3,378 research outputs found
Optimal bounds with semidefinite programming: an application to stress driven shear flows
We introduce an innovative numerical technique based on convex optimization
to solve a range of infinite dimensional variational problems arising from the
application of the background method to fluid flows. In contrast to most
existing schemes, we do not consider the Euler--Lagrange equations for the
minimizer. Instead, we use series expansions to formulate a finite dimensional
semidefinite program (SDP) whose solution converges to that of the original
variational problem. Our formulation accounts for the influence of all modes in
the expansion, and the feasible set of the SDP corresponds to a subset of the
feasible set of the original problem. Moreover, SDPs can be easily formulated
when the fluid is subject to imposed boundary fluxes, which pose a challenge
for the traditional methods. We apply this technique to compute rigorous and
near-optimal upper bounds on the dissipation coefficient for flows driven by a
surface stress. We improve previous analytical bounds by more than 10 times,
and show that the bounds become independent of the domain aspect ratio in the
limit of vanishing viscosity. We also confirm that the dissipation properties
of stress driven flows are similar to those of flows subject to a body force
localized in a narrow layer near the surface. Finally, we show that SDP
relaxations are an efficient method to investigate the energy stability of
laminar flows driven by a surface stress.Comment: 17 pages; typos removed; extended discussion of linear matrix
inequalities in Section III; revised argument in Section IVC, results
unchanged; extended discussion of computational setup and limitations in
Sectios IVE-IVF. Submitted to Phys. Rev.
The Spin Period of EX Hydrae
We show that the spin period of the white dwarf in the magnetic CV EX Hydrae
represents an equilibrium state in which the corotation radius is comparable
with the distance from the white dwarf to the inner Lagrange point. We also
show that a continuum of spin equilibria exists at which Pspin is significantly
longer than \sim 0.1 Porb. Most systems occupying these equilibrium states
should have orbital periods below the CV period gap, as observed.Comment: MNRAS, accepte
Outbursts of Young Stellar Objects
We argue that the outbursts of the FU Orionis stars occur on timescales which
are much longer than expected from the standard disc instability model with
\alpha_{c} \gtrsim 10^{-3}. The outburst, recurrence, and rise times are
consistent with the idea that the accretion disc in these objects is truncated
at a radius R_{i} \sim 40 \rsun. In agreement with a number of previous authors
we suggest that the inner regions of the accretion discs in FU Ori objects are
evacuated by the action of a magnetic propeller anchored on the central star.
We develop an analytic solution for the steady state structure of an accretion
disc in the presence of a central magnetic torque, and present numerical
calculations to follow its time evolution. These calculations confirm that a
recurrence time that is consistent with observations can be obtained by
selecting appropriate values for viscosity and magnetic field strength.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted by MNRA
On the accretion mode of the intermediate polar V1025 Centauri
The long white-dwarf spin periods in the magnetic cataclysmic variables EX
Hya and V1025 Cen imply that if the systems possess accretion discs then they
cannot be in equilibrium. It has been suggested that instead they are discless
accretors in which the spin-up torques resulting from accretion are balanced by
the ejection of part of the accretion flow back towards the secondary. We
present phase-resolved spectroscopy of V1025 Cen aimed at deducing the nature
of the accretion flow, and compare this with simulations of a discless
accretor. We find that both the conventional disc-fed model and the
discless-accretor model have strengths and weaknesses, and that further work is
needed before we can decide which applies to V1025 Cen.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, To appear in MNRAS, includes low-res figures to
reduce siz
VLA observations of a sample of galaxies with high far-infrared luminosities
Preliminary results are presented from a radio survey of galaxies detected by the IRAS minisurvey. It was found that the main difference between galaxies selected in the far infrared and those selected in the optical is that the former have higher radio luminosities and that the radio emission is more centrally concentrated. There is some evidence that the strong central radio sources in the galaxies selected in the infrared are due to star formation, the star formation rate divided by the volume in which the star formation is occuring is 100 to 1000 times greater in the galaxies selected in the infrared than in the disks of normal galaxies
Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable Accretion Flows
We have used a magnetic accretion model to investigate the accretion flows of magnetic cataclysmic variables (mCVs) throughout a range of parameter space. The results of our numerical simulations demonstrate that broadly four types of flow are possible: discs, streams, rings and propellers. We show that the equilibrium spin periods in asynchronous mCVs, for a given orbital period and magnetic moment, occur where the flow changes from a type characterised by spin-up (i.e. disc or stream) to one characterised by spin-down (i.e. propeller or ring). 'Triple points' occur in the plane of spin-to-orbital period ratio versus magnetic moment, at which stream-disc-propeller flows or stream-ring-propeller flows can co-exist. The first of these is identified as corresponding to when the corotation radius is equal to the circularisation radius, and the second as where the corotation radius is equal to the distance from white dwarf to the L1 point. If mCVs are accreting at their equilibrium spin rates, then for a mass ratio of 0.5, those with Pspin/Porb < 0.1 will be disc-like, those with 0.1 < Pspin/Porb < 0.5 will be stream-like, and those with Pspin/Porb ~ 0.5 will be ring-like. In each case, some material is also lost from the binary in order to maintain angular momentum balance. The spin to orbital period ratio at which the systems transition between these flow types decreases as the mass ratio of the stellar components increases, and vice versa
Semidefinite relaxation of a class of quadratic integral inequalities
We propose a novel technique to solve optimization problems subject to a class of integral inequalities whose integrand is quadratic and homogeneous with respect to the dependent variables, and affine in the parameters. We assume that the dependent variables are subject to homogeneous boundary conditions. Specifically, we derive rigorous relaxations of such integral inequalities in terms of semidefinite constraints, so a strictly feasible and near-optimal point for the original problem can be computed using semidefinite programming. Simple examples arising from the stability analysis of partial differential equations illustrate the potential of our method compared to existing techniques
The steady-state structure of accretion discs in central magnetic fields
We develop a new analytic solution for the steady-state structure of a thin
accretion disc under the influence of a magnetic field that is anchored to the
central star. The solution takes a form similar to that of Shakura and Sunyaev
and tends to their solution as the magnetic moment of the star tends to zero.
As well as the Kramer's law case, we obtain a solution for a general opacity.
The effects of varying the mass transfer rate, spin period and magnetic field
of the star as well as the opacity model applied to the disc are explored for a
range of objects. The solution depends on the position of the magnetic
truncation radius. We propose a new approach for the identification of the
truncation radius and present an analytic expression for its position.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted by MNRA
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