17 research outputs found
Фазовий склад та магніторезистивні властивості плівкових системи Ni/Au/Ni
Магнітні багатошарові структури, які останніми роками інтенсивно досліджуються, важливі як з точки зору теоретичних досліджень, так і для практичного застосування. Прикладний інтерес викликаний їх
здатністю поєднувати у собі властивості магнітом’яких і магнітотвердих матеріалів, які суттєво залежать від структури і фазового складуз разків.У даній роботі, в якості досліджуваних магнітних структур, було
використано тришарові плівкові системи Ni(d) / Au(15 нм) / Ni(25 нм) отримані шляхом пошарової конденсації, де d – товщина верхнього шару Ni, яка змінювалась від 5 до 15 нм
Copper-Catalyzed Oxidative Cyclization of Enynes for the Synthesis of 4-Carbonyl-quinolines with O<sub>2</sub>
A novel copper-catalyzed oxidative cyclization of enynes and in situ formed enynes leading to 4-carbonyl-quinolines by using dioxygen as an oxygen source has been developed
Copper-Catalyzed Oxidative Cyclization of Enynes for the Synthesis of 4-Carbonyl-quinolines with O<sub>2</sub>
A novel copper-catalyzed oxidative cyclization of enynes and in situ formed enynes leading to 4-carbonyl-quinolines by using dioxygen as an oxygen source has been developed
Palladium(II)-Catalyzed Tandem Cyclization/C–H Functionalization of Alkynes for the Synthesis of Functionalized Indoles
A palladium-catalyzed tandem cyclization/C–H functionalization
of two alkynes was accomplished to construct a series of polycyclic
functionalized indoles. A range of internal alkynes bearing synthetically
useful functional groups were tolerated. A good regioselectivity was
observed when alkyl-substituted alkynes were introduced into the reaction
system, and a single product was obtained. Molecular oxygen was used
as the terminal oxidant in the approach, rendering the reaction more
Palladium(II)-Catalyzed Tandem Cyclization/C–H Functionalization of Alkynes for the Synthesis of Functionalized Indoles
A palladium-catalyzed tandem cyclization/C–H functionalization
of two alkynes was accomplished to construct a series of polycyclic
functionalized indoles. A range of internal alkynes bearing synthetically
useful functional groups were tolerated. A good regioselectivity was
observed when alkyl-substituted alkynes were introduced into the reaction
system, and a single product was obtained. Molecular oxygen was used
as the terminal oxidant in the approach, rendering the reaction more
Palladium(II)-Catalyzed Tandem Cyclization/C–H Functionalization of Alkynes for the Synthesis of Functionalized Indoles
A palladium-catalyzed tandem cyclization/C–H functionalization
of two alkynes was accomplished to construct a series of polycyclic
functionalized indoles. A range of internal alkynes bearing synthetically
useful functional groups were tolerated. A good regioselectivity was
observed when alkyl-substituted alkynes were introduced into the reaction
system, and a single product was obtained. Molecular oxygen was used
as the terminal oxidant in the approach, rendering the reaction more
Lewis Acid Catalyzed Dehydrogenative Coupling of Tertiary Propargylic Alcohols with Quinoline <i>N</i>‑Oxides
An unprecedented Lewis acid catalyzed,
high-efficiency synthesis
of valuable 2-(quinolin-2-yl)prop-2-en-1-ones via dehydrogenative
coupling of propargylic alkynols with quinoline <i>N</i>-oxides is described. This protocol, which tolerates a broad range
of functional groups, provides a straightforward pathway to the products
2-(quinolin-2-yl)prop-2-en-1-one scaffolds in satisfactory yields.
The conversion could be scaled up to gram scale efficiently, which
underlines a latent application of this methodology
Gold-Catalyzed Cascade Reaction of Hydroxy Enynes for the Synthesis of Oxanorbornenes and Naphthalene Derivatives
An efficient and selective gold-catalyzed cascade reaction for the synthesis of oxanorbornenes and naphthalene derivatives from easily prepared hydroxy enynes has been developed. Divergent products could be obtained from the same substrates by different gold catalytic systems
BF<sub>3</sub>·Et<sub>2</sub>O‑Promoted Cleavage of the C<sub>sp</sub>–C<sub>sp2</sub> Bond of 2‑Propynolphenols/Anilines: Route to C2-Alkenylated Benzoxazoles and Benzimidazoles
A novel BF<sub>3</sub>·Et<sub>2</sub>O-promoted tandem reaction
of easily prepared 2-propynolphenols/anilines and trimethylsilyl azide
is developed to give C2-alkenylated benzoxazoles and benzimidazoles
in moderate to good yields. Most reactions could be accomplished in
30 min at room temperature. This tandem process involves a C<sub>sp</sub>–C<sub>sp2</sub> bond cleavage and a C–N bond formation.
Moreover, both tertiary and secondary propargylic alcohols with diverse
functional groups were tolerated under the mild conditions
Electrochemical 1,3-Alkyloxylimidation of Arylcyclopropane Radical Cations: Four-Component Access to Imide Derivatives
Herein, a general electrochemical radical-cation-mediated
ring-opening 1,3-alkyloxylimidation of arylcyclopropanes, acetonitrile,
carboxylic acids, and alcohols is described, providing a facile and
sustainable approach to quickly construct structurally diverse imide
derivatives from easily available raw materials in an operationally
simple undivided cell. This metal-catalyst- and oxidant-free single-electron
oxidation strategy offers a green alternative for the formation of
highly reactive cyclopropane-derived radical cations, and this protocol
features a broad functional group tolerance