95,946 research outputs found
Module Structure on Invariant Jacobians
In this paper we show that a conjecture of Stephen Yau on highest weights of
invariant Jacobians is true for arbitrary connected semisimple algebraic
groups.Comment: 3 page
Sign changes of Kloosterman sums with almost prime moduli
We prove that the Kloosterman sum can change sign infinitely often
as runs over squarefree moduli with at most 10 prime factors, which
improves the previous results of E. Fouvry and Ph. Michel, J. Sivak-Fischler
and K. Matom\"{a}ki, replacing 10 by 23, 18 and 15, respectively. The method
combines the Selberg sieve, equidistribution of Kloosterman sums and spectral
theory of automorphic forms.Comment: 18 pages, to appear in Monatshefte f\"ur Mathemati
A New Proof for Classification of Irreducible Modules of a Hecke Algebra of Type
In this paper we give a new proof for the classification of irreducible
modules of an affine Hecke algebra of type , which was obtained by G. E.
Murphy in 1995.Comment: 9 page
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