’3r \sim 10^{-3} (if away from the vicinity of critical point). In this work, we construct a minimal extension of Higgs inflation, by adding only two new weak-singlet particles at TeV scale, a vector-quark TT and a real scalar SS. The presence of singlets (T,S)(T, S) significantly impact the renormalization group running of the Higgs boson self-coupling. With this, our model provides a wider range of the tensor-to-scalar ratio r=O(0.1βˆ’10βˆ’3)r = O(0.1 - 10^{-3}), consistent with the favored rr values by either BICEP2 or Planck data, while keeping the successful prediction of the spectral index ns≃0.96 n_s \simeq 0.96 . It further allows the Higgs and top masses to fully fit the collider measurements. We also discuss implications for searching the predicted TeV-scale vector-quark TT and scalar SS at the LHC and future high energy pp colliders.Comment: 20pp, to match JCAP Final Versio

    Asymptotically Safe Higgs Inflation

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    We construct a new inflation model in which the standard model Higgs boson couples minimally to gravity and acts as the inflaton. Our construction of Higgs inflation incorporates the standard model with Einstein gravity which exhibits asymptotic safety in the ultraviolet region. The slow roll condition is satisfied at large field value due to the asymptotically safe behavior of Higgs self-coupling at high energies. We find that this minimal construction is highly predictive, and is consistent with both cosmological observations and collider experiments.Comment: 16pp, to match JCAP Final Version, only minor refinements, references adde

    Spontaneous Spacetime Reduction and Unitary Weak Boson Scattering at the LHC

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    Theories of quantum gravity predict spacetime dimensions to become reduced at high energies, a striking phenomenon known as spontaneous dimensional reduction (SDR). We construct an effective electroweak theory based on the standard model (SM) and incorporate the TeV-scale SDR, which exhibits good high energy behavior and ensures the unitarity of weak gauge boson scattering. This also provides a natural solution to the hierarchy problem in the presence of scalar Higgs boson. We demonstrate that this model predicts unitary longitudinal weak boson scattering, and can be discriminated from the conventional 4d SM by the WW scattering experiments at the CERN LHC.Comment: Phys. Lett. B (in Press). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1112.102

    Standard Model Mass Spectrum in Inflationary Universe

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    We work out the Standard Model (SM) mass spectrum during inflation with quantum corrections, and explore its observable consequences in the squeezed limit of non-Gaussianity. Both non-Higgs and Higgs inflation models are studied in detail. We also illustrate how some inflationary loop diagrams can be computed neatly by Wick-rotating the inflation background to Euclidean signature and by dimensional regularization.Comment: 62 pages, JHEP accepted versio

    Neutrino Signatures in Primordial Non-Gaussianities

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    We study the cosmological collider phenomenology of neutrinos in an effective field theory. The mass spectrum of neutrinos and their characteristic oscillatory signatures in the squeezed limit bispectrum are computed. Both dS-covariant and slow-roll corrections are considered, so is the scenario of electroweak symmetry breaking during inflation. Interestingly, we show that the slow-roll background of the inflaton provides a chemical potential for the neutrino production. The chemical potential greatly amplifies the oscillatory signal and makes the signal observably large for heavy neutrinos without the need of fine tuning.Comment: 31 pages, JHEP accepted versio
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