21 research outputs found
Process of GIS cloud-computing service for iron mine potential evaluation.
<p>Process of GIS cloud-computing service for iron mine potential evaluation.</p
Architecture of the P2P node manager.
<p>Architecture of the P2P node manager.</p
Resource synchronism of the node portal.
<p>Resource synchronism of the node portal.</p
Hierarchical architecture of the geological survey information cloud-computing platform.
<p>Hierarchical architecture of the geological survey information cloud-computing platform.</p
Iron mine potential evaluation on the GSICCP.
<p>Iron mine potential evaluation on the GSICCP.</p
The geologic tile map service performance test results.
<p>The geologic tile map service performance test results.</p
Distributed workflow engine deployment architecture.
<p>Distributed workflow engine deployment architecture.</p
Hybrid framework of the geological survey information cloud-computing platform.
<p>Hybrid framework of the geological survey information cloud-computing platform.</p
Corresponding relationship between the tile number and the quadtree node.
<p>Corresponding relationship between the tile number and the quadtree node.</p